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'Frank, wake up, please –,' he whispered, already freaking out. But Frank was still unconscious.

Gerard had no idea what to do. Frank noticed he was still breathing, so that was good. He pulled up his underwear, and pulled him into his arms. 'Please, Frankie, wake up.' Tears were rolling down his eyes, praying that it wasn't what he thought it was.

Not sure what to do, he called Jamia, knowing she was a nurse and because she was Frank's best friend and she needed to know. 'Gee?' Jamia's confused voice asked on the other line.

'Jam.' He tried to calm down, or he'd start crying again. He was glad Frank's phone had died that one night so that he called her from Gerard's phone, otherwise Gerard wouldn't know who to call. 911?

'Are you crying?' she asked.

'I –' This wasn't about him. 'It's Frank,' he said, trying to recover his breath. 'He's –.' He couldn't dare to say it. 'He's unconscious. Something happened.'

'What happened?' She sounded worried. 'Where are you?'

'At work.' Gerard couldn't hold in the tears anymore. 'Can you come pick us up?'

'Give me ten minutes.'

'Wake up, Frankie,' he said as soon as he hung up the phone, and he could swear Frank was clutching tight to his shirt, not letting go. 'You'll be okay.'

Somehow, Gerard managed to carry Frank in his arms all the way to his dressing room. At least, everyone was gone by now. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible, and never come back. He put a pair of pants on Frank, and grabbed his stuff, before walking out.

And to his surprise, James was just outside in the corridor. 'What the hell are you doing in the dressing rooms?' he asked. 'I thought I told your pretty boy he couldn't date you anymore.' He obviously hadn't noticed Frank unconscious in his arms.

'Don't worry,' Gerard replied, his voice angry. 'I quit. And I'll make sure he doesn't come back either.'

'As if I care.'

'I know you don't care. Just like you don't care about your customers raping your employees in the restroom.' And then he headed to the front door, where Jamia was already waiting for them. She looked at Frank, and then at Gerard, a questioning look on her face. 'He was ra –' But he couldn't finish his sentence.

Jamia knew what he was trying to say, though. 'Let's get a cab. We're taking him to the ER.'

'Can we just go home?' Frank mumbled out of nowhere, making both of them turn. He was still half unconscious, his arms around Gerard's neck. 'I just want to go home.' And then he started sobbing in Gerard's shoulder.

'Sure, let's go home,' his boyfriend said, and then kissed his forehead.

Gerard helped Frank out of the cab, and up the stairs to the apartment.

No one said a word in the meantime.

Gerard got him into more comfortable clothes to sleep, and tucked him in. He was afraid to touch him, to be honest. He knew it was too soon, and even stroking his hair felt beyond boundaries.

Noticing he fell asleep right away, Gerard went to the living room and joined Jamia. 'How is he?' she asked.

'He fell asleep.' There was a pause. 'Shouldn't we go to the authorities, or get him checked out?'

She nodded. 'He should get tested.'

'I should have known,' Gerard said. 'It's all my fault.'

'What the fuck are you saying? If anything you saved him.'

He shook his head. He knew there was something wrong. Frank kept telling him he was going through shit but he never asked what he meant. And he saw him walking out with customers. What if this wasn't the first time? And all this time he thought he was cheating on him. He was the worst boyfriend.

When he got in bed, Frank woke up and cuddle next to him. 'I'm so sorry,' Gerard tried to say.

'I don't want to talk about it, okay?' Frank replied crying. 'It hurts too much.'

'Okay.' He paused. 'Can you promise me to go to the clinic tomorrow?'

He felt Frank nodding against his chest.

'You keep saving me.'

'And I'll keep doing it.'

Frank took a deep breath, sobbing. 'You should have told me, Frank,' Gerard said. 'You should have told me they caught us. I would have quit, and you wouldn't be going through this.'

'I know.' There was a long silence. 'Hold me, please.' So Gerard put his arms around him, protecting him, which was what he intended to do from now on. 'Just stay with me, okay?' Frank pleaded. 

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