20. Dating and Decisions.

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Rolling over I grinned into my pillow, another new day, free of my mother, surrounded by family and friends and... well whatever was happening with the boys.

I laughed aloud thinking how silly my thoughts were, calling them the boys, when they were anything but closing my eyes I could picture each of them when they had given me my birthday gift. Each has been nervous, Beau had tried to hide it by being his usual brash self, Trent had shown it, almost proud to let me see his emotions and Maverick had made me laugh, when he confused his words.  Each had passed over their gift and kissed me softly, not worried by the friends and family looking on,  grinning at the blush that had coated my cheeks.

When Dad and Ma had sat down with me the morning after my birthday and told me they would support whatever path I wanted to take with the boys, that it would be my choice, I had been surprised and a little scared... if Dad had made the decision for me, I could have hidden behind it, but now I had to decide what was right for me and for the family.

Their presents showed they wanted to spend time with me, as each had given me an experience voucher for two people, was that the answer, spend time with them and see where it went. I smiled again, I would have them all running for the hills if I said I wanted all of them because I didn't know how to choose one over the other. Each of them appealed to me in a different way.  But I did not want them fighting each other, if that happened I would put an end to it, no matter what they said.  So far though they had not asked for anything more.

My phone buzzed on the bedside table and I glanced at the screen to see Matt's name, I hit the speaker button "Hello"

"Hey Anni, do you know where Jazz is, she was supposed to meet me for tutoring this morning but hasn't shown up" I could hear the noise in the background telling me he was in the coffee shop on campus we all liked.
"Maybe she's just running late, have you tried phoning her?"
"Yes, its going to answerphone, I phoned her home and her mum said she didn't come home last night, did she stay with you?" he asked sounding worried.

I swung my feet round and reached for my dressing gown, "No. she left quite late, after I had gone to bed, about the same time as Jackson I think, hang on, let me see if her car is still here" I look out the window but can't see her car before walking down the hallway and looking out of the window above the stairs "Matt, she must still be here, her car is, I will find her and do you want me to call you back?"

"Thanks Anni, No need and I am sorry to have woken you, but Jazz is always so punctual and I was worried, tell her to give me a call when she's ready and not to worry about this morning" he laughs before ringing off.

I head for the nearest guest room, knocking before opening the door but the room is empty and so is the one next to it, and neither has been used. I know there's another guest room on the boys side of the house, so I head that way wondering why she would have chosen that one?

I knock softly and open the door, peaking in and sighing in relief as I saw her clothes thrown over the chair "Jazz, you okay?" I called, pushing the door open wider, before stopping dead as I saw the clothes strewn on the floor between the chair and the bed and they weren't Jazz's.

"Indiana?" Jackson's deep voice along with a squeak of panic came from the pile of covers on the bed, "Give us a moment will you" he called as I heard Jazz's muffled shout "Oh my god!"

I stepped back and shut the door quickly, I hadn't been expecting that, I knew they had hooked up before and she cared for him but I also thought they were still playing at hating each other.

"What's going on" I jumped at the sound of Beau behind me, amusement in his voice as he looked at me.
"Umm, Jackson... Jazz... umm" I stuttered out and he laughed out loud.
"Yes" he nodded at me, guiding me away, his arm warm through my nightclothes as we could hear the rising voices behind the guest room door.
"Go get dressed and we will grab some breakfast" he orders softly, giving me a little push in the direction of my room and I go, my mind wondering what happened last night after I had gone up to bed.

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