Chapter 3

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Deku's P.O.V:
  "Boys! Dinner!!" I heard daddy call. My stomach growled loudly in response.  A slight throb was starting up at the top of my skull but I ignored it. I grabbed Floppsy in one hand and Denki's wrist in the other and I raced out of the playroom.

Bakugou's P.O.V: 
  I chuckled as I watched Deku drag Denki from the playroom.
"They are just so fluffing cute!!" Mina squealed from behind me. I nodded it in agreement.
"Yes. Yes they are."

Todoroki's P.O.V:
    I began to plate up the food. Tonight it was Fajitas, Deku's favourite. I put the warm wraps on a plate and all the fillings and  dips in seperate bowls so everyone could help themselves. Two plates at a time, I began to set out the spread of food. I pulled off my apron and put it into its respectable drawer. I turned just in time to see Deku burst into the room with Denki hot on his heels.
"Hey baby." I said. Deku ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Hey Dadda!" He mumbled into my shirt. I smiled down at him and ruffled his fern geren hair. Soon, everyone else began to file in and take their places at the table. I sat beside Deku, who sat between Bakugou and I.
"Help yourselves." I told the group once everyone was seated. Everyone grabbed a wrap and began to fill them. I took some of the seasoned chicken and a bit of sour cream. I looked over at Deku to see he wasn't eating.
"Baby, why aren't you eating?" I whispered to him.
"M-my hwead huwts." He mumbled.
"Deku please speak up. You know we can't understand you when you mumble." I replied. Deku blushed slightly.
"M-My hwead huwts." He repeated a tad louder. The lidocaine must have worn off.
"I'll get you some Neurofen." I replied as I rose from my seat. I walked to the medical cabinat and grabbed the silver box. I quickly skimmed over the dosage limits. I took out two Neurofens and filled a small glass of water. I walked back to my place carrying the neurofens and glass of water. i sat down beside Deku and handed him the medication. he took the medicine without complaint which was a change seeing as Deku hated taking any form of medication. The pain must have been pretty bad. 
     For the remainder of dinner, Deku ate in silence but with vigor. The neurofen must have kicked in at some stage because he had a huge smile on his face for the remainder of dinner.
    Once we had all eaten our fill of food, Bakugou and Kirishima cleaned up while I went to change Deku into some pyjamas.  once the washing up was done, I brought everyone to our living room, where hell on earth happened.
"Hey. Guys I have an idea!!" Mina yelled. I paled and I noticed Bakugou flinched. 
"Please not truth or dare. Please not Truth or Dare!!" I silently prayed.
"Let's play truth or dare." She yelled. Welp. Just my luck. It was 7:00 and Deku had to be in bed by 8:30.
"Make it a quick round. Deku has to be in bed in an hour and a half." Bakugou told  Mina rudely.
"KK. NOW LET'S BEGINE!!!" She screamed, ignoring Bakugou's rude tone. We all sat down in a circle and the torture began.
"Kiri, Truth or dare?" Mina asked, grinning wickedly at Kirishima. Kirishima gulped visibly.
"Uuuh... dare." He replied after a moments hesitation.
"Let someone in this group choose an item for you to brush you teeth with." I chuckled and Bakugou sniggered. Kirishima paled.
"Deku. You can choose." I said to Deku. He nodded and got up and ran from the room. We all sat in a silence so tense, you could've cut the tension with a knife. Deku returned a few moments later with a slim handled object in hand. he handed the object to Kirishima and that was when I realised, the slim handled object was a hairbrush. I couldn't help it. i burst out laughing. Bakugou was sniggering beside me. The look of pride on Deku's face was priceless. With a grimace, Kirishima put the brush to his teeth and he began to brush, wincing as the sharp bristles bit ito his gums. I wiped a tear from my eye as Kirishima finished.
"Right, Bakubro. Truth o-..."
"Dare you idiot." Bakugou interrupted. Kirishima looked slightly stumped before a smirk formed onto his lips.
"Drink a concotion three of us here make you." Bakugou tsked.
