Arrogant Killer -worries- Chapter 19

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Taehyung's Pov

I tightened my hand around Y/n as I heard her name fully. I payed close attention to their conversation. I didn't get their boss's name, but I got what I needed. I signaled the others to go ahead and take Y/n. She tired to protest but I just told her to keep quiet and move quickly. Everyone knew something was up by the way I acting. I trusted Felix more in this situation, since he thought of her like a sister and wouldn't let her get harmed. I was now getting comfortable around him. I threw away everything and quickly made my way outside to them standing there. "We either have to go or stay here" Everyone looked at me confused. "People are here and it's no good...I don't think it was just a dream she had...people are after Y/n." Everyone stood there silently. "Then let's go!" Y/n blurted out. "But what if they follow us, they could be tracking us." Felix commented.


Realization just hit me. They knew we were coming here...

"Of course they are, how else would they know we would be here?" I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated. "If they want Y/n, they're gonna lure her. They're gonna break her down and draw her to them...and that would be taking the one she loves." Jimin added in. I hugged her closer towards me, tightly. I couldn't lose her, I couldn't lose the one I loved so dearly. "Make sure the others know about this." We all headed back to our rooms. I set up cameras around the room secretly and unnoticeably. "Taetae?" I heard her call me. "Yes, princess?" I looked at her. She looked scared.  "W-what if they come, and I can't wake you?" I saw tears at the brim of her eyes. I rushed to her quickly. "D-don't say that, don't cry" I sat her on my lap and caressed her face, kissing the tears that snuck their way out. "I'll try my best to not sleep." I kissed all over her face.

"Should I just sleep in Jimin's room?" She suggested.

The hell!?

"No!" I accidentally yelled out. I saw her eyes go wide. "I don't want you sleeping with another man!" I hugged her small frame. "You only sleep with me" I was pouting now. "But he's way easier to wake." She said again. "Don't test me." I looked at her and saw her smiling. "But-" She started trailing her finger down my shirt. "But what princess?" I asked her.

"What if they get me?"

"What if you can't get to me in time?"

"What if-"

I stopped her.

"You are not ever leaving my side baby, I will protect you. I've made a promise with myself to not let you go." I hugged her closer to me. "I won't let them touch you" I kissed her collar bone. That night I made sure she was close to me. By doing so, I got a strap and tied us up together. To be honest, I was terrified. I've never been like this before. I was terrified of losing someone I love most. Just the thought of her not being by my side kills me to the point I end up crying in the bathroom. 


I wasn't asleep nor was I awake. I was just in and out of sleep. I woke up from my 'sleep' and looked over at Y/n. Her beautiful face shinning by the moonlight coming in. I brought my hand up to her face and caressed it. I moved the hairs that had fallen on her face. I scooted closer to her, wrapping my arms around her securely. I leant down and kissed her forehead and said, "I love you so much" It was a quiet whisper, but I didn't care.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard the doorknob open and people coming in.  I hugged her closer to me, tighter, more securely. I listened to every word they said.

"They're both asleep"

"We need to get her"

"But how...Taehyung is a scary person and could literally kill us"

"Boss wants what he wants. He didn't contact Minho for nothing. We are doing this job"

"I think we should wait"

"Are you stupid or something?!"

"My gut is telling me not to"

"Jackson could kill us right now..."

"And Taehyung could too!"

"Raise your voice one more time and if they wake up, you're dead"

My grip was getting tighter on her. I was surprised she is used to it by now.

I listened more closely.

Jackson want my princess? Minho?

2 random people.

"You know how many people love Y/n? Everyone will come after her"

"I'm not stupid"

"But I have a bad feeling about just doesn't seem right"

"You're such a whiney baby!"

"I'm thinking straight you're not!"

The two started arguing in the room. I was getting fed up with it, they were getting louder and louder. Anymore and they'll wake her.

Y/n's Pov

I woke up to two unfamiliar voices arguing and a Taehyung squeezing me tight.

I poked him and he looked at me.

I spoke with my eyes and I could see a little fear in his that I've never seen before.

I mouthed the words, "What's happening?"

He mouthed back, "It's them. The one's who want you"

My eyes grew big and panic grew over me.

"Hey it's okay calm down" He whispered in my ear. Hugging me closer to his body.

I don't see how much closer I could get.

I whispered back, "I have a plan"

He gave me a questioning look. I lightly rubbed my area against his.

"We can't do this right now" He huskily whispered in my ear.

"Pretend you're having a wet dream" I whispered back and let him rub against me.

We both close our eyes, waiting for them to notice.

"Uh...we should probably get out of here" He whispered to the other male.

"Not without her" The second spat out.

"We can't get her you fucking idiot!"

We heard the door close and another muffled argument from the other side of the door.

"I-I need you now" Tae huskily said out.

"Then take me"

Arrogant Killer | Taehyung | FF| [COMPLETED] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now