Chapter 12

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AN: I am so sorry for not posting in ages. i know it is annoying how little I post. I am also aware that Halloween has come and gone but because I didn't do a Halloween chapter, this is gonna be set during Halloween. Also, please note that I am not a medical professional. This chapter will contain a medical scene involving anaphylaxis. please correct me if anything I have written is inaccurate or doesn't make sense. Like I have said, i am not a medical professional.  If you suffer from severe allergies and consume food you are allergic to, please seek medical attention immediately please! Do not ask the internet! Anyway, let the story BEGIN!!!

Sho's P.O.V:

"Daddy, Daddy!!" a voice pierced through the fog of sleep. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with a pair of shining emerald green eyes. Deku was right up close to my face, making me chuckle.

"Baby, it's only 7 o Clock. Please go back to sleep." I smiled as I ruffled his hair. Deku pouted.

"But it's Hawoween!!!" He cried. I chuckled again.

"I know baby, but you still need your sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, You'll never grow big and strong, like Bunnyman." I replied, stifling a yawn. Deku's eyes widened. Without another word, Deku dived into the bed, squishing himself between me and Kat. Kat grumbled in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey bunny. Why you up so early?" Kat asked groggily. Deku giggled as Kat tickled his stomach.

"It's Hawoween!" Deku cried again. Kat smiled lovingly at him.

"I know baby." kat replied, yawning. Deku snuggled closer to him. I snuggled into Kat from behind.

"Look at that. You're surrounded by the people you love the most." I murmured to Kat as I kissed his cheek. Kat gave a deep chuckle, before falling back asleep. I smiled, before drifting back asleep.

Kat's P.O.V:

The sun was hurting my eyes as I attempted to make breakfast for Deku. The Autumn sun was strong. I could barely  see in front of me, resulting in me dropping an egg on the floor, which Deku thought was hilarious. I grumbled as I attempted to make the bacon and eggs for breakfast. It was Halloween and I wanted to make sure all went perfectly. Sho came into the kitchen, just as I was plating up the perfectly fried bacon and eggs. Deku was too engrossed in his colouring book to acknowledge Sho's presence.

"Hey baby." I called from the stove. Sho smiled as he made himself a coffee, adding his favourite peppermint syrup. I couldn't understand why he liked his coffee minty. It tasted like toothpaste. I much preferred mine to be spicy. Most of the time I added siracha, but other times I needed to add Buldak Hot Sauce. I took a sip of my coffee, which had both siracha and Buldak Hot Sauce in it. 

"So, what's the plan?" Sho asked, as he sat at the kitchen counter. I sat down with him, a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I speared a piece of bacon and popped it into my mouth. I chewed for a moment before responding. 

"Well, Kirishima and Sero are bringing Denki over at around 3 so that the boys can get ready for Trick O' Treating.  You and I are gonna have to dress up this year." I replied. Sho nodded. We dressed up each year but last year, Sho had broken his leg and we had to cancel Trick O Treating, much to Deku's dismay. 

"I've still got my vampire costume I was meant to wear last year." Sho said at last. I nodded. I had a werewolf costume I was going to wear.  Deku had made his costume last year but hadn't worn it. This year, he was going as a ghost. 

"Don't forget to bring his medical bag." Sho reminded me. I nodded, relieved he had reminded me. Deku had a severe allergy to peanuts and strangely to coconut. Each Halloween, we ended u throwing out or not eating most of Deku's treats, due to the presence of either peanuts or coconut. We wanted to avoid an allergic reaction at all costs.

Sho's P.O.V:

I was putting the finishing touches to my costume when i heard the doorbell ring. I smiled, showing my fangs and headed to answer the door. On opening the door, I was greeted by the most unique costumes. Denki was dressed as Lucifer, in a black waistcoat and red shirt. He even had little devil horns and a tail. Sero is wrapped up in a pile of bandages, in the attempt of mimicking a mummy. Unfortunately, he only managed to make himself look like a car crash victim. Kirishima, as usual, is dressed in red. A red dress and white apron create his outfit, alongside crocs and a red hooded cloak. 

"What are you meant to be?" A voice asks from behind me. i turn around and blush almost immediately. Kat is dressed in a tight white top, with a fitting green jacket, that show off his muscles. His spiky hair has two blonde ears poking out of it. On his neck, a red collar with a chain sit. He smirks at me.

"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice smooth and sexy. I nod, unable to speak. Suddenly, a small figure, dressed in white appears at the top of the stairs. I smile. the little figure races down the stairs. On coming closer, we all recognise the figure as Deku. His eyes shone with excitement. 

"Slow down there bunny". I laugh, as he hurled himself into  my arms. He giggled as I tickled his ears.

"Everyone ready to go?" I ask. Everyone nods.

"Kat, you have the EpiPen?" I ask. Kat holds up the pen, with its blue and orange tabs intact. I nod in approval.

"Alright, lets go!" I announce.

Deku's P.O.V:

The sky was already dark as me, Daddy, Dada, Sero, Denki and Kiri all head off to go Trick O' Treating. I skipped ahead of the adults with Denki at my side. I was so excited to get all the candy I could. My costume whipped behind me in the breeze. The first house we came to had all its lights on. Creepy decorations were placed in the front lawn. I shivered as we passed a few, who appeared to follow my every move with their eyes. Denki quickly  pushed the doorbell. We waited patiently outside. Soon, a shadow appeared in the window and the door opened. 

"Trick Or Treat!" We called in unison. Daddy and Dadda stayed at the end of the drive, watching us. The women smiled at us and gave us a handful of candy. I grinned at Denki.

"I love your costumes." the women said. 

"Thank you!" I replied. The women smiled again before wishing us well and closing the door. This went on for a good few houses. Denki and I were munching on candy as we walked. I was having a great time. I absentmindedly itched my, which had begun to burn slightly. It felt sore to the touch. i whined in discomfort.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Daddy asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but found it hard to breath, let alone speak. My throat burned and it felt as though it was closing. My eyes were swelling and I could barely see out. Daddy looked panicked.  I could barely hear anything as my ears had begun to ring. My breathing was harsh and shallow. Suddenly a jab into my thigh jolted me from my panic. I looked down to find my EpiPen sticking out of my thigh. Daddy held it there for a few seconds before pulling it out. Gently, Dadda rubbed my sore thigh. I breath much easier and i could see properly. Sero and Kiri looked worried and Denki was crying. Tears began to roll down my face.

"I'm sowwy Daddy!" I bawled, as I hugged Daddy. He rubbed my back as I bawled.

"Hey, I'm not mad baby. I was just scared." He said at last. I lifted my snot and tear stained face to look at him.

"Please show me what you eat though, before you eat it." Daddy said. I nodded. Dadda stood beside Daddy.

"We should bring him to the hospital, just in case." Dadda said. Daddy nodded. I was quickly scooped up into Daddy's arms and we headed back to the house.

*At the hospital*

"Well, the reaction seems to have calmed down. he should be ok." the doctor said at last. I sat on a table in the emergency department. Daddy and Dadda looked relieved. I didn't understand what was happening. I was just happy I was ok. 

"I'll give you another EpiPen and a prescription for antihistamines incase this happens again." The doctor continued. Daddy and Dadda both nodded. We left the hospital in silence. I was tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Neither Daddy nor Dadda spoke. When we got back home, they helped me get into my pajamas.  I brushed my teeth and clambered into bed. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like a ight.

I was just happy I was ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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