21. Living the Dream. (Part Two)

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Beau's POV
I stroke my hand down Indi's back, loving the feel of her soft skin under my rougher hand. I felt the power of having her by my side deep in my soul, ever since the first time she had come to my bed, her trust and love made me feel, like I could take on the world.

We had come to bed late last night after the four of us had talked about our futures.  Indi telling us about her dad's suggestion, and asking for our thoughts.  Recently John had talked to each of us about his company and his vision for its future and what he wanted for Indiana and the deal he had offered each of us was more than fair. 

We too had raised the concerns about nepotism but John had laughed it away, reminding us it was his company and we were his children, and that as with my first year at the company, Trent and Maverick would spend a year learning the ropes before taking over their preferred work areas. He knew all our plans revolved around Indi and had already suggested to us, that she freelance rather than work for the company full time, giving her the opportunity to develop her art further, he also laughingly had said he wanted to retire sooner rather than later to spend time with Mum and be ready for future grandchildren.

Mum had also started dropping hints, I had noticed local estate agents listings being left out for us to find. And while I had been discretely checking them out, nothing as yet had interested me enough to talk to the others about it, not to mention it would be a huge step for all of us, aside from the financial implications.

I stroked further down her back, sliding the sheet lower as my hand moved, allowing the morning sun to bathe her skin in golden light, my fingers lingered in the grove at the base of her spine, circling as my mind wandered to our future, what would our children look like, would she want our children and how many, the thought of her body round with pregnancy filled my mind and I couldn't resist leaning down to kiss down her spine, knowing the moment she came awake in my arms. "Beau?" She murmured making me smile.

"Good morning baby, did you sleep well?" I asked as she rolled to face me, her gaze still sleepy as she smiled up at me.
She stretched before replying "I did, but i'm awake now" she grinned, reaching up to pull me down to her and we lost the next hour in each other's touch.

Mav had got breakfast ready by the time we came out of my room, and he and Trent were sat reading the papers, both of them leaning in for a kiss from indi as she passed them. Getting each of us a coffee before sitting at my side.  "I'm going to take Dad up on his offer of freelance work" she told us all  "But I would like to meet the team currently doing the work first"

"I can take you in with me on Monday, you could spend the day with the department, Mav and Trent are shadowing John that day so we could all travel in together" I offer and she nods. I can see the relief on her face and I knew it was because we would be within reach, if she needed us.

Monday morning came around rapidly and as I dressed I wondered how Indiana would get on with the team who currently did the work.  They were an older bunch who were a bit set in their ways and did not really recognise the growing importance that the environment was playing in our working ethos.  I had brought to John's attention, my worries about their reports and now I was beginning to worry I was setting Indi up for their wrath.

"Relax, she's stronger than she thinks" Maverick told me when I joined him at breakfast and shared my worries,  "And anyway we are all around today, John know's his peoples strengths and weaknesses, I am sure he will keep an eye on her too" he reminds me and I nod, still unable to shed the worry but willing to hide it... for now.

"Ready" Indi called, bouncing into the room, making me groan and Mav laugh at my side, she looked like a sexy librarian, her hair neatly up in a bun and glasses on, her pin striped straight skirt hugging her curves and white blouse not in any way flaunting her assets but draping softly over them.  I had seen her dressed up and down before, relaxed for uni, dressed for dinner, even naked but this look was just my wet dream, and I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder and find a desk to ravish her over.

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