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*TW//something that might be triggering for some happens in this chapter*

I Put a Spell On You was blasting on the speakers.

And Frank was already lost on the music, grinding himself on the pole. He was already drunk by the time he made it to work, but it was the only way.

His table was always crowded. There was a reason Destroya was a success. Frank's beauty was famous among the customers, and even though he wasn't the star of the show anymore, they were still there, trying to get a piece of him.

He felt their eyes on him, eating him alive. He had to fight the tears. All he wanted was to run out of there and never come back. That would make things easier.

He felt Gerard staring at him from the other side of the room. He knew he was disappointed in him, disappointed in the person he had become. But he couldn't understand his reasons. He was doing this for him, for them.

So Frank danced for him, knowing he was watching.

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
Stop the things you do
Watch out, I ain't lying

He dedicated his performance to him, focused on Gerard. It was all for him, after all.

Gerard was the only thing that made sense, the only thing keeping him going. He just wished this version of him wouldn't scare him away, cause then he'd be lost.

He felt a hand cupping his crotch, bringing him back to the moment. The stranger in front of him kept touching him, and Frank wanted to kick him with his heels, put a hole right between his eyes, but he didn't want to get in trouble. So he just let him.

As soon as he got a break, he ran outside and threw up. His breath still tasted like tobacco and cum from his last customer.

He wanted to cry, but he would not let them see him like that.

'Are you okay?' he heard someone ask from behind. Gerard.

Frank didn't even turn around, and just took a cigarette out. 'Does it seem like I'm doing okay?' There was no response.

Then, Gerard was next to him. 'I just –'

'Don't you get it?' Frank interrupted. 'We can't be seen together! I'm doing this for us. Please, don't throw it all away because I'm already having the worst time of my life.'

Gerard didn't say anything. He didn't know what was happening. He had never seen Frank like this, and it was a little scary. 'What happened?'

'Just – meet me at my place later, okay?'

Gerard started walking away.

'Please,' Frank begged, and Gerard could swear he was crying.


Gerard was knocking on his door five minutes after he made it home, and he noticed Frank reeked of alcohol. 'You need a shower,' he said.

'No, I just need you.'

'C'mon.' He dragged him to the shower, and helped him clean off, and later cuddled with him in bed.

'I'm so sorry for being an asshole,' Frank mumbled, resting his head on Gerard's chest.

'You're not an asshole.'

'But I sure acted like one. I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. You wanna talk?'

'Not really.' He was tired, and he didn't really want to tell him how he had become Destroya. Some things were better kept private. 'I can handle it.'

'Just know that I'm here, okay?'

'Thank you.' And then, he fell asleep.

But as the days passed, Gerard noticed he got angrier and angrier, and he was drinking more. He knew there were things he was keeping to himself, but he didn't want to force him to tell him. But he noticed him disappearing from his table, and walking away with men.

He didn't want to believe it.

Had Frank got tired of him so soon? He knew he was boring, and Frank was so out of his league. But why did he choose to cheat on him, right there, in his face? Was he just trying to hurt him? Was Gerard just a game for him?

'He's back at it,' he heard his coworker Ray say.

'Huh?' Gerard asked, confused.

'Frank. He used to sleep around with customers a lot. It seems he's back at it.'

He'd noticed it too. Frank went in and out with different men, he was different lately.

Gerard clenched his fists, reminding himself not to punch him. It wasn't him he should be angry at. It was Frank.

He had never felt so hurt.

Frank was his first boyfriend. He knew it was too good to be true.

Once he finished closing, he crossed the corridor to the office to clock out, and went to the restroom before heading out. As soon as he walked in, he heard someone groaning and panting. People fucking in the stalls wasn't exactly unusual.

He pretended he didn't hear, and washed his hands, when someone came out of the handicap stall.

Just one person.

He couldn't help turn around and notice he left the door open.

Someone was lying unconscious on the floor, panties pulled down to the knees.

No, not someone.

It was Frank.

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