5. Nightmares and Confessions.

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Beau's POV

Thomas had checked through the house and grounds with May as we got rid of the rest of our friends, Jackson hovering before Thomas sent him off as well, but only after taking him aside, to ask about what had happened.  I could see the worry on May's face as she paced the hallway waiting for our parents to return.  Thomas still searching in case we had missed anything.

"What the hell happened?" John shouted at us as he came through the door, Mum just behind him. May watching us from the doorway.  "Well, what did you do to my daughter?" He barked glaring at us.  We said nothing, watching him as he finally sagged into the chair, his head in his hands, Mum coming up to hold him as he broke down. "I've just got her back" he whispered but we heard him. After all she had done to him, he still cared for her.

"How did you find her missing?" Mum asked looking at us.
"She left the party, she had slipped and fallen, and I went up to check on her, I couldn't get a reply so was going to leave it, the door was locked from the inside so I knew she was in there, but then I saw some blood on the stairs and worried, I went into her room through the window but it was empty... locked from the inside." I stutter out.

"We checked the room, she wasn't there, she didn't go out the window so we don't know what happened" Trent adds, exchanging a glance.

John hugs Mum tighter as Thomas comes in, his face a hard mask as he looks at us. "Sir, I've checked the house, I cannot find Miss Anni, I believe we should call the police to help us, she was bleeding and unsteady when she returned to her room"

I glance again at my brothers, shit I thought the cameras were off, did Thomas see what we did?
"We should call the police" Mum said but John shook his head taking mums hands in his.
"No, it would make her panic more, think Gini, this week was there somewhere Anni found, she used to love to explore, anything, my gut is telling me she is still here, she promised she would call if she had a problem and I know she wouldn't have left without saying something"

I shifted in my seat "We can help look" I offer, but my only response is a glare from May and Thomas, until John replies.
"I think you boys have done enough, I suggest you either leave of go to your rooms, but stay out of my sight until my daughter is found, then we will get to the bottom of what the hell went wrong tonight" he growls, turning away from us.
"Mum..." Maverick starts but she cuts him off with her raised hand.
"Enough, I'm with John on this, whatever did or have done to her, I want you to know, she is innocent of whatever you think she has done in the past.  It's not your place to seek revenge for John, her mother lied to us and to her, and she has dealt with more than enough from that witch, and now you all attack her in her own home, I am ashamed of you all, now go away"

"We re sorry, we didn't mean for this to happen" Trent told them getting up. "Please let us know when you find her" he added, leaving the room, his head down and I could see the worry on his face.
"Mum..." I started but she shook her head, not looking at me, then Maverick grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room.

We all came together in Trent's room, each of us showing, our confusion, worry and disbelief at the nightmare the evening had turned into.
"Do you think she's okay?" Trent asked us both., running his hands through his hair as he paced and swore. "What if..." he started but Maverick was in his face, shaking his twin "Shut up, don't stay it... fuck" he swore wrapping his arms around Trent.

'Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh' I heard a faint sound.
"What was that?" I asked , my brothers facing me.
"What?" Trent asked and we waited in silence.

'Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh' It came again, I hadn't imagined it, it was a cry. Trent cocked his head to the side, listening "I heard something as well" he said, heading for his door.

'Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh' "A scream, someone is screaming" Maverick said, heading for the stairs and calling for Mum.  The rushing of feet letting us know they were all coming. "What is it?" She asked looking around but before I could reply, the scream came again.

"ANNI!" John shouted running towards her room, all of us following, but again we were met with no sign of her.
John looked around frantically the suddenly Mum gasped, running for the closet, and shoving back a rail of clothes and we saw the outline of a small door.
"Thomas, your torch" she shouted as John pulled the door open and crawled inside, his shout of anguish making all of us start forward. Mum backed up to let Thomas move in to help.

I stood helpless with my brothers as Thomas and John carefully lifted a limp Indiana through the door, May pushing past us to check her over, her early career as a nurse now in urgent need. May issuing commands as Mum called for an ambulance, John, carefully moving her into a recovery position.  Her eyes fluttered briefly and she whimpered in pain and fear, before unconsciousness claimed her again.

I looked at her white face, the still wet trail of blood down her face and felt my panic rise. What had we done.

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