Arrogant Killer -knowing- Chapter Three PT. 1

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Processing to what had been said to me about them being a gang, at the top of the charts, the most heavily said out of all the info I've gotten.

I now know their names and a little bit about them, they told me there was a guy named Yoongi, said to be the most dangerous one, Taehyung's right hand man, hardly ever to be seen, hardly ever to be touched. He was in the living room but left before I could fully introduce myself, I think it would be hard warming up to him rather then the rest, Jimin finally came back, calmed from his hissy for he had earlier. I had told him sorry and that I was pissed off in the first place...he didn't accept it, sadly, he was cute but now I feel like I'll hate him the most.

"So, feeling at home yet?" Namjoon had said as me and him were watching TV.

"Eh, I haven't seen Taehyung since he left me with ya'll, so I guess I'm alright." Namjoon let out a little chuckle.

"He's like that, he usually comes in...says hi, then goes to hide out somewhere." He said it so casually.

"So about the Yoongi guy, what's his problem?" I asked questionably.

"Ahh Yoongi, well, he doesn't like new people...more like he doesn't trust you yet. I feel like nothing bad is about you since you're clueless to things, non offensively." I laughed a little. "Nah I understand, it's just...I've heard of gangs but only thought they were just TV shows or some shit like that, my mother and father were associated with gangs, I didn't find out until I overheard them talking." I could feel Namjoon tense up.

"I didn't understand what they were talking about but they said something about a Kim gang." Namjoon kept his guard up. "They kept talking about it and said they wanted to take them down to be the top. Even my own brother was in it too, after that I looked up the Kim gang and found nothing so I just left it, they finally told me about it and almost forced me into it...I declined and basically ran away, I haven't seen them in months now so I don't know if they're still out there or what." I looked over at Namjoon and his eyeballs we huge.

"W-what, Namjoon! You're kind of freaking me out" He still didn't say anything, I saw him look pass me and so I turned my head in the direction he was looking and saw everyone including Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Do you know their gang name?" Taehyung asked me suspiciously. "I can't remember correctly but I think it was like NCT or something like that?" I heard gasps.


"Are you fuckin-"

"-kidding me" Jungkook started and Taehyung finished.

"What??" I was now more confused on everything.

"Who the hell is your brother?" Taehyung asked more enthused and sat down beside me.

"Taeyong" and now everyone gasped but me "Can ya'll please explain to me what the hell ya'll are gasping for?" I was getting annoyed. "They've been our biggest rival for fucking years!" Hoseok blurted out now sitting beside Namjoon. "They stole from us millions of times, trying to bring us down." Jin added on also sitting down and everyone following swiftly.

"Now I know why we had a room full of stuff..."

"What!?!" Taehyung exploded now. "Is it still there?!" Namjoon added on.

"Before I left yeah, but it's been about some months, I haven't been back there since but I don't know if they still have the house or not, I remember them talking saying they had enough money to buy a house in the mountains to hide out in." Everyone gasps again. "I swear to God if ya'll don't stop gasping I'm going to whoop your asses until you can't sit anymore." Everyone shut up.

"Do you know where it's at?" Taehyung asked calmly.

"If I remember correctly, you go north from here and..."

Well shit.

Arrogant Killer | Taehyung | FF| [COMPLETED] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now