Chapter 5

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Hey guys. I'm really sorry if this chapter is bad. I rushed it as I had forgotten that Deku's birthday was today until my phone calender reminded me. I'm so sorry Deku!!
Deku: It's fine. I forgive you.
Me: Thank you.
Now onto the story!!!
Bakugou's P.O.V:
At exactly one PM a knock sounded on the door.
"That's most likely Mina." Shoto said as he rose from his seat. I watched as he left the room. Suddenly a thought hit me. Today was Deku's birthday.
"CRAP!!" I screamed mentally. Deku looked at me quizzically.
"One minute baby." I said to him as I too rose from my seat. I dashed out of the room and I ran down the hall. Shoto was halfway down the stairs.
"SHOTO!" I yelled. He jumped and turned, looking surprised to see me.
"Yes Kat?" He asked.
"Its Deku's birthday today and I totally forgot all about it!" I blubbed. Shoto chuckled.
"Calm down Kat. I've got everything sorted. The gifts are under the loose floorboard in our room. I already told Mina and we planned a surprise party for Deku. I made the cake late last night so that's sorted." Shoto reassured me. I gaped at him,
"So that's what I heard last night. That was you using the electrical mixer." I gasped. Shoto chuckled again.
"Yes. That was me. Guilty as charge." He smirked.
"Now go get the presents. I'll set up the formation for the surprise here." Shoto ordered me. I gave a mock salute before turning on my heel and darting down the remaining stairs. I raced down the hall and into Shoto,Deku's and my room. I raced to the edge of the bed a d knelt down at the edge of the tug. I yanked back the rug. I then pried the loose floorboard free. Nestled inside was dozens of brightly wrapped presents of all shapes and sizes. I hastily gathered the boxes up and placed them down beside me. I pushed the floorboard back in place and pulled the rug over it. I gathered the presents in my arms and ran out of the room, careful not to drop any of them. I darted back out into the main entrance where Shoto stood organising everyone's places. Everyone held a present or two in their hands. I ran to his side, panting heavily.
"There you are Kat!" He exclaimed.
"I've got all *pant* the *pant* p-presents!" I panted. Shoto kissed my cheek.
"Good job baby." He murmered in my ear. I flushed red. Mina spotted what had just happened and gave me a smirk. I glared right back at her.
"Everyone ready?" Sho asked. We all nodded. I motioned for everyone to keep quiet. We all followed Sho up the stairs in single file. The girls were whispering and giggling amongst themselves like a bunch of elementerary school kids.
"Quiet!" I hissed at them, as we neared the kitchen.
"On three." Sho whispered as we all stood in our places outside the kitchen door.
"1..2..3!" Mina whispered. We all burst through the door screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEKU!!" The poor kid nearly had a heart attack with the shock. He fell from his seat and hit the floor with a bump. His eyes were wide and brimming with tears. I handed Sho the armful of boxes I held and rushed to Deku. I scooped him up and hugged him tightly.
"Happy birthday Babyboy." I whispered. I gently rocked and bounced him as he was silently crying. Soon, with the help of whispered soothing messages and a lot of hugging, we calmed him down. He now wore a bright smile as he hugged everyone.
"Right! Who wants to play Blind man's bluff?!" Mina yelled. We all cheered at the idea.
"Get the blindfold Shoto." I commanded. Sho blushed crimson but did as I bid. He returned a moment later with our black silk blindfold. Mina waggled her eyebrows at me on sighting the blindfold.
"Quit it racoon eyes!" I hissed as I elbowed her in the ribs. A look of mock pain crossed her features while her eyes glinted with mischief.
"You're up pinky!" I grinned maliciously at her. I turned her back to me and secured the blindfold. Deku spun her three times and the game began. Mina stumbled blindly towards Deku who jumped onto the couch, just out of reach. I darted into one of the corners, smiggering silently. Denki ran past, screaming as Mina blindly chased after him. I slipped from my hiding spot and I jumped onto the couch with Deku. Soon Jirou was caught and round two began.
We had five rounds which Shoto won everyone of them. He stayed on the corner, silent. No one had bothered to look in the corners leading to his victory.
"NOW PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY!!!Mina screamed. I set up the poster and got the pins.
"Shoto, you go first." I said. I blindfold him and handed him the pin. He stumbled forward, his hands outstretched. He felt around the poster before pinning the tail on the top of the donkey. I pulled the blindfold from his eyes. He grimaced at how far he was from the target.
"Deku you're next." I blindfolded the small greenette. I handed him the pin. He stumbled forward. With much confidence, he pinned the tail right on target. Everyone gaped at him. He pulled the blindfold from his eyes. He gaped when he saw he had won. Shoto and I engulfed him in a warm hug, congratulating him.
"Right. I'll get the pinata." Shoto said. I grabbed the blindfold led everyone outside. Sho stood outside with a bunny pinata hanging from one of the trees. I grabbed the bat and handed it to Deku.
"You go first seeing as you won pin the tail on the donkey." I said. I blindfolded him and spun him three times. He stumbled towards the pinata in a zig-zag pattern. Then he swung the bat and hit the side of the pinata with a sold "Thump", denting it. Mina went next with no luck. Then pink cheeks, frog girl, Denki, soy sauce and then me. I was blindfolded and spun. I walked forward with confidence. I struck the pinata a bard hit, bursting it. I pulled off the blindfold and ripped down the pinata. Soon, we were all tearing apart the pinata and taking as much candy as we could get our hands on.
"Right. Time for food." I announced after a few minutes. We all tramped back inside, eating candy. The smell of chicken nuggets, pizza and fries assaulted my nose like a bus. I inhaled deeply taking in the amazing smell. We all raced upstairs like a group of toddlers, shoving each other out of our way.
Deku are three plates of chicken nuggets and I had a full pizza to myself. Sero and Kirishima had a Fanta chugging competition which resulted in Sero having to throw up in the bathroom for a good 5 minutes. Kirishima won in the end. Then, it was time for gifts.
"Mine first!" Mina sing-songed as she pushed a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper into Deku's hands. Deku tore off the shomy paper, revealing a yellow box underneath.
"I-IT'S A BUNNYMAN FIGURINE!!" Deku yelled, hugging Mina tightly. I gaped at Mina.
"I made it myself. I make figurines as a sort of hobby I guess." Mina mumbled, blushing lightly.
In the entire day Deku got:
The figurine of Bunnyman
A new plushie
New snuggle blankets
A voucher for Hot Topic, Deku's favourite shop. Deku was thrilled with his gifts. He thanked everyone profusely before moving onto the cake Sho had baked last night. It had a fondant Bunnyman dominating the centre while the edge was covered in yellow blobs of icing. The entire cake was covered in a thin layer of deep blue icing. It was entirely made of chocolate on the inside. We all sang happy birthday and Deku blew out both the twenty one candles and 4 candles. We celebrate both Deku's little age and Big age. Deku had a general mindset of a three year old when he was little.
I supervised the serving portion sizes being served as we did not want two hyper littles. The atmosphere was cheerful and calm in contrast to this mornings tense atmosphere. This was in a literal sense;
The calm before the storm.

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