In Sickness & In Health

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“Please, please,” she chanted in her mind over and over as she paced back and forth the living room, anxiously waiting for Nadech’s call. When the phone she had in her hand rang, she answered it without wasting any second.

With her heart beating so fast, she asked with a voice laced with panic. “What’s the result?” She closed her eyes while biting her lower lip hard, praying to all the deities in the heaven for the outcome to be the one she anticipated it to be.

“Hello to you, too, teerak.” He chuckled at her but she wasn’t in the mood to go along with him. “Stop over worrying.” Her heart seems to recognize its owner as it soon started beating normally after hearing his gentle voice.

“What’s the result, Na?” She reiterated, worry still in her voice. “Negative.” His response made her sigh in relief.

“Who? Mae Keaw? You? Are you both—” she continued to bombard him with questions only to be cut off by him.

“Ya, calm down. Take a deep breath for me, please.” He instructed her to hold her breath for a few seconds, before releasing it slowly. He made her do it for at least three times, ensuring himself that she’s in a calm state by now.

“You don’t have to worry about us nor feel guilty, okay? Both of us tested negative. We’re fine.” He heard her mumble a “thank God” in the air in which he smiled at.

“Don’t think about us or anything else. Just think of yourself and how you can quickly recover, okay? I’ll visit you as soon as I can.” He comforted her, his heart still worried about his girlfriend’s condition.

“What? No! Don’t come back here till I’m recovered. Just stay there at your place with Mae Keaw for the meantime, please? I don’t want you to get sick.” Her statements were definitely against her own will but she has to say what she has to. As much as she wants to make her Barry stay beside her as she recovers, she’s aware she can’t.

“Who’s going to take care of you, then? I heard from Mae Pla that you send her and Dad off to your grandma’s.” He worriedly inquired. Knowing Yaya for more than a decade, he knows well that she will refuse any sort of help from anyone now that she is sick, saying she doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone.

“I can take care of myself,” she declared, not giving in to Barry. “Baby, come on? I’m not just anyone, I’m your boyfriend. I should take care of you.” There’s no way in hell he’s gonna let her be alone while she’s recovering.

“Bear, stop being stubborn.” She commented on his insistence. “I know we’re not married yet neither have we vowed this but I’ll stay with you through sickness and health.” His words made her heart dwell in warmth. This man surely is a professional in terms of making her melt and at the same time knowledgeable of her weakness. He is her weakness.

“Fine, but we gotta follow the health protocols whenever you visit me.” Huffing a breath, she finally gave in to his request. “We definitely have to, missy. I’ll head straight to you after I accompany mom to her lunch with her friend. See you, I love you!”

“See you, too. I love you.” She dropped the call as she dropped herself harshly on the couch. Facepalming herself, she can’t help but to think that she’s going to be a burden to Barry if he comes back and forth here just to take care of her. “Damn, this was just the first time I got out of the country and it’s already like this.” She cursed silently, irritated at herself for almost making an elder, Mae Keaw, sick.

After what seems to be a cursing session of herself, she fell on a deep slumber and was awoken up by the sound of rustling paper bags. The reason of the noise? Her bear was busy rummaging through the groceries he got before coming there.

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