Chapter 9

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Hi guys. Padfoot here. I just want to let you know that this chapter is again, a time skip. Deku has now recovered from his stomach bug, which was what he had.  This will be the first time we see him out of little space. I hope you guys enjoy. I also want to apologies for not posting in ages. I have been buried under books and homework and projects (not literally). Now, I hope you guys enjoy!

Todoroki's P.O.V:

"Babe you don't have to come if you don't want to!" i cried for the fifth time. Deku shook his head.

"I want to come. It's been a while since I last saw my mom. Plus, it will be nice to be big for a change. Not that I don't enjoy being little but you know what I mean." Deku replied in a rush. I rolled my eyes in amusement. We were all going over to Inko's house for lunch and Deku hadn't stopped panicking and stressing over what to wear. I had finally helped him settle for a light blue sweater and a pair of denim jeans, with his usual shoes and a fun pair of socks. The socks and jumper were as precaution in case he slipped. I knew he was nervous to see his mom. It had been ages since he had seen her. We had also planned to go see my mom and sister and brothers. Dad had been kicked out of our house after I caught him beating Fuyumi. None of us had forgiven him for that. Fuyumi hadn't forgiven him despite her best efforts to help him change his ways and become a better father to us. In my eyes, he would always be an asshole.

"Kat you ready to go?" I asked Kat as he laced up his shoes. He raised his spiky head of hair to meet my eyes.

"Tch, of course I am." he replied, with an air of confidence I knew Deku could never manage. I smiled at my two husbands. I didn't know where I would be without them.

  We all filed out of the house and walked to my BMW 3 Series. I slid in behind the wheel while Kat got in beside me and Deku slid into the back. We were hoping to get a car with a third seat in the front for Deku, but we had to settle with this car for the moment. I slid the key in the ignition and the car roared to life. I slowly backed out of our graveled drive and turned right. Soon we were on the highway, on our way to see Inko. I watched Deku carefully in the rearview mirror. I could see his fingers were knotted together on his lap. I knew he was nervous. I reached back and placed my hand on his leg while my other hand held the steering wheel.

"It's going to be ok" I reassured him as best as could. He nodded uncertainly. Suddenly, a loud honk caused us all to jump. I quickly put both of my hands back on the wheel. Kat was flipping off some angry truck driver who had honked at us, to warn us that we were veering into his lane. I raised an apologetic hand to him and pulled back into my own lane. 

After that little upset, we finally reached Inko's home. Her small two storey house squatted between two massive houses, that made it seem like a child crushed between two adults. I slid out of the car and opened Deku's door. I noticed he had started to play with his hands. This was a sure sign that he was slipping.

"Baby, can you stay big for a little longer?" I asked, panic evident in my voice. Kat looked panicked too. We had hoped that this wouldn't happen. Deku looked up, his eyes shimmering with un-shed tears. I bit my lip. This was obviously a lot to ask him, but we needed him big. We had planned to explain this to Inko over dinner but it appeared that it was going to have to explained sooner then that.

"Looks like, we are going to have tell her sooner rather then later." I sighed. Deku looked terrified and Kat seemed to shrink back into himself. The air of confidence he normally carried was lost. I took his and Deku's hands in mine.

"It's going to be ok. I'm sure she'll understand." I said in a reassuring tone. Both nodded uncertainly. Deku had obviously slipped fully, as he was chewing on his jumper collar in fear. I took the collar out of his mouth and handed him Floppsy. I knew Inko would understand. I just hoped that she would avoid judging Deku. I took a deep breath in and squared my shoulders. It was time to face the music.

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