Jealous Bunny

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It's been days since they last saw each other. Both of them are filming their individual lakorn. Ya is filming with Mario, while Nadech is filming with Bow. They were only able to talk through their phones. Every time they will have a break, take a lunch, or whenever they go to bed, they always make sure they will update each other through video call.

Whether there's a distance separating the both of them, their sweetness would always be there. And nothing could separate their hearts, even if sometimes their other half is in the other side of the world.


Babe, are you feeling exhausted? I miss you real bad.


Not that much. There's only a little scene for me to take today, since the lakorn is near-end already. I miss you too, sho mucho.


Why don't I have the ability to teleport? I just wanna be so close to you. I feel so drained not being able to see you.


The feeling is mutual. But you know our situation, right? We need to be professional. Personal is always a different matter, hm?


Yes, I know. I just miss hugging you, teasing you, cuddling with you, watching movies with you, and of course kissing you. I miss doing everything with you. Especially you.


Teerak, I want to talk to you more but I gotta go. The staff's calling me already. Always remember to stay hydrated and eat on time, okay? I love you!

P'Anne signalled me to come closer, as if she has something to say. I smiled politely, though my insides just want to beg the director to just let me have a free day to visit P'Bear. I feel so frustrated with the situation we're currently in.

"Ya, it looks like our filming tomorrow will be cancelled. The beach I supposedly reserved got some problems to be fixed. I know you are tired as well, you deserve a day as a rest." She patted me on my shoulder, afterwards giving me a mischievous smile. P'Anne inched a little closer to my ear then whispered, "I know you miss your boyfriend. You can go to him now."

Right after P'Anne broke the news to me, I run to Mummy and gave her the tightest hug. "What's gotten into you, Luk? Just a while ago I saw you looking as if you would pass out any minute. And now you're here all smiles and giddy. What made my daughter this excited?" Mummy brushes my hair using the tip of her fingers while I look at her with my puppy eyes in display.

"Mummy, can I go to P'Nadech's filming set tomorrow? The shoot's postponed, and I don't have anything scheduled for the next day anyway."

My Mom's response was a smile and a nod, and I couldn't help but to jump up and down in happiness. "Thank you, mummy! This is why I love you the mostest." Then I kissed her cheeks.

"I know how much you miss Nadech. And I also know well enough that he's the only one who has the ability to lighten you up."

When we got home, I changed myself into comfy clothes then immediately slid into the blanket. I close my eyes, my energy starting to drain off.

Realizing I was still not saying goodnight to Nadech, I quickly got up and reached for my phone.


Sawadee, teerak! I just got home and I'm now getting ready to sleep. Did you eat already? Did you take your vitamins? Did you make sure you drank 8 or more glasses of water?

I waited for good 5 minutes, still no response. I guess he's taking his rest already. Worry touches my heart. He wasn't even able to send a simple "goodnight" to me, a sign of how exhausted he was.

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