Chapter 8

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TW: Emetophobia

Bakugou's P.O.V:

    I quietly slipped out the door and headed upstairs to the kitchen. I had noticed that Deku had been running a bit warmer then usual  so I decided to keep and eye on it. I just prayed that he wasn't getting sick. It was the last thing we needed. Sho smiled at me as I entered into the kitchen. His smile dropped slightly when he saw my worried expression.

"babe, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice hinting panic.

"i think Deku might be getting sick." I replied, furrowing my brows. Sho looked worried.

"Is he sneezing or anything?" He demanded. I shook my head.

"He's running a bit of a fever." I responded. Sho's brows furrowed too as he began to think deeply. 

"Why don't you check on him in a half an hour. If it gest worse, we'll start with the damp cloth and paracetamol, maybe even Calpol." Sho replied, still deep in thought. I nodded in agreement. Both Kirishima and Sero looked worried. I knew they didn't want Denki getting sick. Denki's immune system wasn't the best and Deku was just as bad. I knew if they both got sick, it would take ages for their bodies to fight whatever infection they had caught.

"Why don't I check on them?" Kirishima suggested. I felt as relieved as I looked.

"Thank you!" Sho replied, relief evident in his voice. I just prayed that Deku wasn't getting sick.

Kirishima's P.O.V:

I slipped down the stairs as quietly as I could. As I made my way down the hall, I could hear the sound of coughing. That was a sound I didn't want to hear. I raced down the hall to Deku's room. i gently pushed the door open. Deku was curled up next to Denki,. Coughs were shaking his shoulders and his nose was running. i could see Denki shivering next to him. This wasn't good. I didn't need Denki getting sick. I quickly hurried to Denki's side and pressed my lips to his forehead. He felt as though he was burning up. Panic set in. I quickly shook both the littles awake. Deku sat up, panic clearly written on his freckled face. Denki shot out of the bed as if he were on fire, his breathing haggard. A cough shook Deku's  small frame and Denki sneezed violently. This wasn't good. I quickly scooped them both p and hurried upstairs to Bakugou and Sho. I prayed silently that I wouldn't get sick as I legged it up the stairs. 

"Dadda, I feel icky!" Denki whimpered in my arms. 

"I know little spark. Just hang in there. We'll get you better in no time." I replied in as soothing of a tone as I could muster. Deku began to whimper and clutch his stomach. 

"please don't throw up!" I prayed silently.  Finally, after what felt like and eternity, I made it to the kitchen.  Denki sneezed four times in rapid succession and Deku continued to cough. I burst through the door of the kitchen, holding the two sick littles. Sho, Sero and Bakugou all looked alarmed and concerned. Denki was still sneezing and Deku had begun to whimper once again. Bakugou hurried over and snatched Deku from my arms. Denki began to cry in my arms, dry sobs heaving through his chest. 

"Dadda it huwts!" He sobbed. I gently rubbed his back and began to gently rock him back and forth.

"I know babybolt but please just hang in there. pappa is just gone to get you your medicine." I replied, still rocking him back and forward.

I just prayed that Sero would be back in time.

Sho's P.O.V:

Deku continued to whimper in Kat's arms. He kept clutching hi stomach. I was really worried. Deku rarely got sick, despite his weak immune system. The way he kept whimpering just broke my heart into pieces. His ears were down and his tail was hanging limply in between his legs. Kat and I began to strip him down to his pull-up, seeing as his temperature had rocketed and he risked going into febrile convulsion. Deku began to quietly sob. I noticed his pull-up had begun to fill up towards the back. It was rare that Deku had a messy accident but when he did, it meant he was really sick. I quickly scooped him up and brought him to the bathroom to change him. I hurried down the steps and raced down the hall. I placed Deku on the changing mat and began to removed the soiled pull-up. I blanched at the smell and the sight. The poor kid must have been very sick. His pull-up was almost overflowing with what appeared to be the entire contents of his bowels. I began to wipe him down, which took longer then normal. I threw the soiled pull-up into the bin beside me. As I began to put the new pull-up on Deku, he gave a strange sort of hiccup. I had barely enough time to grab a diaper bag before the poor thing hurled up his stomach. He continued to dry heave into the bag for a few seconds. Soon he began to sob.

