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Callie felt Scott's hand wrap around her waist as she pulled him into a hug

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Callie felt Scott's hand wrap around her waist as she pulled him into a hug. Scott huffed her tightly as she rested her chin on his shoulder, their hearts beating in sync. 'Alright, alright..that's enough' Stiles grumbled as he slipped his hand between the pair. 'Stiles' Callie rolled her eyes as the brunette pulled them away.

'Come here dude' Scott chuckled, opening up his arms he gestured for Stiles to come into the hug. Callie smiled, resting against the cold jeep, as she watched Scott hand tap against Stiles' back.

'So you're actually gunna do this?' Stiles questioned, pulling away from the hug, he placed his hands in his jeans pockets- looking up at the neon sign at the top of the building. Callie looked up as well, the cursive letters stood out bold piercings and tattoos.

Scott grinned, nodding as he bit his lip. She smiled, looking at her best friend who was trying to contain his excitement. Walking into the shop, Callie felt Stiles' hand press gently behind her back and she felt her heart beat faster. Looking up at her boyfriend, she smiled, getting lost in his eyes.

She wasn't sure what she felt, but it was getting stronger each time she looked at him. Callie didn't know love, she hadn't experienced anything to base her current emotion off on- but she felt something to passionate, so raw between them.

Callie looked back round as Stiles closed the door behind her. Pink neon lights planted up around the building as laminated photos hung. 'Please don't get a tattoo' Stiles grumbled, walking up behind her- his brown eyes scanned the room.

'Not your thing?' She asked, pointing up to a framed photo on the wall. The black inc was strong as letters lined underneath each other. 'Hate them' Stiles shook his head. 'I dunno, think they're kinda cute' she shrugged, walking round to the brown leather sofa where Scott sat patiently.

'Hey Scotty, look at this' Callie chuckled, pointing to a photo in a frame. Stiles stood behind her, laughing down at the printed photo as she handed it to Scott. The brunettes face dropped as he saw the design, a light sketch of a man on all fours as a tail curled over, sharp nails and teeth. 'Too soon?' Stiles cocked his head, placing a hand on his hip.

'Yeah' Callie nodded in shame, placing the binder back down. 'I dunno man, are you sure about this?' Stiles gulped as Scott rolled up his sleeve. 'These look pretty permanent' he acknowledged. 'Think that's the whole point, Stiles' Callie rolled her eyes, sighing at his stupid comment.

'I'm not changing my mind' Scott grinned as the bald headed man rolled a seat over to the station. 'Okay, but why two bands?' Stiles asked, placing his hands in his back jean pockets as Callie stood next to him, crossing her arms.

'I just like it' Scott shrugged. 'Doesn't sound inspiring enough to get it tattooed' Callie sighed sarcastically, her eyes narrowing as the man placed an inc capsule on the top of the machine. 'But don't you think that your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, or something?' Stiles questioned.

Callie looked up at him, he really did hate tattoo's. As Scott was about to speak, the bald man coughed slightly, his needle ready 'you ready?' He asked, interrupting their bickering.

Callie took a step closer to Scott as she wanted to watch. 'You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?' The man asked as the pin was multimeters away from Scott's arm. 'Nope' Scott grinned.

Stiles quickly crossed his arms as the vibrating sound filled the room 'i tend to get a little squeamish though' he announced, scratching his chin as he stood behind Callie.

'You okay?' Callie asked as she jumped into the middle of the jeep, her hands resting on either seat in front of her as both boys sluggishly got in. 'Kind of burns' Scott announced, looking down at his arm which had been wrapped around with a white nett. 'Yes. You just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times with a needle' Stiles' eyes narrowed as he grinned sarcastically, his hand tightening on the wheel.

'Yeah, but i don't think it's supposed to feel like this' Scott gulped, resting his head back on the seat, he hissed in pain. 'Take it off then' Callie ordered as the brunettes arm tended rapidly.

'Don't tell him to take it off' Stiles argued, turning back round to face his girlfriend. 'Stiles, don't be such a child- whoa' Callie stopped as she looked down at Scott's arm. The ink slowly melted away from his red skin. 'That's really gross' Stiles burped as he turnt back around, looking down at his blotchy skin.

'It healed' Scott panted, stating the obvious. 'Thank god, I hated it' Stiles let out a small sigh of relief. 'Stiles!' Callie Callie's out, slapping his shoulder as she shot him a groggy look. 'What!' He shrieked.

'So then how do you know she won't be back at school then?' Stiles questioned, resting both his hands on the wheel as he slowly braked at the red light. 'After everything that happened, I'm not sure she's coming back at all' Scott sighed, looking down at his lap as his heart sank. Callie really did think that Scott and Allison were going to be end game, personality wise and looks wise they were perfect, like they were matched for eachother.

'I think she is' Callie gulped as she looked out the side window. 'I'd say it's pretty definite' she nodded, her eyes following the two girls laughing in the car. The moonlight highlighted their skin as both Allison and Lydia laughed.

Stiles' eyes widened as he saw was Callie was mumbling about 'I'd say 100%' Stiles nodded sheepishly, signalling Scott to look out his window.

Scott's head suddenly looked back at Stiles, his heart skipping a beat as Allison realised who they were next to. 'Oh my god' Scott blurted out 'can we just drive, please...Stiles?' Scott demanded as he tried to avoid looking out his window.

'Scott, it's a red light' Stiles announced, his fingers pointing up to the mouth of the red light. 'I think we should talk to them' Callie shrugged, grinning at Stiles through the rear view mirror. ' i haven't spoken to Allison in ages' she grinned, nodding at Stiles, who was catching her drift.

'No' Scott shook his head, turning round aggressively to look at Callie, his eyes narrowing. 'No no! Stiles, what're you!' Scott stuttered as he tried pushing the sarcastic brunette off of him. 'Oh my god! Hi' Stiles grinned, rolling down the window.

Callie covered her mouth, trying to contain her laughter as the sound of tires squeaking filled the air. 'Stiles, I told you not to!' Scott gritted his teeth as he hung his head in shame. 'Stiles, it's a green light- go' Callie sighed, leaning forwards in her seat, she looked ahead at the black Mercedes speeding off.

'Stiles, what're you doing?' Scott questioned, darting his head towards Stiles, his eyes widening as hd started the ignition. 'I'm driving' Stiles shrugged. 'We're right behind them' Scott pointed out.

Looking back at the grinning girl, Scott shot her a pleading look. 'Okay, well you see any turns?' Stiles raised his hand, as he sped up. 'I don't want it to look like we're following them' Scott gulped.

'Well what else are we supposed to do?' Callie grumbled, placing a hand on Stiles' seat she cocked her head at Scott. 'I don't know, anything' he panted. Stiles suddenly hit the break and Callie let out a small squeal as she fell forwards, the seatbelt rubbing in her neck.

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