Yours For Infinity

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I refuse to speak a word with you in person.

He almost pulled his hair out in frustration. Yaya was suddenly avoiding him these past few days, more than a week actually, which makes him feel uneasy. The reason why she’s been staying away from him? He doesn’t know.


Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?

He massaged the bridge of his nose, recalling what he had done during their recent encounters, hoping he would somehow figure out what had made her this upset.


Figure it out yourself.

Cursing in his mind, he took a deep breath to calm himself down. Letting his temper get the best of him wouldn’t do anything good and it might even worsen the situation, so he thought of letting it subside before typing any response.


Baby, please, let’s talk this out. Tell me, what did I do wrong?

He wouldn’t let this day pass without them reconciling. Just a day of her not talking to him almost made him insane, but he let her be because he figured maybe she’s just tired from work. But when a day became a week, he could no longer tolerate it that’s why he immediately addressed the issue to her.


Don’t you seriously know? You’re horrible.

Yaya didn’t receive any more messages after she had sent that one. So he had already gave up on fixing things up with me? Slumping her shoulders, she reflected on her actions. Is she being too much? She just wants to be wooed.

What he did wrong wasn’t actually so wrong or bad. It wasn’t even intentional if she would guess. She just can’t help but sulk. Now that it looks like he had lost hopes on reconciling with her, she had an internal battle with herself if she should just go to him and lower her pride by saying sorry for being childish or if she should stand her ground. If only he knows how much of resistance she uses just to stop herself from giving in to him.

“Fine, just a day more, Barry.”

The moon shone brightly as the night came but still, no calls, no messages from him. She played with the food on her plate using the fork, her appetite nowhere to be found. She wasn’t aware of it, but she looks over her phone from time to time, hoping he would contact her in any way. Even if it was just an emoji or even a single dot, it would be goodbye enough for her.

She almost jolted up in place when her phone rang in which she immediately answered without wasting even a millisecond. “Hello?” She softly muttered, fingers fidgeting.

“Ya,” she pouted at his endearment. Is he that mad that he now just calls her by her name and not with those weird yet cute pet names like chubby and fatty?

“What design do you usually like?” She furrowed her brows at his query. She swears she never expected that that’d be the first question he’ll ever ask her since their last conversation earlier. She just responded with a “huh?” so he gave examples.

“Like hearts, butterflies, flowers, anything like that.” She tried thinking of the possible reasons of why he’s suddenly asking something random such as this, but nothing enters her mind. “I love bow, moon, and rainbow. Why?”

“Nothing. I’ll hang up now. Love you.” It made her a little at ease that even if they are in the middle of a small misunderstanding, he still didn’t fail to tell her he loves her. Before she could even say it back, he had already ended the call in which she pouted at.

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