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Frank didn't know what to wear.

He imagined Gerard would be expecting him to wear something more feminine, but he wasn't sure if that was him. He was – boring.

Outside work, Frank didn't have anything going on for him. He just slept all morning, and played with his dog. He used to play guitar, but it had been a while. He didn't even own one anymore.

He barely saw his friends anymore, afraid they'd make fun of his lifestyle. He only had Jamia, his roommate and best friend, and the one who had invited him to that one pole dancing class.

'So – he's a coworker?' she asked, looking through his closet to find something.

'Yeah – well, he's a bartender.'

'Probably a douche, then.' She had a lot of experience with those.

'No, you wouldn't understand.' Frank blushed just thinking about Gerard. 'He's so sweet! Like the most adorable guy I've ever met.'

'Huh? You've never talked about anyone like that.' She walked out of the closet, holding a button up shirt. 'But again, you've never been into guys like him.'

Frank shook his head. He usually went for guys with a more dominant personality. 'He's different. He likes to take care of me, but not like that. Like he let me used his jacket when it was cold, and he sent me flowers. And he called me pretty.'

'Oh my – Frank, I had never seen you like this! This is so adorable!'

Frank hid his face with his hands. He hadn't had a crushed in a while, his last boyfriends were different. 'I'm stupid, I know.'

'No, you really like the guy, and I can't blame you, he sounds like a sweetheart.'

Jamia handed him the shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, and left him to change. 'It's such a shame you're a raging homosexual cause I would so fuck you right now,' she said.


There was a long silence while she fixed his shirt. She'd done this for the longest time, helping him to get ready for a date, though this time it felt different. 'I don't know,' Frank said. 'I feel like I'm going to disappoint him. He's used to see me in panties and stilettos. I'm sure that's the version of me he likes.'

'Are you saying you want to try that for the date?'

'No, I'm just – I don't know. I look plain compared to that version of me.'

'Would you wear makeup?'

Frank didn't reply nor nod or shook his head. He just gave Jamia a look that said maybe?

So Jamia helped him apply eyeliner. Nothing too dramatic, it was nine in the morning. Somehow it made Frank feel more comfortable.

He let Jamia fix his hair, so it looked messy, and then he was ready.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

'He's here, he's here,' he started to freak out.

'Relax, you want me to open the door for you?'

'I'm fine, I'll do it.' He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Gerard was standing there, wearing a leather jacket, his hair on his face, and bouquet of flowers. 'I –,' he said, but then, he stopped.

Frank didn't even know how to breathe.

'You look –,' Gerard started. 'Beautiful.'

Frank had never been called beautiful. 'Thank you,' he said blushing. Gerard walked in and pressed a kiss on Frank's lips, to then give him the flowers. 'Thank you. They're so pretty.'

'Not as much as you, but –'

Frank was blushing again, and he had butterflies in his stomach. 'You are so fucking sweet.'

'It's the truth.' Gerard kissed his forehead. 'So – shall we?'


They walked hand in hand to a café two blocks away.

Gerard had never been there, but seeing as it was close and neither of them had a car, he hoped it was good.

'Can I have the veggie breakfast muffin, please?' Frank asked. 'And a large caramel latte with coconut milk.'

Gerard looked at the menu, not sure where to start. 'Can I have the same thing, please?' The server quickly wrote down everything and promised to be back with their drinks soon. 'You've been here before?'

'All the time, I live two blocks away and they have veggie options.'

'Fuck! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bring you somewhere you visit often –'

'What? No! I don't care about that! Besides, this is the first time I'm here with you, so that's what matters.' Frank smiled at him, reaching for his hand.

'The first time? So there will be more?'

'I mean, it depends on how good this one goes, but so far, I'd say there will be many more.'

Gerard ended up loving the muffin, and then asked for dessert. Black cherry cheesecake.

They talked about their life and their favorite rom-coms. 'What's your favorite ice cream flavor?' Frank asked.


'For real? That's so basic.'

'I'm plain, what can I say?' They smiled at each other. 'Yours?'

'Butter pecan.'

'What?! You can't be serious!'

'But it's so good.' Frank told him about his tattoos, and Gerard told him ghost stories. When they finished, Gerard paid, despite Frank offering to. Then they kept walking around the neighborhood, until it started raining.

Gerard pulled him by the arm as they ran to the nearest building, looking for shelter. But Frank stopped him and leaned in for a kiss.

It was wet and he knew his makeup was running but he didn't care.

He wanted to have a romantic scene out of a rom-com, and this was his chance. He pulled him in as his tongue asked for permission to invade Gerard's mouth.

It was awkward, and definitely not what the movies made it out to be, but with Gerard it was so worth it and he was so turned on. 'Let's go back to my apartment,' he whispered.

To Frank's surprise, Gerard shook his head. 'Let's take it slow, please.'

Frank couldn't help wondering why he might want to take it slow. For respect? Was he more conservative? Was he a virgin? He didn't dare ask. 'It's fine. What do you want to do?'

'You wanna go watch a movie?'

Frank smiled. The idea of such an innocent first date excited him.

They walked to a theater, and Frank got popcorn and Cokes for both. Gerard chose an action movie about aliens, and they held hands the whole time.

At least until Frank felt a hand in his crotch.

So that was what they were doing.

Frank dedicated the rest of the movie to suck the tender skin of Gerard's neck, while he was giving him a handjob. It wasn't the best one he'd got, but something about being Gerard made it so much better. It made him feel things inside.

They were supposed to be at work in a matter of hours, so Gerard walked him back home when the movie was over. 'So – see you later at work?' Frank asked, leaning his back on his door.

Gerard smiled. 'Yup,' he said, and kissed him.

Frank pulled him by his shirt, gasping for air. 'Just remember no one can find out or they'll fire us.'

'No one would believe me I went on a date with the one and only Destroya, anyway.'

'But I'm not Destroya. I'm Frank. Just Frank.'

'And that's way better than Destroya.' They kissed again, for what seemed the longest time, before Frank walked in his apartment and Gerard left. 

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