Chapter 6

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Hey guys. Its Padfoot. i firstly wanted to apologies for not posting in almost 2 years!!!!! I have been so unmotivated and busy lately and just haven't had the energy to sit down and get some decent writing done. I hope you all forgive me. Anyhow, let the story... COMMENCE!!!!

Also, quick side-note, this chapter is going to be picking up from two years ago so I apologies if I get any of the details wrong from the previous chapter.

Shoto's P.O.V: 

Things were not going to be easy tonight. The storm was looming ever closer and poor Izu was freaking out.

"Baby boy, you are going to be fine!"

 The storm isn't going to be that bad." I attempted to reassure him for the millionth time but he merely shook his head. He slipped even further into littlespace and now he was completely non-verbal. Kat and I now had to use what little American Sign Language we knew from our training as personal home carers. Izu, on the other hand, knew no sign language, so it made communicating with his so much harder. The storm that had been forecasted today was due to hit at any moment. The majority of our friends from high school had gathered in our living room. Mina had set up blankets and sleeping bags in case some of our friends needed to stay he night. Fairy lights decorated the ceiling and there was an overwhelming number of cushions and pillows as far as the eye could see. The main electricity had been cut off so that we could conserve what electricity we had. It was only 4 in the afternoon but the sky had already taken on a thunderous, dark tint to it, making it hard to see without the aid of some form of torch. 

"Baby, please. Use your words." Kat pleaded. he knew just as well as I did, that things were just going to get a whole lot worse, if Izu didn't age up, and fast. I could already sense that Kat was on the verge of a breakdown from the stress he was under. Again, Izu shook his head, his hands were wrapped around Floppsy in a choke hold. I looked at Kat, a look of defeat on my face. It was no use. Izu wasn't going to age up anytime soon. We just needed for this storm to pass for this to be over. Kiri and Sero ran in.

"We have the films and blankets, like you asked!" Kiri panted, his face as red as his hair. I nodded to him in thinks, worry lines creasing my forehead.

"Where's Denki?" Mina asked.

"He's asleep in Deku's room. He kinda passed out from fear." Sero replied. I nodded. I myself was ready to pass out from all the work I had been doing all day. Between having to clean up from Izu's  birthday party, to him now going non-verbal. Kat too, looked ready to drop. he had been working just as hard as I had been in the hopes Izu would age up. However, no such luck. Denki had been the same all evening. he refused to utter a word, instead he silently cried until he passed out.

"You might want to bring him on here. It's getting close to storm time and I think he would appreciate if he was close to his lovers." Mina said after a moment to Sero. Sero nodded and vanished down the hallway and downstairs to Izu's room.

"Now, let us all get comfortable while Mamma Mina begins the fun and games of the night!" Mina announced as if she were at a play or a concert. We all groaned as we knew what was going to happen.

"No. We are not doing T or D." She responded, exasperated.  The look of glee on everyone's faces was tangible. Mina simply rolled her eyes and proceeded to explain how the night would go.

"We need to keep the little's as busy as we can. Seeing as both of them are non-verbal, we will need to use their senses of touch and smell and maybe even taste to keep them calm. Hearing is also a huge factor. So, first off, we are going to watch "Encanto" with them. Yes, even you Bakuhoe! I know you secretly love them Disney movies." Kat glared at her but said nothing.

"Then, we are going to eat as much candy and food as we can, to keep us awake. I know some of you are exhausted but we need you awake just for a few more hours and then you can get some well earned rest. Lastly, there will coffee and tea available in two big flasks for those who need the extra boost of energy. They will be at the back of the room alongside with milk, sugar and anything else I could think of that might help people stay awake." Mina continued. We all nodded.

"Now then.." Mina didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as the lights above us flickered and went out. The fairy lights we had hung up came on and bathed the room in a gentle, soothing yellow glow.  I breathed a silent sigh of relief as I knew the little's wouldn't spiral into panic attacks. Mina looked unfazed as she clicked on "Encanto" for the little's. I could hear Kat groan a bit as he had already seen this movie a hundred times. Immediately, we had the little's attention as they sat in front of the screen, their tails wagging as they became engrossed in the plot of the story. I sipped on a hot cup of coffee that I had just made. It was good and strong with a hint of my favorite  peppermint syrup. Kat too, held a steaming in front of him. I could see the dark rings that hooded his crimson eyes. This night had really taken its toll on him. I laid my head on his chest. 

"You doing OK baby?" I asked in a quiet tone. He looked down at me, a small smile on his face.

"I'm doing OK thanks baby." He replied. I smiled as  I snuggled deeper into his chest. I could feel the steady beat of his heart and slowly, my eyes began to flutter shut and drifted off to sleep.

  I awoke with a jolt. I looked around, bleary eyed. Izu and Denki were both fast asleep, their tails intertwined. Mina's head was resting on Ochako's, her mouth hung slightly open, a small rivet of drool snaked down her face. Kat was the only one awake. Dark circles ringed his eyes and his hair was a matted mess. His skin was pale from lack of sleep. I looked at him, a look of concern written all over my face.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" I asked. He shook his head. I stood and held out my hand to him which he took. I helped him to his feet and guided him down to our room.

"Get dressed for bed and sleep. I'll wake you in a while." I said as I pulled back the covers of the bed.  Kat nodded again and disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed. I left the room and headed back up to the living room. I gently picked up both Denki and Izu and carried them down to Izu's room. I gently laid them down under the covers and  quietly left the room, leaving the door open slightly. I headed back to my room and found Kat dead asleep in our bed. I quickly changed into an old t-shirt and some loose flannel pants. I laid down beside Kat and slowly drifted back off to sleep, my arms wrapped around his waist.The storm may have kept him up but nothing could keep me awake any longer as I allowed darkness to cloud my vision and take me away with it.Just as I began to drift off, a thought suddenly hit me. Would the others know where we were?!

That was a question I would answer much later as darkness took me in its loving embrace and gently carried me away to a world of peace.

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