Chapter 2

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Bakugou's P.O.V:
   I quitely made my  downstairs. I tiptoed down the hall so as not to wake the sleeping boys and I walked up to Deku's door. I pushed the door open and crept in. Deku was curled up beside Denki, his tail was wrapped around Denki's waist, holding him close to him in a cuddling position. I smiled slightly. They were just so damn cute. I walked over to the curtains and opened them. Deku stirred slightly and Denki groaned. I walked over and shook Deku gently to wake him up.
"Babyboy, wake up." I whispered to him. Deku groaned and buried his head under the covers.
"Noooooooo~!! 5 more minutes!!" He whined. I swatted his thighs three times. Deku yelped and sat up, glaring at me.
"Why'd you do that?!" He snapped angrily.
"Deku." I said in a warning tone. He shut up quickly. Denki stirred and slowly opened his eyes.
"Hi Katsuki." He mumbled groggily to me
"Hey  there kiddo." I ruffled his yellow hair. 
"Baby you need to get dressed. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." I told deku. He nodded. A blush was spreading across his cheeks.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked sternly. He probably had an accident. He motioned for me to bend down to his level. I did as he asked. Deku leaned in and whispered in my ear;
"I hawd and accidwent." He whispered.
"Come on Babyboy. let's change you." I scooped him up and carried him to the bathroom to change him. I laid him on the changing mat and I changed him into a fresh pull-up. I changed him into the outfit he had chosen this morning. A comfy one of my own hoodies and a pair of grey sweatpants. I set him back on his feet and he ran back to his room. I cleaned the changing mat and disposed of the soiled pull-up. I left the bathroom and headed back into Deku's room. Deku and Denki were jumping on the bed. The bed creaked in protest at each bounce.
"Boys. No jumping on the bed. It'll break!" I scolded them in a cross tone. Both of them stopped jumping.
"Sowwy daddy." Deku mumbled.
"Sowwy Katsuki." Denki mumbled in unison with Deku. I spread my arms wide and Deku jumped into my arms. I hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head. I set him down on his feet.
"It's ok baby." I murmered in his ear. Deku smiled up at me.
"Why don't you take Denki to the playroom? I'll call you when dinner is ready." I said. Deku beamed at Denki. He nodded his head vigerously. He grabbed Floppsy and ran to Denki's side. He grabbed Denki's wrist and pulled him out of the room and upstairs to the playroom. I chuckled and began to make up Deku's bed. I tidied up his discarded toys that littered the floor. I walked out of Deku's room and began to asscend the stairs up to the kitchen. The smell of food was causing my mouth to flood with saliva. I was halfway up the stairs when a knock sounded on the door. Grumbling profanities under my breath, I turned and trudged down the stairs. I walked to the door and opened it.  Standing on our doorstep was Mina, Jirou, Uraraka and Tsyu.
"Hey Bakugou!" Uraraka chirped cheerfully from the back of the group.
"Hey guys! Come in!" I ushered the group inside. Mina inhaled deeply.
"DAMN BUT IS THAT fAJITAS I SMELL!!" She yelled. I covered my ears and glared at her.
"Damn pinky!! My ears!!" I hissed. Mina laughed and clapped her hands together in delight.
"D-Daddy?" I whirled around. Deku stood at the top of the stairs, Floppsy clutched in a vice-like grip.
"Hey Bunny. look who came to visit!" I gestured to the group standing behind me. Deku raced down the stairs and launched himself at Mina.MIna staggered under the inpact of the hug and hugged him back.
"Little day?" She mouthed to me. I nodded.
"Hiya Honey! How have you been?" Mina asked Deku. Deku beamed up at her.
"I'm gwood!! I went to the park with Daddy and Dadda todway!! It was so fun!! I met Dwenki thwere!!" He babbled to her, a bright smile on his face.
"Easy Bunny. Let Mina breath." I chided Deku. Deku let go of Mina.
"Have you been behaving?" Mina asked, a hint of sterness in her usually calm voice. Deku looked away, playing with his hands.
"He had a bad fall today." I replied for Deku. Mina gasped.
