Milkshake (Part 2 of the Dussic angst)- Duller Fluff

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Just felt like continuing it. So yea, hab sum duller. If you don't like the ship deal with UwU
High school au
Warnings: Ocs, and probably as long as one of my decent chapters.
It was a nice summer evening, the birds were chirping and the flowers were bright with colour. It was 3 weeks since Classic's death, Blue was still on the loose with 1 to 2 deaths per week, but those dead people are mainly people that had touched Dust.
Two skeletons were walking to a old cemetery, one skeleton with empty eye sockets and black tears forever pooling from his eyes.
The other had mismatched eyes, one purple and the other red with a blue centre.
The first was Killer, he was Dust's best friend. He always came to help when he needed it and was a friend to Classic.
The other was Dust, he had white and light blue flowers in his hands, his hood casting a faint shadow over his skull. He was clearly sad, a frown was on his face as he held the flowers to his chest.
Ever since Classic died the police has been trying to find Blue. But he was never found, he just disappeared from existence. There was no evidence that he'd left the country and his brother was in a different country. So the two were always wary when they went.
The black metal gates have become closer to the duo the tips of the gate spiked and sharp. They walked in and looked for a stone grave near the right edge.
The grave was dull and dead as how you'd expect it to be. The old leaves crunching beneath their feet. Dust placed the flowers down replacing the old ones. He sat down and spoke, "They haven't found him, we all miss you, I hope your living better up there." He smiles while purple tears ran down his face. "C' mon bud, I'll take you out for a drink". Killer sighed. Dust nodded and got up walking out of the dull graveyard.
They were in a small outdoor market with a few small restaurants around. They would normally walked around here to brighten up the gloomy mood of being in the graveyard.
Every shop was pretty much recognizable as they'd have wall through this path multiple times but one new shop caught their eyes.
It was a milkshake store selling lots of different types of milkshakes. "You wanna go there Dust?", Killer asked Dust just nodded.
They went in a faint ding of a bell could be heard signaling someone had come in. It was a cozy little shop with small couples sitting at tables chatting away sipping their drinks from time to time.
"You wanna get a strawberry milkshake to share?", Killer asked, "Sure, why not", Dust mumbled, "It would be nice.". Killer was trying his hardest to brighten up Dust's mood, after all.
You want to make the person you like as happy as possible.
Killer sighed and walked up to the cashier, "Can we get one strawberry milkshake with two straws please", "Sure thing sir,", said the man at the counter. "Dust, could you get a seat", Killer whispered so only they could hear. Dust replied with a nod and walked off somewhere in the store.
'Ooo, brother. Look how many people we could kill here~ so much L.V.', "Paps no, we promised not to kill anymore", Dust mumbled quietly. '', the so called 'paps' growled, Dust flinched. They just went to his grave, and paps is trying to use him. Dust sighed, "Fxxk off Papyrus Wing Dings", Paps grumbled and disappeared from Dust's sight. 'Much better' he thought to him self as he sat down at the empty space for two.
A few minutes later Killer arrived with the milkshake, Dust smiled slightly when he came, he doesn't know why, but he feels safe and happier when Killer is around, like the gloomy world had become brighter. Killer sat down in front of Dust and looked at him a warm smile on his face, Dust took a sip of the milkshake and smiled back.
If you were to walk into this store not knowing the two you'd think they'd be a couple, and that's what exactly happened next.
(Bout to add a oc :>)
A girl with light red-ish pink hair walked in, she wore a white un-stained hood with a yellow torso. Her eyes were a bright green, and she had floofy wolf ears and tail to accompany the light red hair.
She walked in with another wolf friend, but this time she had a black hair and a red jacket, and black eyes. The two girls were just chatting away as they walked towards the cashier. The ordered their drinks and then the light red haired girl went to look for a seat while the black hair one stayed.
The hooded girl looked around, there were no seats left, there were two seats next to some other people she didn't know so she didn't bother to ask as they were mainly young adults and she was a teenager. She looked around and spotted the two skeletons, they were about her age and from her school so it was perfect. She went up to the two and asked if she and her friend could join them.
"I'd say sure, what 'bout you Dust.", Killer asked
"Sure, why not.", Dust sighed, "Not like you've got anywhere to sit.".
"What's your name then?", Killer asked
"Aura, and the black haired one is Splat", she said as Splat walked back with one chocolate milkshake and one banana.
They both sat down and started drinking, their drinks. (Lmao, sound like they're drinking alcohol)
"Hey, are you guys a couple" Aura asked, "N-no we are not a couple", Killer hissed as his face went slightly red while as Dust looked away his face purple with a small scowl.
Aura snickered, "Ooo, hope ya get together soon tho" a wide grin plastered on her face, "I will fricking kill you", Killer growled. "Nah uh, not on my watch", Splat joked. Dust laid his head on the table looking at Killer with bored eyes, "Hi", he mumbled loud enough for just Killer to hear.
Killer patted Dust head rubbing it slowly is some spots making Dust lean his head into his touch. They've been there for 15 mins or so, the sun was setting slowly and and orange light shone through the windows giving the store a calm look.
A short skeleton came up to the four, "Heya! We are closing soon so we guys leave, we thank you for coming", he bowed slightly then walked off his light brown scarf trailing behind him. "Well then, we better be off, bye see you at school" Aura chirped and she stood up dragging Splat along with her.
"Wanna go home Dust" Killer asked still petting Dust's head, the milkshake had been drunken from only half of it left. Killer picked up the milkshake and stood up with Dust. (Wish me luck, heading to the dentist soon ;w;)
They walk to their shared apartment since both can't afford to live alone, they both took small sips of the milkshake Dust having to lean over a bit to reach his straw.
———At the Apartment 6:30———
The two were sat down on their dark blue couch the milkshake left forgotten on the coffee table in front of the sofa. The skeleton were sat close together shoulders touching each other. Dust yawned and leaned on Killer's shoulder as his eyes-lids struggled to keep open. Killer blushed, Dust was now fully asleep on his shoulder. He needed to move Dust without waking him up, so he teleported to his room slowly laying down the sleeping Dust on his bed then laying down with him pulling Dust closer.
Killer hummed a small tune as he pulled the covers over, Dust shifted so he was closer to Killer.
Killer pecked his head and closed his eyes drifting off into a comfortable sleep.

Why da heck you still here

Do you want a bonus?

Okeh ;w;

Dust woke up to something warm wrapped around him, that was unusual as he slept with the blanket off. He blinked a few times and then saw Killer's face was inches way from his own, he scream falling of the bed with a loud thump. Killer woke up rubbing his eyes, "Dust? Dust was that you", he mumbled, "Down here you doofus" Dust grumbled crossing his arms, Killer peered over the bed, "You okay bud.", Killer ask giving Dust the 'really' look, "Yes, yes I am. But why was I sleeping with you?", Dust hissed as he slowly got up dusting his clothes off. "You fell asleep on my shoulder and your room was locked", Killer stated giving Dust a blunt look as Dust's face went purple.
"Let's just go to school already", Dust mumbled his face still a bright purple.
It's starting to become my OTP.
Also I see Killer as a top in this ship, I don't know why. We don't have enough sub Dust.
I might make a part three because I find this ship too wholesome
Boi boi

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