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Saturday night and the place was packed.

When Frank made it to his dressing room, there was a rose waiting for him. This time with a note. You're beautiful. Thanks for the date, G

It brought a smile to his face.

A smile he wore during his entire set. As soon as Womanizer started playing and Frank walked out, wearing lacey thongs and pink stilettos, more confident than ever, just dancing for the adorable boy behind the bar.

While he was spinning around the pole, he winked at Gerard, knowing he was making him blush.

They'd been going out for a week, mainly to the park and the movies, and Gerard still blushed every time Frank looked at him. But Frank knew that him dancing as Destroya made him especially nervous, and he loved that.

The set was over, and soon everyone in the audience was throwing Frank dollar bills, flowers and other gifts. He took a bow and ran to the back, grabbing his phone from the box where he left it, and immediately texted Gerard. meet me in the back alley?

It took him another minute to reply, giving Frank time to change into his chucks and put pants on. Yeah.

Frank was already smoking when Gerard walked out. Frank didn't even give him time to say anything, he just walked up to him and kiss him, his red lips staining Gerard's. 'I've been wanting to do that all day,' he said with a sigh.

Gerard blushed. 'What exactly?'

'Kissing you. You're so fucking irresistible.' He kissed him again, biting his lower lip. He knew Gerard was sort of innocent, and that just turned him on more.

In the meantime, Gerard was hypnotized by Frank's beauty. His eyes, big and hazel under that red eyeshadow that suited him so well. He pushed Frank's sweaty hair back so he could see every little detail of his face. He still didn't know how someone so beautiful could be into someone like him.

And he wanted to be with him, let him do whatever he wanted and take off his clothes and have sex with him. He wanted Frank to be his first.

But he was afraid Frank wouldn't like him when he saw what was hiding under his shirt, his love handles and the scars that adorned them. He was sure Frank would be repulsed by them.

'C'mon, let's go,' Frank whispered in his ear, and then pulled him by the arm, not giving him time to protest. They made it to the end of the alley, where Frank pushed Gerard to the wall and started kissing him. Gerard put his hands on Frank's hips, and they didn't move from there, afraid of going into places they shouldn't be. But Frank took one of them, and moved it to his bulge, which was excited about Gerard. He left it there, making Frank moan.

They had to stop before they got too far, and Frank pulled his arm again, taking him across the street and around the corner to a snack joint where they sold cookies after midnight. He was almost skipping. They bought a dozen and a cup of ice cream, and sat outside to eat.

'You have ice cream right there,' Gerard said, pointing at Frank's mouth.

'Oh, yeah? Where?' He was obviously playing dumb.

'Right here.' And then Gerard licked the side of his mouth, and they were kissing again.

'Damn, Gerard – you're making it so hard to keep it slow. I just want to –'

'What if I don't want to take it slow anymore?'

'Are you sure?'

Gerard nodded. He was still afraid of being naked in front of him, but there wasn't anything he wanted more.

'Let's do something, okay?' Frank said, taking his hand and locking his fingers between his. 'Let's take tonight slow. And tomorrow – let's see what happens, okay?'

Gerard nodded.

'I like this taking it slow, too.' Without another word, he grabbed the bag of cookies and pulled Gerard by the arm again, and they were off, back to Poison. But they took another entrance that led them upstairs, straight to the rooftop.

It wasn't a tall building, but they got a great view of the city. And more importantly, the view in front of Frank. The cute guy with the chubby cheeks and black hair that made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

They kissed for what seemed hours, under the stars and the moon, their bodies too close, vibrating with electricity. Just them, and the rest didn't matter.

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