Happy NY

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"God, I still can't believe that the year's about to end." She uttered while shaking her head with a small smile on her face, as if wrapping the fact around her head that just a few more hours and they'll welcome 2022 already.

"Time surely does fly fast," He chuckled, taking a hold of her hand as she rests it on the table. "But when I'm with you, I feel like I'm in a photograph, for time's forever frozen still whenever I spend it with you."

"That sentence is filled with cheese." She tried to fight off the smile that's about to spread on her face, but she obviously failed miserably. She just continued eating her pizza with gusto to divert her attention on something. He stared at her as she devours her meal happily, and he can't help but to wonder what he did to deserve this girl sitting right across him. Did he save a whole nation in his past life? Or perhaps visited every single temple in the country?

Probably feeling his stare at her, she looked up at him only to see him with his bedimpled smile in display. "What? Why aren't you eating? Do you feel full just by looking at me?" She giggled and her cheeks just turned into beet root red.

"Nothing. I just love staring at what's mine." He casually said, pinning some strands of her hair behind her ear. Other's may think that he already got used to her beauty, but no, he doesn't think so. And he never will. Being with Yaya for more than a decade, he's still amazed by the way she takes his breath away every single time. With or without makeup, she's still the prettiest, ever.

"Yes, I do know I am yours but finish your food first please? You still have a lot of time to stare at my pretty face later." She did a mini hairflip, making him chuckle as he nod. "Okay, missy."

"Barry, I know I did tell you that you can stare at me for all you want later but I didn't think you'd actually take that too seriously." She playfully scolded him as if she doesn't like it yet her blush tells otherwise. Well, he might be staring at her for the last 15 minutes as they waited for the fireworks display in the villa they're currently staying in. Correction. Their villa. Since he discretely bought this without Yaya knowing, thinking of it as his New Year's gift for her later.

"I love you." He uttered with full sincerity as it has became a habit of his to say that he loves her out of nowhere frequently every single day. He doesn't know why, but he just wants to give her the reassurance that he loves her and nothing could ever change that.

She suddenly blushed and smiled shyly, biting her lip softly before responding, "I know. I love you too." It was now his turn to duck his head back in glee. Seriously, he definitely knows now well why their friends used to call him a lover boy. He's head over the heels with this girl who stole his heart back before they're still teenagers and he plans to leave it in her possession forever.

They stayed in a comfortable silence. Both enjoying the ambiance Khao Yai is giving. The exhaustion they felt working for a whole year being stripped off of them.

"You know," Yaya started, opening up a conversation. "When I was young, I've always thought that love is all about the butterflies. The ones where you'll feel something odd in your stomach yet it feels so great." She smiled, making Nadech return the smile as he looked deep into her eyes, encouraging her to continue.

"It's how I perceived love as before, till I met you." He saw how her eyes slowly became glossy, her eyes having this significant glint he always loves to see when they're together.

"Because when I finally experienced being in a relationship with you, I learnt that love is a rollercoaster hell of ride. Surely, I feel those butterflies every single time but that really isn't the definition of love. Because now, for me, love is when you choose that person's happiness before yours, love is when you prioritize that special someone up above anything. Love is when you will choose to stay with them even in the storm, for you'd rather fight the obstacles given by fate together rather than being safe but living with misery alone."

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