"Jiro,Mina and I will choose." Kirishima continued. They got up and left . A few tense minutes later, they eturned, carrying a shot glass, filled with a murky looking liquid. kirishima had a wicked grin on his face, Mina had an evil look in her eyes and Jiro looked bored. Kirishima handed the glass to Bakugou. He took it and sniffed it. His face contorted into a grimace.
"After three.   1..2..3.. DRINK" Mina yelled. Bakugou tipped his head back and drained the glass in one. He swallowed.
"How was it?" I asked hesitantly. Bakugou looked pale and he was sweating. He got up and dashed from the room. The sounds of a tap running hit our ears a few seconds later. Bakugou walked back in, clammy and pale, an empty glass in his hand.
"What was that?!" He gasped.
"Soy sauce, hot sauce, mustard and brine." Mina replied, an evil smile on her lips.
"Damn. That stuff was strong." he muttered loud enough for me to hear.
"Right. Bunny, truth or dare?" Bakugou asked Deku who was seated on my lap.
"Truth." Deku replied without hesitation.
"What's the most embaressing thing that has ever happened to you?"  Deku paled and then turned bright red.
"Uuuuuhhh... R-Rembwer that t-time wu found out a-about me being a wittle? Yeah, that's it."
We were all at Deku's house, grabbing some of Deku's things. We had all been dating for roughly a year and we didn't know anything about Deku being a little. Deku was with me in his room, helping me gather things that he needed. Suddenly he stopped packing.  A  blush had fanned out across his face. A large puddle had formed at his feet. I looked at him, confused.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked gently. At that moment, he broke down, crying.
"BAKUGOU!" I yelled. Bakugou skidded in, a look of shock on his face. When he spotted Deku sobbing, everything seemed to click with him.
"He's a little." He mouthed to me. I stared at him, shocked.
"You sure?" I mouthed back. He nodded. We had forgotten to mention to Deku that we had carers licences. We had taken the training course as a hobby of sorts.
"Find his supplies." I mouthed to Bakugou. He nodded and darted out of the room. A few seconds later he dashed back in with a bright yellow box. I took the box from him and opened it. Inside we found a pacifier, plushie, bottle, pull-ups, snuggie-blankie and many other items. I stared at Bakugou, slightly shocked. I quickly shook myself mentally and dragged myself into action. I grabbed the pacifier and plushie from the box. I handed them to Deku, who was still sobbing. He took them and soon his sobs were reduced to hiccups and sniffles. I picked him up.
"Come on bunny. Let's clean you up." I said as I carried him to the bathroom. I changed him into a pull-up and a fresh pair of pants.
"Bunny, why didn't you tell us about you being a little. We would have been able to help." I asked Deku once I  was back with Bakugou.
"I-I-I thought wu was would break up with mwe." He mumbled, dropping the pacifier onto Bakugou's lap. My heart broke when he said that. Bakugou put the pacifier back into Deku's  mouth.
"Baby, we would never break up with you over somethong like that! We love you no matter what!" Bakugou cried. Deku looked up at us, still sucking on the pacifier, a confused expresion on his face.
"Bunny, we have carers licences." I told him gently. Deku looked shocked.
"So, can we be your daddies?" Bakugou asked. Deku's eyes were brimming with tears.
"Y-Y-YES!!" He yelled, throwing his arms around us both, hugging us tightly.
                                                           *End of flashback*

Everyone was laughing at Deku who was beet red. He was officially a strawberry. I glanced at the clock.
"Deku, bedtime." I murmered to him. Deku nodded and yawned. His tail slowly swished from side to side.
"Kirishima,Sero and Denki, you guys can take the guest room." I told Kirishima.
"I hope to see you all very soon." I stood and picked up a half asleep Deku. His tail curled around my waist, holding me close. We all said our goodbye and Bakugou showed the group to the door while I brought Deku to our room. I put him down in the bed and I changed into some sweat pants and a light shirt. Bakugou walked in shortly after I changed and he too changed. We both got into bed on either side of Deku. Within seconds, Bakugou was asleep. I smiled and I allowed myself to drift out onto the sea of darkness.

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