"IS HE OK?!" She shreiked, pulling Deku into her protective embrace. I glared at her.
"Pinky! Tone it down! My ears are gonna bleed!" I hissed.
"Yes he's fine. He was very brave when Shoto was adminestering the Lidocaine. He didn't make a sound!" I continued, a hint of pride in my voice. Deku smiled up at Mina. Mina ruffled his hair.
"Good job Honey." MIna praised. Deku giggled.
"Wanna pway with Dwenki and mwe?" Deku asked, gazing up at her with those bright emerald green orbs of his.
"Sure. Lead the way Bunnyman!" Deku giggled again and grabbed Mina's wrist. He then proceeded to drag her upstairs. Mina looked back, glaring at me. I gave her one of my signiture smirks. She should have been used to this kind of treatment from Deku. She had been his babysitter for most of his life.  Bunnyman. I sighed. Bunnyman had been a hero Mina had created for Deku when he was really deep into little space. He had been begging Mina for a hero story and Mina created this. Deku would spend hours sitting at Mina's feet, enraptured by each new tale of the amazing adventures of Bunnyman. I chuckled lightly. I just couldn't stop loving that boy. He was just so perfect.
"Come on. Sero and Kirishima are here." I told the group. I led the way upstairs and into the kitchen. Sho had his back to us. His head was bent over a chopping board and he was rhythimically chopping some vegetables. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hey baby." I murmered in his ear. He turned to me and smiled. Then he spotted the group.
"Hey babe." He murmered back to me. I unlatched my arms from around his waist and I turned to the group. Shoto turned too, a dripping spatula in one hand a chopping knife in the other.
"Hey guys!" He greeted the group.
"Is Mina with you guys? I could have sworn I heard her usual loud voice." Shoto joked.
"Deku ran off with her. Probably listening to another Bunnyman story.  I swear I'll be 100 years old before I hear the end of those stories." I chuckled. Shoto chuckled too.
"Are you guys staying long? Dinners nearly ready. I just need to finish frying the vegetables and you guys are more then welcome to stay for some food." Sho said. The group  nodded.
"I'll go get the boys." I said. I gave Shoto a quick peck on the cheek before heading out of the kitchen. I walked down the hall until I reached a door. "Playroom" was stuck onto  the face of the door in adhesiev letters. I pushed open the door. The playroom was very, very, messy. Toys were strewn all over the floor. The colourful, jigsaw patterned, rug that dominated the room, had paper, colouring pencils, crayons, erasures, pearings, paint brushes and bottles of paint strewn over its colourfull surface. Drawings covered every square ince of the bright orange walls. Mina, Deku and Denki had built a pillow fort. Mina sat in the middle of the pillow fort, draped in a balnket. Deku had a red cape and a bunny headband on. Denki wore an eyepatch and was wilding an foam sword. The two boys were play fighting and from what I could gather, Deku appeared to be winning.
"I WILL DEFEAT YOU BUNNYMAN!" Denki yelled back. I smiled as I watched them.
"Boys. I hate to stop your fun but dinner is nearly ready. You need to tidy up now." I told them. The fighting froze. Deku pouted but he began to help Denki and Mina tidy up. I walked to the rug and I began to pick up all the discarded art things. As I was stacking some of the drawings the boys had done, one in particular caught my eye. I placed the pile I had in my hand back on the ground. I picked up the drawing. It was a crayon drawing of me, Shoto and Deku. Shoto was on the left and I was on the right. Deku stood in the middle, holding both our hands. the scrawl at
the bottom read;
"I love my daddies" with a heart at the end of it. My heart melted and tears sprang up behind my eyes. I was so touched by the drawing.
"Daddy. Awe you okway?" Deku asked from behind me. I hastily wiped away the tears and turned to face a confused Deku.
"I'm fine Bunny. By the way I love this drawing. Can I keep it?" I asked. Deku nodded his head. I wrapped my arms around the greenette, hugging him tightly.
"I wuv wu bowth." Deku mumbled into my chest. I stroked his curls.
                           "We love you too Bunny."

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