16. Held and Safe.

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Trent POV

Mav, Jazz and I were still waiting by the table when we heard her screams, the others having gone ahead to the cars. Fear shot through me as we rushed towards the restroom, I shouted at Jazz to call Mom and John back. Sprinting up the stairs with Mav and a couple of members of staff on my heals, I found the corridor dark and could see two figures on the ground. I shouted out and one jumped up, rushing away from the body left on the ground.

"Find the lights" I called out, torn between chasing the running person to worrying about the body still on the ground. A member of staff finally hitting the switch.

As the lights came on, Jazz gasped at the sight of Indiana laying on the floor, unconscious. Mav and I falling to our knees either side of her, checking her over, the faint antiseptic smell telling us she had been knocked out by something, the steady rise and fall of her chest measuring us she was breathing but her clothing round her neck was pulled aside showing red patches.  I glanced at my brother, seeing the rage in his face. "Stay with her, i'm going after him" he told me, rushing in the direction her attacker went. 

I turned to look at Jazz "Did you get hold of them?" she back nodded at me, her eyes wide and face white in shock, the reality of the situation hitting her. she turned back to tell the staff members we were family and were waiting for more family to come. The manager had gone to call the police and an ambulance.

I lifted Indiana, up into my arms, cradling her lax body against mine, not wanted to leave her on the floor, I hadn't realised till I had her in my arms how petite she was and I wanted to hold her to keep her safe. "Sir, please, we can take her to the staff room, there's a sofa..." our waiter indicated a door further along the corridor and hurrying to open it. I watched with Indiana in my arms as he shook out a clean tablecloth to lay over the sofa so I could lay her down, just as the rest of the family arrived.

"What happened?" John burst into the room, his gaze fixing on Indiana. Mom coming up beside us, her face showing her shock.

"We heard her scream, by the time we reached her, she was unconscious and on the ground, there was someone else there, they ran off, Mav has gone after them." I tell him, staying kneeling at Indiana's side. My hand resting on her pulse in her wrist, the faint beat keeping me calm.

"The Police are here and the ambulance is on its way" the manager called from the door and then it was chaos, too many people crowing into the room around her.

"ENOUGH!" John shouted and everyone went silent. he turned to the manager "Do you have an office we can use?" at his nod, John turned to the Police. "My wife and Jasmine will stay with my daughter until the ambulance arrive, everyone else to the office, Beau, call Mav and get him back here" he instructed, directing people away from Indiana.

I didn't want to leave, to let her go but Jazz's hand on my shoulder reassured me, she would stay with Indiana, as I got to my feet and followed John and the manager, the staff had been sent back to clear the restaurant and deal with the few remaining customers.

I felt my anger grow as I moved further away from her, she had been attacked while she was with us and we had failed to keep her safe.  The arrival of the paramedics helped ease some of the tension, as did Mav's return and then as John gave the police all the details before we added what we had heard and seen.  Mav had seen the guy get into a car and drive off, but no other details, he was too far away and the alley was dark.

A cry sounded down the hallway and John rushed out, ignoring the officer talking to him, heading to Indiana's side as Jazz came out to meet us with tears in her eyes. we could see John and Mom at Indiana's side whilst the paramedics talked. the Police officers taking notes from beside them.

"What?" Beau croaked out.

"She fought back, but he pinned her down with an arm across her neck and held a cloth over her  face, she has bruising..." Jazz trailed off , her hand reaching up for her own neck and I could hear the guilt and pain in her voice as well, we had all let her down, we had relaxed not believing she could be at risk whilst she was with us.

"Who?" I growled low.

"She doesn't know, the lights were off and he came from behind her" she tells us quietly.  I can see Indiana, leaning into Mom's shoulder, sat up now but looking as pale as the white table cloth underneath her.

"What she arguing about?" I ask.

"They want to admit her to hospital for observation, she wants to go home" Jazz explains.

"Not unless they have a guard on her, she needs to be home where we can protect her and be there if she has a nightmare" Beau grates out and we nod in agreement, all of us watching Indiana through the door.

Finally the paramedics packed up and left, speaking quietly to John on their way out, the police officers had finished questioning everyone and had looked at the cctv tapes for the rear of the restaurant, they were now waiting to speak to Indiana, but John was blocking them.  He wanted them to come to the house tomorrow to interview her, once she had recovered a little more.  The officer in charge finally conceding and handing over his card and arranging a time.

"Boys go home, can you get May and Thomas up and let them know what happened.  I am going to settle up with the manager and then we will be right behind you, Jazz is going to stay with Anni tonight, but I want everyone to be aware and vigilant" he told us and, with a last glance through the door at Indiana, held and safe in Mom's arms we did as instructed.

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