5. Nightmares and Confessions. (Part Two)

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Hot breath hits the back of my neck as his harsh hands pin me down, as I struggled in fear, my mouth opening to scream but my head feeling too foggy, whatever had been on the cloth he had held against my face making me feel woozy. I had to scream, I had to... 'Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh'

My head hurt, the pounding in time with my pulse, other aches and pains feeling insignificant against the constant thump, each beat bringing a wave of nausea.  I felt hands on me and whimpered in fear, my memories still at the front of my mind.

Something was over my mouth, I felt the panic climbing as I fought to stay free, to wake up and escape, I had to, he would take me again... my hands coming up to claw at my face, I needed to breathe...

The constant beep was soothing, I ached all over and the brightness of the room hurt my eyes, I sensed two figures sat in chairs next to the bed, they were talking quietly, but I couldn't make out who it was, but I knew they were there for me. I slipped back into sleep.

'Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh' my own scream woke me up, from the nightmare of my memories, my body rising against the tubes and needles attached to me and I cried out again in pain as my body took over from my mind.  "Anni..." I hears Dads voice next to me, a hand coming to take mine as I pant, trying to quell the dizziness.  "Dad" I whispered before black spots took my vision and I pass out again.

When I wake this time, I am more aware, I knew I was in hospital, the typical pea soup green walls and antiseptic smell, I turned my head slowly not wanting the pounding in my head to come back. Dad was sat in the chair next to the bed, asleep, he looked rough and I wondered how long I had been here. "Four days" came Virginia soft voice and my gaze moved to her, sat next to Dad. She looked as tired as he did, her eyes red rimmed and clothes wrinkled.

"I would ask how you are feeling but I think that's clear" she said, straightening and pushing a button above my head. "I am glad you are awake" she added, pressing a kiss to my forehead before nudging my Dad with a smile.

"Anni!" he bolted upright in the seat and his eyes found mine. His watering as he clasped my hand."Anni" he whispered this time.  "Hey Dad" I croaked back as the door opened and a nurse came into the room. 

Smiling at my Dad as she started to take readings, her gaze moving over me.  "Well, its good to see you awake, the doctor will be along in a minute, but let's see what we can do about getting you comfortable" she moves around, showing me the controls for the bed, help me raise it so I am more upright. pouring a little water into a cup, and cautioning me to sip it.

A knock on the door precedes the arrival of the doctor, his gaze down as he enters, my notes in his hands. "Mr and Mrs Bennett" he shakes hands with Dad and nods to Virginia before looking at me.  "Miss Bennett, it's good to see you awake, how are you feeling?" he puts down the notes and comes up to my side, sliding a pen torch out of his pocket and checking my eyes.

The bright light hurts at first but its not as bad as it had been. I tell the doctor how I feel as he checks me over, before stepping back with a nod and addressing us all.

"You came in with concussion and some lacerations to you side and head and other bruising, I understand you fell off a table" he looks at me and I nod. "Well, I think the worst is over, but you will need to take it easy and rest for a while, the cuts have been glued and will heal but will be very tender, your reflexes are still a little slow so I want you to have a further 24 hours observation before we consider discharging you" he took a deep breath before continuing, "You have also had a couple of panic attacks since you have been here and I would like to refer you to a counsellor, I understand you saw one previously but not since you moved here, would you consider that?" he asked and I looked down, my hair falling forward to screen my face as I shake my head. 

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