4. The Vanishing Girl. (Part Two)

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Beau's POV
"Satisfied?" Jackson questions me calmly, handing me another drink.
I  looked at my best friend, a scowl on my face "Sad I stopped your fun with the little bitch?" I taunt, watching him tense up.  As I knew she would, she was already she causing problems for us, coming between friends, she had to go.

"Yeah, I think she is sexy, hell I'm not blind, but I think you went too far, she was bleeding when she got up.  What are you going to do if she tells your parents" he prods.

"Fuck Jack, we will deny everything, it will be her word against ours, what's the worse that could happen" I reply with a shrug, watching as Mav and Trent came to join us, drinks in hand and tight smiles on their faces.

"Unless she does something stupid, didn't you say she was having counselling, what was that for" Jackson pushed and I rounded on him, not liking how his words twisted in my mind.
"Don't know and don't care, I'll check on her later, if it makes you shut up" I growl out, "She's in her room probably crying and planning ways to get back home" I snap and he walks away shaking his head.

"You all right?" Maverick breaks me out of my stare at Jackson's retreating back.
"Yeah, he thinks we went too far" I tell them and see them exchange a look. "What?" I bark.
"I didn't expect her to fall like that" Trent grumbles out and Mav rakes his hand through his hair.
"What ever it takes, we said and that's what we've started, she'll be gone soon" he adds and we stand and drink in silence watching our friends eat, drink and laugh around us.
"I'll check on her later" I repeat, wanting to change the mood and subject, "Come on let's party" I cheer but I can hear the false note in my tone and wonder if they can too.

Trent is in the pool playing water polo with one group and Maverick is at the grill two hours later when I decide to check on her, Jackson had been avoiding me and I know that was to get his point across. 
The house is silent as I walk through it, we had everything we needed outside by the pool so no-one had any reason to come into the house.  I reach her door and bang loudly, my hand twisting the handle but finding it locked, I look through the keyhole and see the key still in the lock so I know she is in there, I bang again but still no reply.  Fuck her, if she wants to hide, let her.

I spin on my heels and start back downstairs, almost at the bottom before I spot the first red dot on the floor of the hallway. The colour showing up against the white marble. Was that blood? I lean down and touch it lifting my hand to see the red smear. No-one has been in the house except family...

Shit, I turn and follow the drops, hoping I was wrong but knowing where they would take me. Back to her door. "INDIANA!" I shout banging loudly on her door, my heart racing a little. I juggle the lock and bang again shouting her name and getting no response. "Fuck" I growl out loud, racing back down the stairs as Jacksons words echo around in my head, would she do something stupid.

Waving Mav over, I whisper what's going on and he heads to the pool to get Trent, while I go to the garage for a ladder, a quick gaze up at her window showing it is still partly open. I can get in and check that way and god help her when I get there, if she's just hiding from me.

Jackson is with my brothers when I return, he holds the ladder steady, Trent and Mav, saying they'll meet me at the door, as they head inside and I scramble up, fighting the window open and sliding through.

I look around the room her bed is still made, but I can see the blood on the floor leading to the bathroom and I step that way with trepidation, the room had been used and I spot the clothes she had worn earlier still stained and wet in the bottom of the shower, blood on a towel left on the floor but the room is empty.  I hear Trent knock on the door and go to open it, noting the chair braced under the handle, that could only have been done from inside, so where was she, my gaze turned towards the closet, the only place left to look. I let them in and they looked around.

"Where is she?" Mav asked and I pointed to the closet door, the only place left.
Trent stalked forward and pulled the door open, stepping in and looking around confused "She's not in here" he called, but she had to be.  I joined him and looked round, swishing the clothes to see if she was hidden behind them, baffled and now starting to worry as I pushed past Mav and dropped to my knees looking under the bed.

"How?" I share a frustrated look with my brothers.  "The door was locked and braced from the inside, she has to be in here"
"Maybe she went out the window?" Trent suggested but we would have seen her.
"Fuck, she's vanished" I mutter, panic now hitting me.  Its what we wanted but something was wrong, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

"What now?" Trent asks having rechecked the bathroom, coming out with his face pinched and I know he had seen the bloody towel.
"Fuck, fuck" I swear out, as I pace back and forth, we will need to come clean on what we did.
"Lets see if she's with Thomas or May, we could have missed her leaving" Mav offers and we all nod, hoping she's there because if she's not we are going to have to call the parents...

The three of us head downstairs, jack is waiting for us and I shake my head at his unanswered question. "What can I do?"
"Send everyone home" Mav replies with a nod of thanks.

My brothers stand behind me as I knock on the door, worry coating May's features as she see's us standing there, "What's happened" she snaps out worriedly.
"is Indiana here?" I ask her, my heart dropping when she shakes her head at me. "What happened?" she repeats looking between us.

I take a deep breath, "Indiana's disappeared" I tell her.
"Thomas!" she shouts down the hall and we can hear him coming as she rounds back on us.
"What did you do to her?" she questions, her gaze pinning us down as Thomas looms behind her, his gaze taking in the stand off between May and Us.
"Boys?" he questions.
"Things happened but that's not important right now, Indiana is missing, we thought she was in her room, it was locked from the inside but she's not there and we can find her" I tell them.

Thomas and May exchange a look before Thomas barks at us. "Call your parents and get rid of everyone before they get back" he instructs, grabbing a torch and passing it to May as they both slip shoes on,
"Now!" he snaps pushing past us and heading for the house.
I hear Maverick behind me "Mum, we need you and John to come home". "Yes" "Yes" "No, Indiana has vanished" "Yeah, we will" I hear his sigh as he gets cut off.
"They are on their way home" he tells us.

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