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a/n: hi !! i really hope this chapter clears some of your questions up. it would be great if i could have some feedback on this one, as i need to know whether this explained stuff or not.

this one was very hard to write, to be honest. i think my brain is fried now ahahaha. i'm sorry if this is bad. i just hope it explains everything.

(regular readers, pls read the end a/n for a lil explanation on something)


Frank's POV


I've been questioning my dreams a lot lately. I've started piecing them together, realizing that they all play out like a weird movie when they're put together like a jigsaw.

Once I play them over again in my mind, they finally make somewhat of a story, strung together neatly, with a few small plot-holes, of course.

It begins with the daydream. The one that begun it all. It's like the opening scene; where I'm stood at my own grave. There's this 'mysterious' boy with black, draping hair and teal roots, sobbing- begging for me to come back. It's Gerard. But I didn't know that then.

It confuses me how he was there, and why he caught my attention the most out of the crowds of people at my imaginary funeral. Wouldn't I have spotted one of my friends first? Or one of my relatives?

The way my eyes travelled straight to him makes it seem like he was some kind of part of my subconscious. Like he's been lingering there since before these dreams started happening.

But how did I even know he existed back then?

Did he just- appear there? Did I meet him somewhere before that made me feel this strangely personal connection with him, despite it all being inside my head?




The word bounces off the walls in my mind, ringing around my head.

It's like I know him from somewhere else. Somewhere far away from this place.

Then in comes the next dream- the accident. Gerard holds me in his arms and tells me it's going to be okay as I feel myself slipping away from life's grasp.

Between these dreams are the voices. The ones telling me to wake up; so familiar to me that I can hear them in front of me, as though someone is talking to me from outside. Like the time Gerard was saying all those things, trying to get me to 'wake up' from something. Did the voice take over him? Am I the victim of some fucked-up, malfunctioning simulation?

I don't even know what I need to wake up from.

Then the third dream plays out- the ambulance. He's crying by my side as I'm close to death, hanging onto whatever life I have left in me. I couldn't recognize him until he told me he loved me. It felt so real. Like it had happened before- simply a horrible flashback to an event buried deep within my memory.

The only thing that has been on my mind recently is where this teal roots boy actually came from. I know it's Gerard. But why was he already at the graveyard in my imagination before I met him there for the first time?

Suddenly, something clicks in my head; something telling me that meeting him has been like déjà vu. Like I've met him twice.

But I can't have met him twice without realizing it. I've only known him for almost six months. This can't be right.

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