Chapter 10

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*AN* Hey guys. Sooooo, I know it has been a while since I last updated this book. Well you will be happy to know that my exams are officially over and I am on my summer holidays. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to update. I will try to update when I can which won't be daily as I have work and what not. Also, just a quick heads up, I know I didn't mention this in the previous chapter but the three boys are also going to be going to Bakugou's house as well for dinner. Also, there will be slurs against the LGBT used as well as cursing. If you are not comfortable with this kind of stuff, skip down. Anyhoo, lets proceed with the story!!

Todoroki's P.O.V:

I continued to scroll through my phone while I sat on the couch. Deku was still napping and I didn't want to disturb him. It had been a long morning for him. Not only had his mum found out about his age regression but so had my family. I rubbed my face wearily. God I was exhausted! I didn't realise how tiring this day would be.

"Hey little bro." A voice sounded. I looked up to find Toya standing there with two steaming mugs. I could smell the peppermint from where I sat.

"Hey." I replied. Toya handed me the mug which I accepted. I sipped the hot liquid allowing the hot coffee to slip down my throat. I sighed in relief.

"Looks like you needed that!" Toya joked. I nodded humming in response.

"How do you manage with him?" Toya asked. I looked at him, bewildered.

"Look after who?" I asked. Toya rolled his eyes at me.

"Deku!" he replied. I pondered the question for a moment wondering how on earth I could answer something that.

"I guess it's like trying to care for an adult who's sick. You just gotta do all you can to keep them satisfied and comfortable while also watching out for their every need." I replied slowly. Toya nodded.

"I love what I do though." I continued, hoping that Toya would understand that I wasn't complaining.

"So you like looking after a kid then?" Toya aske at last. I nodded.

"Yea." I replied. "Yea I do" Just as Toya opened his mouth to ask another question a shrill cry broke the quiet. I jumped to my feet and raced down the hall to my room. I burst into the room. The room was barely lit, making it difficult to see in the gloom. Under my blankets was a lump, that was shivering. The sound of sobs could be heard from the lump. I hurried over to the bed and lifted the blanket. Deku laid curled up in a shivering ball, whimpering and sobbing. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. His eyes snapped open. His breathing was heavy and panicked. I quickly scooped him up and began to rub circles into his back. His breathing began to slow but he didn't stop whimpering. After a few minutes of comforting and hugs, he finally calmed down.

"Wanna tell me why you were so upset?" I asked my now very quiet little. Deku shook his head. I smiled and hugged him tightly. Fuyumi hurried in.

"I heard crying! Is he ok?!" She cried, panic lacing her voice. I smiled at her reassuringly.

"He'll be ok. Just a nightmare." I replied, my voice soft so as not to spook my little who was still a little shaken. Fuyumi opened her mouth to respond when a loud bang sounded. We all jumped and Deku began to shake in my arms. A stream of colorful choice words echoed throughout the house as Toya's raspy voice shrieked in pain. Deku began to giggle, realizing that Toya must have hurt himself. Sure enough a scowling Toya stumbled in, rubbing his elbow. On taking one look at his face we all burst out laughing. Even Toya managed a weak smile. Deku giggled happily in my arms. I hugged him gently and stood, carrying my giggling little with me. Just as I stood, a strong odor assaulted my nostrils. It had a fishy quality to it, almost salty. Then it dawned on me. Deku needed to be changed. Obviously the nightmare had caused him to regress further into the headspace as normally he would have told either me or Kat if he had an accident. I scooped him up properly and strode down to the bathroom. I luckily brought diapers with me in case he regressed any further. I quickly changed him out of his soiled pants and into a diaper that had cute little bunnies all over it. I slipped a cute bunny onesie onto him and popped a bright green Bunnyman paci into his mouth. Floppsy had been unceremoniously dropped onto the floor. i quickly picked him up and handed him to Deku. immediately he hugged him to his chest as he babbled away to me in his own little language. I nodded along with him, despite not having any idea of what he was saying. I was just happy to agree with him. It wasn't until dinner that all hell broke loose.

Dinner, which normally was quiet in our house was buzzing with activity. Fuyumi was trying to juggle making curry and nuggies all at the same time. Toya was nowhere in sight and Kat was busy entertaining a giddy Deku. I was setting the table, when the door slammed open. Everyone froze. The scent of musk and smoke hit all of our noses first. That was a scent we all knew. Dad was home.

Kat's P.O.V:

I looked up from tickling Deku to find all of the Todoroki's frozen in fear. Sho's eyes were wide, Fuyumi was shaking and Toya was nowhere in sight. Neither was Sho's other brother who's name I always forgot. Standing in the door was Sho's father. Endeavor. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and my eyes narrowed. I had heard from Sho all the shit he went through with his dad. All of the abuse he suffered at his hands and how he hated him. I could understand why. He was an asshole.

"Shoto! Get over here now!" his father bellowed. I watched as Sho walked over. To all of our surprises, he received a backhand to the face. Everyone stood there in a shocked silence. I remained frozen. The silence was only shattered when Deku began to cry. Endawhore's eyes fixed themselves onto the sobbing boy in my arms.

"What' this?" he scoffed. I glared at him, biting my lip to keep from screaming at him. Sho dared not speak.

"I get it." he continued. "This is some sick fetish you kids are into, isn't it?! I always knew you kids were weird but I knew Sho especially would be the weirdest. All queers are! fucking faggots! They should never have been bornt!" He spat. Deku began to cry louder. I ground my teeth and opened my mouth to speak when a quiet voice piped up.

"I would advise you leave." It was Sho. Endawhore's eyes fixed on his son's.

"What did you just say to me, you fucking fag? You wanna repeat that again?" he hissed. Sho looked his father dead in the eye.

"I said I advise you leave, before I make you!" he repeated, his voice deadly calm. A shiver ran over my spine. I knew Sho was mad. Really mad! His dad just laughed.

"What you punks gonna do, huh? Beat up your old man?!" he cackled. All the Todoroki children didn't respond but their faces spoke a thousand words. The smile left Endeavor's face.

"Leave!" Fuyumi commanded at last. Endeavor cast one last scathing glance at us before storming out. My shoulder's relaxed as soon as he left. Deku slowly cal,ed down and Fuyumi sank into the nearest chair.

"We better go." Sho said at last. Fuyumi merely nodded. She looked exhausted. I rose picking Deku up with me and carried him out to the car. He had stopped crying and was on the verge of falling asleep. i buckled him into his seat as he finally fell asleep. I silently closed the car door. Sho looked relieved to be out of the house.

"Let's head to mine." i said at last. He merely nodded and turned the key in the ignition.

Sho's P.O.V:

"So brat? You've finally decided to visit me, huh?! Got lonely or something?!" Mitsuki yelled as she backhanded Kat across the head. More yelling ensued between Kat and his mother as myself and Mauris set the table. Deku was still asleep but was slowly waking.

"So, what's this all about?" Mitsuki asked at last, gesturing to a now fully awake Deku. Kat quickly explained Deku's age regression. Mitsuki nodded, never asking questions. When Kat was done explaining. Mitsuki was silent.

"Well, your lucky boys, I have some fish fingers in the freezer. He can use the spare bedroom if he needs a nap." Mitsuki said at last. Kat looked stunned.

"Oh don't look so shocked. I'm not against it! If it helps, it helps." She retorted. kat snapped his mouth shut.

"Dinner's ready boys!" Mauris called from the kitchen. We all filed into the Bakugou's spacious kitchen and tucked into the delicious food that Mauris had prepared.

Today truly had been one-of -a -kind! No doubt about it!

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