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'No, get the hell off me Stiles' Callie bellowed as his arms were quickly shrugged away

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'No, get the hell off me Stiles' Callie bellowed as his arms were quickly shrugged away. Her arms crossed her chest as she felt the familiar burning sensation come from her eyes. 'No Callie' Stiles sighed, fumbling behind her as he felt his heart break.

Scott stood up tall, his phone placed in his back pocket as Callie pushed him away. 'I didn't- she-' 'shut it' she snapped, turning around on her heel- Callie stared bare face at Stiles. His face was awfully pale as his eyes turned red, his hands shaking as he went to reach out once more.

Callie felt her heart shatter looking at him, Stiles had finally pushed her over the edge. The one person who promised not to hurt her did. He broke her so badly, that her belief of not ever being loved was true, that she didn't deserve to be loved.

'Whoa, hey, hold on' Scott garbled, wrapping his hands around Callie's waist, he pulled her back. 'Scott get off me' she chided, pushing him away. Turning to Stiles, Scott sent him a glare. 'Callie I promise-' 'your promises mean jack shit Stiles' she raged, looking up at him, both their tears fell at the same time, their emotions mirrors each other.

People started looking at them, the skimpy girlfriend shouting at her boyfriend- it was a cliche that happened at every party. 'No, Callie' Stiles blubbered, his hand conversing his mouth.

'Scott let me go' Callie spoke through her teeth as the tall brunette stood in her past. Sighing, he moved out the way, letting the broken-hearted Callie walk out the door. 'Stiles, don't' Scott mumbled, walking towards his best friend.

Stiles swallowed the lump in his throat as he saw Callie walk away, wiping the tears away from her face. 'Scott, I can't let her walk away' Stiles gritted through his teeth as his eyelashes clumped together, trying to stop his chin from trembling.

Leaning in closer, Scott whispered in his ear. 'We're making a scene, lets go home' he mumbled. Looking the pale face brunette in the eye, Stiles nodded hastily, ignoring the scolding looks from everyone else.

'Stiles, what they heck was that?' Scott exclaimed, pulling on his jacket as the cold air enveloped them. Stiles ran his hands through his air, the gel clamming up his fingers. 'She kissed me' Stiles gulped, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth, he let out a shaky sigh.

'She kissed you the first moment you walked into the door- Callie didn't react like that, Stiles' Scott chided, looking back down the drive, trying to see where the brunette ran off to. 'It was a friendly kiss, I just- she just came onto me, I didn't- shit Scott' Stiles stuttered.

Collapsing down on the steps at the front of he house, Stiles solemnly places his head in his hands. 'Stiles, shat did Callie walk into?' Scott demanded, standing over the emotional brunette.

Stiles swallowed his pride, he knew that Scott wasn't going to be happy, he wasn't happy in himself- he hated himself. Watching her heart shatter in front of him as he opened his eyes. He was stupid, he was reckless.

'I didn't push her off, Scotty' Stiles gulped, wiping the tears away which swallowed him whole, he looked up at the brunette who had a look of disappointment on his face. 'Well did you, kiss back?' Scott sighed, sitting down next to him.

'No. I don't know- she was saying all this stuff and then she kissed me- I just- oh god ive messed it all up' Stiles withheld his tears. Scott let out a small smile, he didn't know what to say- he didn't know if stiles had messed it all up. He felt like he was stuck in the middle, he didn't want to choose, but he felt deep down that he would have to.

Callie didn't know what to do, she stood outside of Scott's house, looking up at the ivy which climbed up the walls. The image stayed picture perfect in his mind, the way his hand came up to her cheek, close to moving her golden hair out her face. Stiles didn't pull away until he opened his eyes.

She felt herself break down bit by bit. Everything was too good to be true, Callie knew that it wasn't going to last- no one ever stayed in her life. It was about time before he found someone better. The world slowly turned into a blur, cars which roamed past slowly became silent. The taste had slowly gone, she couldn't smell anything. Everything was gone.

She tried to fight back the urge to break down, to curl into a ball, to tug at her hair, to let herself go. A lone tear traced down her cheek as she rung the doorbell so silently, no sound escaped her mouth. Callie fought back every instinct to open the floodgate, yo stop her chin from trembling.

Melissa stood there, her face turning sympathetic as Callie's throat burned, churning for a silent scream as she allowed the pain to take over. Callie had no where to go aside from here- how was she supposed to let Stiles' dad comfort her, knowing that it was his son that tore her apart.

Melissa welcomed her with open arms, her head resting on her chest as her hands cradled her. Small shhh's escaped her mouth as emotional pain shredded from every pore. Callie felt part of herself leave, die. She didn't know what would happen next, she didn't think about what would happen. She only knew that Stiles had hurt her, he had left her. And it was the one thing he promised not to do.

'Look mum, this really isn't the time right now' Scott sighed as he placed the phone to his ear, shooting Allison a small smile. 'Well tell me when the time is right, Scott. Because i have a crying girl in our bathroom, and i have no idea what to do' Mellisa exclaimed down the phone, a hand on her hip as she looked back at the white painted door.

Scott sighed, darting his head towards Stiles, he elbowed him slightly 'Stiles, Callie's at my house' he whispered, his fingers covering the speaker on his phone. 'Uhm, mum I'm kinda busy right now-' 'too busy to tell me what the hell she's crying' she ordered.

Melissa placed a curl behind her ear as she looked at the door, her heart sank thinking about that girl crying. 'Something happened between Stiles and Callie, I'll sort it out later mum, I promise' Scott sighed, rubbing his face as he looked down at the floor.

Stiles stayed quiet, bouncing his knee up and down as he bit his thumb, regretting even coming to the party. 'Scott, i swear to god- you better be home soon' Melissa grumbled, crossing her arms as she hung up the phone.

Scott sighed, looking up at the brunette and red head in front of him, sending him a questioning look. 'Stiles and Callie got into an argument' Scott gulped. Lydia rolled her eyes, it seemed that they were always arguing.

'Well.. what was it about?' Lydia scoffed, she crossed her arms, eyes not leaving the self loathing brunette. Stiles looked up, tears still brewing in his eyes. He didn't want to say it, he already hated himself for what he did- speaking it out loud would make him feel worse.

'Lydia, don't' Allison suggested, placing a kind hand in her arm. 'What? I wanna know' Lydia scoffed, turning to face her. Scott gulped 'look, we'll talk about it later- what did you need to talk about?' Scott coughed, looking back over at Stiles who fought back the tears.

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