Chapter 7

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Hello there my fellow readers and writers. I am so sorry for not getting this chapter written sooner. I have just been so bombarded with all the work I have to do and all the studying I have to do. I hope you all can forgive me for such a long wait. Just to clear things up, this book will not be discontinued. It will be in haitus when I am not updating regularly. I hope this clears that up. 

Also this part of the story will be happening after the storm. So this will be a few days or so of a time skip.  

Now, let the story COMMENCE!!!!

Todoroki's P.O.V:

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.  We were meant to be out of the house a half an hour ago, but Deku  just didn't want to cooperate with me today. he wouldn't stop wriggling and squirming as I attempted to dress him. We were meeting Denki, Kirishima and Sero at the mall today, as a little playdate for the two boys. So far we hadn't made much progress.

"Baby, come on! I need you to sit still so I can put your outfit on!" I cried in exasperation. Still Deku  continued to kick and squirm as I attempted for the hundredth time, to put on his pants and socks.

"Izuku Midoriya, if you don't sit still, I will have no choice but to put you on time out for ten minutes!" I cried at last, annoyance biting at my words. Immediately, Deku  sat still. I knew as well as he did, that he did not want to be on time out. I knew he hated it. I hated hearing him crying while in time out corner, but he knew the rules as well as I did. 

Finally, after much struggling, I managed to dress a now very pouty Deku.

"C'mon babyboy, lets go get Dada and we can go meet Denki. I said with a smile as I helped Deku lace up his trainers. He giggled and nodded happily, floppsy gripped in his hand in a choke hold. I helped him to his feet and watched him run up the stairs to the kitchen, where Kat was making some little snacks that we could take with us to the mall.  

"Is that my favorite little boy I see?" Kat cried in mock surprise as Izu barreled into the kitchen and hugged him. I smiled as I watched  Deku babble on about how excited he was. 

"You all set here Kat?" I asked, once Deku  took a chance to breath. Kat nodded.

"I have all the favorites, which I am keeping as a surprise." He replied winking to me. I grinned. I knew just what he had made but I wasn't going to spoil it for Deku. Inside the small containers were duck spring rolls and kimchi for the caregivers while the littles were going to feast on dino nuggies, Nutella sandwiches and orange juice.  I grabbed  Deku's little bag from under the kitchen table and helped Izu put it onto his back. Then without further ado, we left the house and made the short walk to our local mall.

Deku's P.O.V:

I was so excited to go to the mall today. Daddy and Dadda had said that there would be some surprises for me for lunch. I knew seeing as I had been bad this morning, then it would have been better for me to keep my mouth shut then to ask what the surprise was. I held both of my caregivers hands as we made the short walk to the mall. I loved going to the mall but I was nervous about today. I rarely went out when regressed. I had had some very bad experiences with going out regressed and it had really knocked my confidence and made my safe space less safe for me.

"You'll be ok bunny" Daddy told me as we approached the mall. I nodded, knowing he was right. Daddy and Dadda were always right.

"Remember, behave and be polite to Sero and Kirishima." Dadda reminded me as we walked through the automatic doors of the mall. I nodded as a gust of freezing air from the AC hit me. Then, we were inside. My eyes and ears were assaulted with riots of colours and sounds.  My nose caught strong smells of doughnuts and sugary treats. 

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