2. Jerks, Truths and Tears.

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I stayed in the room until my fear of Virginia coming back for me, overcame my fear of interacting with adults.  I had freshened up, put my clothes away, almost embarrassed by the minimal space they took up in the huge walk in closet, and then I paced before I finally opened the door, listening to see if there was anyone about.

I had become an expert in moving around silent and unnoticed and used this skill to move through the huge house, seeking out Virginia.  I heard multiple males voices , it sounded like arguing before I heard her voice in response.  I slowed my steps and waited, holding my breath,  they were talking about me...

"Please" Virginia asked them, followed by indistinct murmurs before a voice became clear to me.

"We don't want anything to do with her, she's trouble and you're going to regret letting her into our home, and it is our home, you should have asked us and we would have told you WE DONT WANT HER HERE" the male ended by shouting.

"Boys!" she shouted over them and I realised this must be my step brothers and I took an instinctive step back.  My memories of the boys the only time we met seared on my memory.  They had made it very clear they hated me, they didn't want a sister and I could go to hell before they had anything to do with me.  I grimaced at the thought, the memory of the three of them facing me and telling me exactly that. Nothing had changed, they were still jerks..

A throat cleared quietly behind me and I jumped to see Thomas there. "I was.  Um..." I started but stopped, how did I explain hiding in the hallway.

"Its okay Miss Indiana.  Come and meet my wife, whilst Mrs Virginia is with the boys, we can get you a drink while you wait" he offered with a small smile and I nodded, waiting for him to move before i followed him to the kitchen, leaving the raised voices behind.

The kitchen was bright, airy and welcoming, the smell of something sweet baking in the oven.  "May" Thomas called when we entered and i watched as a small woman appeared from a pantry. "This is Miss Indiana" he said and i watched as she smiled and approached, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Miss, its good to finally meet you, Mrs Virginia has been talking about your arrival non stop" she tells me.  My gaze flits back to Thomas who nods in agreement at the unasked question.

"Thank you" I stutter out, moving forward as Thomas pulls out a chair at the table for me.

"Mrs Virginia is with the boys at the moment in the study, i thought we could give Miss Indiana a drink while she waits for her to be done" Thomas explains and i watch the knowing look cross May's face before she looks at me.

"Of course, now what do you like to drink" she asks, bustling around us.  I shake my head not wanting to be any trouble and miss the look Thomas and May share over my head.

"I'm fine" I croak with a grimace "Maybe just some water" I amend as she looks at me, brows raised, but places a glass and a bottle of water on the table, before turning away.  Returning minutes later with a tray, a plate of biscuits and coffees for her and Thomas.  I twist the glass in my hands welcoming the cold feel, and peek occasionally at Thomas and May who seem content to let me be, except for nudging the plate of biscuits towards me.

At the sound of shouting followed by a loud slam, all our eyes turned towards the kitchen door,.  Virginia appeared and I could see the stress on her face, a moment of pity when she saw me sitting there before it cleared and she smiled, sitting down as May went to get her a cup of coffee.  I could see the thoughts playing across her face and wondered if she would lie to me, like most adults.  

"I'm sorry" she said with a grimace "My boys are not happy with me" she tells me and I nod.

"Because I am here?" I ask softly and I know from the silence they were not expecting me to ask.

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