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'Stiles, are you sure?' Callie asked, looking at her boyfriend through the mirror as he stood grumpily next to her

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'Stiles, are you sure?' Callie asked, looking at her boyfriend through the mirror as he stood grumpily next to her. 'Don't you like it?' He asked, wrapping his hand around a long strand of hair. 'Stiles, it's a mop on your head' Callie answered honestly. Smiling at the hairdresser, Stiles moved out of his bubble allowing him to place a towel under her damp hair.

'No it's not?' Stiles argued, pushing his fringe out his face. 'You went to england for 6 weeks and then came back with your hair by your shoulders- which i don't understand how the hell thats possible' she wondered.

'But I thought you liked it?' Stiles pouted. 'It's a bit long Stiles, i can't even see your eyes' Callie admitted. She chuckled slightly at his blunt facial expression 'it is not long' he grumbled. 'Okay fine! Maybe it's a bit long, but I'm not going back to being bald' Stiles sighed as he stared at his covered face in the mirror.

'You weren't bald' Callie rolled her eyes as the hair dresser parted her wet and knots hair. Stiles peirced his lips as he knew he was over reacting. 'Well then what should I do?' He sulked, maintaining eye contact with the girl through the mirror.

'Maybe get a trim, take some off the sides? Anything will be an improvement from the mop' she suggested, smiling. 'I dunno Cal's, it took me a long time to grow this out' he sulked as he grabbed a chunk of his hair.

'Stiles, it's hair- it'll grow back' Callie rolled her eyes at his overly dramatic statement. Stomping his foot, Stiles bit his lip. 'You know I thought that I'd be nice, take us out for lunch, you know..on a date. But no, I'm now being forced to get my hair cut' Stiles gritted.

Callie chuckled 'how sweet, we can have a date when you don't look like shaggy from Scooby doo' Callie replied sarcastically. She looked up at her hair dresser who was hiding his grin.

'Scooby doo my ass' Stiles stomped his foot as he crossed his arms. Callie smiled as she looked at him in the mirror, you could barely see his eyes, and Callie did love his eyes.

Stiles rolled his eyes and stomped over to the front desk, his shaggy hair moving behind him. 'He's so childish' Callie sighed as she looked at the hairdresser in the mirror.

The hairdresser wasn't old, maybe around mid 20's with a large roman nose. His crispy blue eyes delved deep into Callie's soul as he smiled. 'It's cute' the adult chuckled, pulling the front strands of Callie's damp hair strait, measuring the length of them.

Callie chuckled, looking up at the hairdresser 'how long have you been together?' He cocked his head, as he began to snip away the ends of her hair. 'Uhh, seven months I think' she smiled, refraining herself from nodding.

'I ship' he smiled, clipping her hair up as he began to layer. Callie let out a small chuckle, she always did like it when people complimented their relationship, it made her feel like something in her life was going well.

'Wish my husband was like that?' He frowned, quickly looking back at the shaggy brunette who was slyly taking a handful of mints from their complimentary jar. 'A stubborn child?' Callie joked as her head was tilted down.

'Spiritually' he grinned. Callie let out a hollow laugh, Stiles really was a baby. 'It's cute' she shrugged as he unclipped her hair, letting the damp strands falls down her back. 'You know, you really do look like quite the pair' he gleamed, admiring their similarities through the mirror. 'What? Dumb and dumber?' She joked.

'More like sexy and sexier' the man winked and Callie blushed. Did people really ship herself and Stiles? 'So how did you two meet then?' He questioned as he sectioned her hair again.

Callie gulped 'we were friends actually, he was my best friend' she nodded awkwardly. She always hated clique but yet her life was one massive ironic joke.

'What about you and your partner?' Callie queried, forcing her eyes to look over at Stiles who say grumpily in the chair behind her. 'We met at a club' he smiled. Callie blushed 'how long have you been going?' She asked.

Callie always loved it when she was able to make conversation with random people, she felt it inspirational- that there is still good in the world. 'Seven years' he nodded, grinning at himself.

Callie didn't want to rush into anything or jinx herself, but herself and Stiles were going well. He was away for six weeks, but they still managed to talk, which was reassuring. But they were going good, but she didn't know what the future held for them.

'You guys in it for the long run?' He asked, tilting her head up, Callie quickly looked at her boyfriend in the mirror. 'I dunno, I haven't really thought about it' she shrugged, adjusting herself in her seat.

'Do you love him?' He raised a brow as he angled the scissors on her hair. Callie looked over at him through the mirror, he was sat so childishly on the chair as the apron was placed over his chest.

She didn't know what she felt- she had never felt love before. But there was this ecstatic feeling in her chest, butterflies fluttered inside her veins. She didn't know if she called it love, but was it expected of her 7 months in, Scott fell in around three.

'I'm not sure, I've never experienced love before' she shrugged honestly, trying not to move to much. 'Oh sweetie' he rolled his eyes. 'I think you'll know' he grinned.

'Grow up Stiles, it's just hair' Callie grumbled as Stiles slouched, his hands tightening against his steering wheel. 'It's all gone' he bellowed, ruffling his hand through his hair. 'Don't be pedantic Stiles' Callie scoffed, rubbing her eyes. 'Callie, it's all gone' he angered gently, tapping his fist on the wheel.

'Stiles, I love it' she blushed, wrapping her hands round the back of his head, she pulled gently. 'Gives me something to play with' she smiled.

Stiles' hair was new to both of them, but Callie loved it. Having it short on the sides and fluffy on the top made Stiles even so much more attractive- which Callie didn't think was possible.

Stiles sent her a groggy look 'if you want something to play with then..' slapping his chest, Callie gave him a glare, warning him. 'Stop it' she gritted her teeth. Stiles let out a smile and Callie felt her heart melt away.

Callie couldn't help but stare at him as he drove home, he was so unbelievably handsome and gorgeous. Callie realised how lucky she was, having someone like Stiles in her life- she knew that she didn't deserve him.

'What? What're you looking at?' He asked, ruffling his hair at the top of his head, self conscious that he had something on his face. 'You' Callie blushed, resting her elbow on the the car door, she couldn't help but admire her boyfriend.

'You're so cringe' Stiles joked, hiding his blush a placed a hand down on Callie's thigh- smiling. They weren't very affectionate to one another, sure they had their moments of pure lust and euphoria, but she wouldn't change it, at all.

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