3. Finding Home and Truces.

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The boys had not returned to the house by the time I had finished talking to my dad and Virginia, so dad whisked us out for dinner.  I had told him I wasn't ready yet to talk about why I was in counselling but made sure he knew it wasn't his fault, not matter what my mother had said.

That had nearly led to me calling my mother to tear into her, when he told me she had said I was suicidal and prone to lying to get sympathy and they should take everything I say with a pinch of salt.  Virginia had been quick to promise me they would listen and they had always thought my mother was not telling the truth.

It was a sensitive topic for me and one I knew I would have to share at some point but this new family closeness was too new, too strange for me to feel comfortable in sharing my nightmares yet.

After dinner we had returned home to an empty house, the boys having left a message with Thomas that they were at a friends for the next three days. both dad and Virginia had apologised on their behalf but I had waved them away and told them I understood and they shouldn't say sorry for them.  It would all work out in the end or I would learn to co-exist around them, I had lots of practice in avoiding people I didn't like or trust.

I spent the next few days settling in and opening up to the friendliness of those present in the house.  Thomas was great at directing me to quiet spots when I wanted to reflect, May would tempt me to join her in the kitchen with my favourites. Dad made it very clear he had missed me, never taking his eyes off me when we were all together, when I asked him, he said he had missed so much, he was scared if he closed his eyes I would disappear again. And Virginia was more of a mother after two days than mine had been in years, she had dragged me out shopping and meeting neighbours and friends, we had ordered furniture for the attic room and spent hours together in her craft room, looking at brochures and learning from each other.

True to their message it was three days later before the peace and tranquil feel of the house was shattered by their return.  Virginia and I had just returned from shopping and dad was at work, we were in the kitchen drinking coffee and showing our purchases to May, while Thomas went off to run another errand for dad, when they had come through the door calling for their mother.

"Chin up Anni, we are with you" Virginia told me quietly before she called out "In the kitchen!" loudly.  I kept my head down, listening to their approach, noting the hesitation in their step when they spotted me. 

There was silence as they pulled out chairs and sat down with us, May bustling around to bring drinks and the ever handy plate of biscuits.  I snuck a look at them from under my hair, they looked so similar but I could tell who was who. Beau was nearly year older than the twins, Maverick and Trent.  Matching features all looking my way.  Sharp cheekbones and chiselled jaws all tense, eyes slightly narrowed and just the hint of crease between their brows, Each had the Nash family jet black hair but each chose a different style and length.  When I last saw them they were tall and slender, hadn't yet grown into themselves but now they were stunning looking males, wide shoulders and the hint of six packs showing under their shirts.  Beau had the edge of a tattoo showing under his rolled up shirtsleeves. The wide black lines drawing my attention to him.  I blushed knowing they were watching me as I was them.

Trent reached for a biscuit, praising May as he finished it and reached for another. His hand stalling and I wondered if he would reject it, when May told him I had made them, but he leant back and ate it slowly, watching me squirm under their gazes.

"Thats enough boys" Virginia scolds them when they continue to stare at me.

"Sorry Mum" Beau replies, sharing a look with his brothers, "Where's John?"

"He's had to go into the office, what did you want?" she replied watching them.

"Its nearly the end of summer break, we want to have a pool party Friday night" Maverick tells her, "And it would give everyone a chance to meet Indiana" Trent adds as she starts to object.

"Please mum, we've thought about what we said and we are sorry, so this is our way of making out up to you and helping her settle in" Beau pleads their case to her and I wonder if Virginia can hear the undertone of a set up, that I can.  I know she will want to believe in her sons but can I trust them.

"I think it's too soon" Virginia tells them firmly and I let myself relax the internal muscles I had clenched, but it was too soon. They weren't giving up just yet.

"Indiana" Beau addressed me softly and I raised my gaze to his, as he waits for my attention. "We are sorry we didn't welcome you, we were wrong, please let us make this up to you" he smiles at me, but only with his smile, his eyes were telling me another story.

"Yeah Indiana, we've told our friends about you and it would be good for you to meet them as you will be at college with us, you may even share some classes with them" Maverick joins in and I watch his gaze catch Beau's before he looks at me.

I swing my gaze to May and she shrugs at me, I can see the suspicion in her eyes as well but Virginia looks hopeful. "Anni. What do you think, it may give you a chance to meet people?" she asks me and I know the boys have boxed me into a corner.

"I think it would be lovely to meet people" I say politely, watching the flash of something dark in Beau's eyes. Before turning to Virginia "Its fine with me, honestly" I tell her, knowing this would be a test for me, but remembering my promise that I would try to settle in and not let the boys get to me.  On the surface they were making an effort and no matter what my feelings were,  I had to give them the benefit of doubt, even if it was just to see what they were up to.

Virginia sighed, looking at them as she gave permission "Okay you can have your party but not too big" she warned.

"Thank Mum, we will start planning, see you later Indiana" Trent said with a grin, reaching for another handful of biscuits, before getting up, his brothers following him out of the room.

"Was that a truce?" Virginia asked once they were out of earshot, and May had poured us fresh coffees, causing May to laugh and shake her head.

"Virginia, Don't worry, let them have the party, we will look at it as a truce, if it's not then it's best to 'Know Thy Enemy' and anyway nothing they can throw at me will be worse than my mother" I tell her quoting Sun Tzu's Art of War and making May and Virginia laugh with me.

"Oh Anni, I'm so glad you are here, I don't think the boys have a clue just what they are taking on" she laughs. May calling out "here here"as I settle back in my chair, happy knowing I have their support.

Dad pops his head around my door as I am putting my new things away later, wanting to confirm that I was happy with the party idea and felt up to it.  I know Virginia had told him and even he was suspicious but was letting me set the pace.

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