
209 11 13

Because I lack motivation


Dream: Is it possible to get high off giggles?

Ink: Yes, it very much is. I mean, look at the author over there.

*Insert author giggling like a mad man with iPad in her hands*

Nightmare to the gang: So, If plan A and B don't work we have the go to plan C. But Killer and Dust die in plan C.

Dust and Killer: Let's just do plan C.

Cross: wait, nO-
Horror, in the kitchen: *stuffing lettuce in his mouth*

Error: *walks into kitchen*

Error: What did I tell you about eating after dinner.

Horror: ...To do it?-

Killer: How do you tell someone you want to kill them?

Dust: I would like to inflict damage on you bad enough that you are no longer classified as existing.

Killer: Gosh those birds are so loud in the morning



ChocolateOreo: Im going to ask you a few questions

1. Name a well known Men in Black actor (Just the first name)

2. Q,R,S,T, '?'

3. Ready, set, __

4. What is the opposite of in

5. I'm in love ____ the shape of you

6. Spell 'me'








ChocolateOreo: Thought you'd never ask, I'll be at the park 6pm Friday

BlackOctopus: ...What the fuck Cross.


*Flowerfell Secret Garden starts playing*

All the Sanses: *Sobbing*


Killer: Dream your good at finding things right?

Dream: Yes? What do you need

Killer: Can you find Dust's mental sanity

Dream: ...

Dream: Mom, there's a monster under my bed!
Nightmare: Bitch-

Cross to a chocolate on the floor: A FALLEN COMRAD

Nightmare: It's just chocolate

Error: *Walks in and sees the chocolate on the ground* HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN

Nightmare: Idiots


*Banging head on table*


*Hands you a knife*

Kill me please


Sanscest Oneshots {Discontinued.}Where stories live. Discover now