19. Birthdays and Parting Ways. (Part Two)

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"You ready" Dad asked from the doorway, coming in to join me in the study.  I took a deep breath and connected the video call.

I look at the woman facing me on the lap top screen and feel nothing but sadness, that she is the way she is. I realise I don't even hate her, I don't want to give her the satisfaction of any response even hate. 
"Mother" I say politely.
"Happy birthday" she replied.
"Thank you" I said and waited for her to get to the reason for the pinched angry look on her face.
"My lawyers have sent on your letter to me, what do you think you are doing?" she finally ground out.

I smiled "Following my birthday today , I am taking responsibility for my own life and severing ties with you, the letter is to untangle my trust from yours and to remove your access to any of my accounts" I told her. I could see Dad sat across the desk from me smiling in silent support, and could hear the sounds of the rest of the household moving around.

"What! Don't be ridiculous" she snapped and I smiled wider.
"No Mother, this is going to happen, you will sign the papers they have sent to you and return them for filing and we will part ways amicably"
"Rubbish, you are my daughter, you are not going to do this, you wouldn't dare" she argued and I grinned this time. Her words confirming she had read my letter outlining what I would do if she didn't agree.

I had had enough of her playing the loving mother, I wanted to rage at her and the perfect time was now. "You let Silas get away with raping me!" I raised my voice before taking a deep breath and focusing again on her, "I was a child but I know you heard everything that man did to me, you knew but twisted it to suit your own needs, tell me mother, if I had called the police who's side would you have been on?" she stared at me in silence and I could see by the look on her face she was not going to accept any blame.

"You even let him get close to me again, deliberately knowing that he was a pedophile, that he prayed on children" I hissed at her.

"He wanted to make it up to you, he is not a pedophile!  He was just misled by your academic maturity, he didn't mean to do anything you didn't want, he cares for you" she fires back and I freeze, was she blaming me?

"I will carry out every step I detailed in the letter, if you don't sign the papers, you have 30 days before I go public" I warned her.
"I don't believe you" she argued but I could hear the fear in her voice, she doubted herself.
"Try me and see" I promised.
"What will people think" she finally growls out and I smile sadly, that was and would always be her worry, keeping the perfect appearances, not matter the neglect, pain and lies behind it.
"30 days and you'll find out" I remind her again of the deadline for my offer.
"After everything I've given you! Hah, you think just because your fathers taken you in he'll love you more than the boys he's always wanted. You're a fool" she snapped out and I laughed darkly, she was getting desperate now.
"I think I have already more than paid you back, don't you, I know dad loves me, and I have a family now that supports me being me, not some trophy to parade about... or sell to the highest bidder" I bite back, seeing the shock on her face as she realises I am prepared to fight back.

"I'll sigh the papers but this works both ways, don't coming crying to me when your shiny new family throws you away" she sneered before cutting the connection.

Slowly closing the laptop, I looked across the desk at my father who was smiling at me, tears in his eyes.  "I'm proud of you, you are a strong independent woman" he praised, making me blush.
"Do you think she'll sign everything?" I asked and he nodded.
"After that conversation, yes, I do think she will sign and quickly, your mother is very clever at protecting herself, she will realise she can't beat you and do what's best for her. Don't worry it will all be settled soon"

"Are you sure Silas won't return?" I ask, feeling vulnerable after the confrontation with my mother and knowing he was my other big fear.

"Yes, I am sure, but if at any point you want me to go after him for what he did, I will, and with everything I have" he promises pulling me into a hug, his voice full of emotion, letting my tears soak the front of his shirt.

"Thank you Daddy" I whisper to him as he holds me close till I feel secure again.

Back on my feet I promised Dad I would enjoy the rest of my day and put all throughs of my mother and Silas out of my mind. I popped into the kitchen to grab a drink before heading up to my studio room, I had finished my picture for Jazz and was going to give it to her at lunch, I had just enough time to get it wrapped before she arrived with Matt and Derek.   I had noticed Jacksons car in the drive, he must be with the boys but after Jazz had glared at it, I didn't say anything, but just thrust my gift at her, distracting her as she opened the wrapping and was entranced with it.

It was late afternoon before we returned and I was exhausted, opting to grab a nap before the party this evening, I had admitted to Jazz I knew about it but was pretending I didn't for Ma's benefit, she had laughed and given me a hug before she had gone home to put her picture up and get ready.  All of our friends were coming over and I know all the family would be there including the boys and Jackson.

Ma woke me at 6, pulling my curtains closed and telling me to get ready to go out to dinner by 7pm, I followed her instructions, smiling to myself as she beamed at me, and I resisted the urge to look out the window to see what they had done.

It was Dad that knocked at 7pm, coming in at my call and passing me a gift wrapped box. "Happy Birthday Anni" he told me emotionally as I ripped open the paper, the delicately worn jewellery box it revealed, making my heart race a little faster.  "Open it" he prompted and I did, unable to stop the gasp as I looked down onto the antique gemstone necklace nestled within "This was my mothers, she was given it by her mother on her 18th birthday, who got it on her 18th, she sent it to me a year after you last saw her, just before she passed away, we both want you to have this" he explains and I feel the tears in my eyes.

"Oh Daddy, thank you" I cry and he pulls me into a hug before letting me go and straightening up.

"Now, no more tears or Ginny will kill me, time to party... I mean go to dinner" he says rapidly, making me laugh as I loop my arm through his and follow him downstairs.  

He leads me out to the rear deck which is in darkness, making me stop in the doorway before the lights come on and everyone shouts "Happy birthday"

The rest of the evening I am surrounded by family and friends and realise just how lucky I am.

"Open your presents" Jazz prompts, dropping hers to me in my lap.

My eyes water again as I work my way through the gifts, from the customised leather lap top bag from Jazz, gift cards and chocolates from friends, a spa weekend from Dad and Ma as well as a new watch and from the boys... an experience voucher for two from each of them and each of them saying they would come with me.

By the end of the evening, I felt happy, loved and relaxed.  This was my home.

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