"I'm sowwy Dadda!" he bawled. I quickly pulled the pull-up over his prince parts and kissed his forehead. It was still extremely hot. I just needed to break the fever and then he would be on the road to recovery. 

"Shhhh, it's ok hun. You can't help it!" I soothed as I picked him up. Deku began to hiccup again. This time I wasn't so lucky as he brought up more of the contents of his stomach, all down my back. I put Deku down on the floor beside the toilet while I pulled my shirt off. I wrinkled my nose at the smell, but quickly brushed those thoughts from my mind as I put it in the sink. I pulled out a jar of coffee from under the sink and dumped a heaped tablespoon of it onto my shirt to try and dry up the puke on my shirt. Behind me, Deku began to sob even louder. I quickly scooped up my little bunny and carried him upstairs. I walked slowly into the kitchen, where Kat had a basin filled with tepid water. I made my way over to the couch, where I laid Deku down. Immediately, he made grabby hands to me. I sighed and picked him back up. I quickly grabbed the cloth from Kat and began to gently dab his body, in the hopes of breaking his fever and getting him cooled. Beside me, Kat held a basin, incase Deku's stomach made another attempt at emptying itself. Deku continued to whimper in my arms, his hands clutching at his stomach. 

"Kat, lay down an old towel." I commanded. Kat looked dubious, but did as I asked.  I knew that if Deku's bowels emptied themselves , it could get messy. I had brought his changing bag with me, just in case. Deku suddenly lurched upright and grabbed the basin. I could hear him gagging, attempting to empty his stomach, which was now currently empty. i gently set him down on the towel, as his pull-up began to fill up once again. I was right to have the towel down, as the contents of his bowels began to seep over the edges of the pull-up. Kat looked a bit disgusted, but didn't say anything.  As soon as Deku had stopped heaving, I pushed him gently down onto his back so I could change him again. With a bit of help from Kat, I managed to change him quicker this time. Deku's sobs had now reduced themselves to whimpers and sniffles. I quickly scooped Deku up again and cradled him against my chest. 

"You're going to be ok baby boy" I soothed as Kat rubbed his stomach. 

"You're so strong and brave!" Kat praised.  Deku, who had been staring intently at us, began to rub his eyes. I looked at Kat knowingly. Kat ran downstairs to grab his paci and floppsy. By the time he got back, Deku was fast asleep in my arms, his breathing gentle and his chest rising and falling with each breath. I put Deku's paci in his mouth and tucked Floppsy into the crook of his arm. I kissed his forehead and I was relieved to find his temperature had gone down a bit. We had broken his fever. Kat placed the cool wet rag on his forehead and I placed the towel under him. I placed a light blanket over his exposed body. Kat puled the blanket back, so that his temperature wouldn't spike again.  Kat pulled out his phone and called Kirishima. He handed the phone to me, while he went to clean out the basin and throw out the soiled pull-up. 

"Hey Bakubro, this isn't a great time." Kirishima said on picking up. In the background, the sound of gagging assaulted my ears, followed by sobbing. 

"Yeah, sorry for calling at such short notice. I just wanted to check in with you guys and see how Denki was." I replied.

"Oh, hey Todo. Yeah, as you can probably hear, Denki isn't doing too well. He's already gone through three pull-ups and hasn't stopped crying." he replied, as another sob cut through the air. 

"Listen, I better go. I hope Deku is doing ok and that he gets better soon." Kirishima said hastily. 

"Yeah, you too!" I replied, just as the line went dead. I looked over at Deku's sleeping form, and I smiled to myself. I knew he would be ok. I just hoped that Kat and I wouldn't get sick.

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