Best Memories

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Yaya massaged her back softly, trying hard not to wince over the cramps that attacks her body. They’re currently lying down on their stomach, the grass that touches a little bit of her exposed skin tickling her. Slowly raising her head enough for her to peek over the wall, she lets out a disappointed sigh as she sees Mark still trying to make up with Kim. The girl has been a little annoyed at her boyfriend for he won’t let her eat when in fact, she’s starving.

The feel of his hand on her back brought a familiar warmth in her system, making her look at him. “Patience, you have to understand how Kim currently acts because she’s clueless regarding what’s about to transpire.” The softness of his voice made her nod, a small smile starting to bloom on her face at the sight of his bedimpled one.

“I know, and I’m beyond happy for the both of them but I can’t help but worry if we’ll still be able to stand up after just lying frozen here for about 3 hours.” Yaya chuckles, putting her weight on her elbow to maintain her balance before caressing his face using her hand.

“Guys, I don’t want to interrupt your ‘moment’,” Itthi, the only single one in the gang, spoke taking both of their attentions. “and I know that you two are also in love and all. But look, Mark’s taking pictures of her already!” He exclaimed in a whisper, making Nadech quickly do his task for the day. He was the one asked by Mark to capture everything while Yaya will be the one to take their pictures the moment Mark kneels down using her film camera. The signal they were given was once he takes pictures of Kim, it will be it.

He glanced at his side for a moment, seeing happy tears pooling in the corner of Yaya’s eyes, daring to fall off. With one hand balancing the camera, he held her hand with the other. The happiness that her smile and eyes reflected made him wonder, if this would also be the same reaction he would be getting if he was the one, who is surprising her with a ring in his hand, asking her to marry him.

He mouthed a “don’t sob,” to her in which Yaya nodded at, covering her mouth to stop her sobs from coming out. She doesn’t want to ruin that video meant to capture everything in this once in a lifetime moment of Mark and Kim’s.

They just watched and listened as Mark professed his love for Kim, the breath-taking view before them making the memory more beautiful than it already is. Yaya cried along Kim, her nose getting a little red making her a lot more cuter in his eyes.

The smiles they had after Kim had said “yes” were unerasable, all of them hugging the couple one by one while congratulating them. The first one Kim saw was Yaya, making her shocked to the core, she even asked Yaya to pinched her just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. As far as she knows, Nadech and Yaya were still in Norway but now, here they are, in Switzerland. The two girls both bursted into tears while they’re in each other’s embrace, making Nadech shook his head with a chuckle. Girl things, probably.

He patted Mark on his shoulder, “congrats, man. You did it.” He uttered with a warm smile. “Thanks, and this wouldn’t have been possible without you guys. Thank you, really. For flying all the way here just to help me out.”

“Well, nothing in this world is for free. I have a high talent fee both as an actor and a photographer, you know, but since you’re my friend I’ll be generous enough by letting you pay just half my rate.” He joked. “Kidding, but I’ll make sure I’ll also keep you up until 2 am ranting about how anxious I am once I’ll be the one to propose.” The two ended up laughing, Nadech’s silliness still just as the same as how it was before. It’s true though, Mark had always called Nadech up in the midnight telling how it was such a struggle to keep everything a secret to Kim. He did it every single night for the past three weeks, making Yaya complain about how she wakes up in the middle of the night alone in the bed, only to spot Nadech by the window comforting Mark through call.

“Dare to do that and I’ll tell Yaya everything about your plans.” Instead of answering, Nadech smacked his head while silently cursing Mark in his mind.


“I can’t believe those two are soon getting married and that lillo spoon of mine is soon going to be a bride.” She wiped the dry tear stains on her cheeks, the smile she wore a while ago still etched on her face. She seems so happy, knowing that one of her closest ones is in the hand of the right person. “And I also can’t believe that those two monkeys who we had always brought along on our dates so the media wouldn’t get suspicious of our relationship are getting married even ahead of us. Dang, Mark’s so fast.” I tried to crack a joke, hoping I wasn’t being that transparent. It’s never in my intention to let my future plans for her be spoiled just because she can read me like an open book.

“I can’t wait to be a bridesmaid again!” The sound of her lively voice made the ends of my lips curve up as well, a small chuckle escaping my lips at the sight of her ecstatically clapping. Well, she seems to be oblivious of the proposal I had in mind.

“You sure are going to be beautiful,” I noticed that some of her bangs was swayed to the side so I decided to fix it. “But don’t overdo it. It will be so rude if you’ll show up in the wedding being prettier than the bride.” The sound of our laugh resonated across the room, followed by the sound of slap Yaya gave me on my shoulder. “Crazy, I’ll make myself the prettiest only if the name imprinted on the wedding invitation is my name and. . .” she paused, wiggling her brows, as if teasing me. Who else on Earth is she gonna marry?

“My name?” She just gave me one of her cheeky smiles. “Who said I’m gonna marry you? You better pop ‘that’ question out first before labelling me as your bride. If you’re forgetting, I am still Ms. Sperbund, Mr. Kugimiya.” She raised her eyebrows at me, the way she was biting her lip not leaving unnoticed by me. She was trying too hard to suppress her laugh, I knew it, as I was also doing the same.

“Hm, is that so? Don’t worry about that, I won’t let you wait till your hair turns gray.” I saw her shake her head at my silliness, her eyes almost disappearing because of the way she widely smiled. “And I promise you, your right ring finger’s going to be clad with a ring with the biggest diamond I could possibly buy.” I reached for her hand, intertwining our fingers together before I planted a kiss on it.

“A big diamond ring isn’t really that necessary for me, I was just kidding back then when I told you it should have a humongous stone on it. You know material things aren’t that important for me because all that ever mattered to me was you.” I held her gaze, the love pooling in her eyes tugging my heartstrings. Indeed, she had always told me that what’s the sense of giving each other luxurious and expensive things when your relationship itself is lacking of love, which is the foundation of a lasting relationship.

“I love you.” Before she could say it back, I already had my lips pressed against hers, letting my kiss continue to tell her how much she means to me. She responded back, giving as much as she takes, making me smile in between our kiss. Things escalated fast; from one thing to another. Our kiss turned into love making, bringing our hearts closer than it already were if it’s even possible.

“I love you, teerak.” I don’t know if she was able to hear my words clearly despite of my ragged breathing, but I am certain I was able to convey it using my eyes that reflected all of the love I have in store just for her and her only.

“I love you, too, my love.” The way she sweetly said that made my heart warm, her stare making me feel so loved.

If life is a story, she is the climax. If life is a song, she is the chorus. And if life is a movie, she is the best part.


i’m so so sorry if you’re disappointed in how this turned out, this shot wasn’t so focused on NY and it doesn’t really have a lot of sweet scenes because I just wrote this very quickly this morning lol

not gonna promise but i’ll try to finish my drafts (i wrote those last month) so i’d be able to publish it asap :)

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