I crave the feeling.
I hunger for the weightlessness of it all.
Your touch is a flame that has brought warmth to my empty chest.
It's electrified my heart so that the rhythm of life can carry on;
its melody drumming against my aching bones and awakening my soul.
I crave the feeling.
I hunger for the weightlessness of it all.
I long for you,
my love,
a fire amidst the darkness of this cruel world.
Be my flame;
make my lungs turn to ashes,
my breath a cloud of grey smoke as your touch ignites my skin.
Destroy me,
my love,
for I crave the feeling of weightlessness.
The Ebb & Flow of Virtue
Poetry~ There is good and bad constantly warring with each other inside you, a small voice resounds in my conscience just as my vision dips underneath the salty water, it is similar to how the land fights with the sea, the sky with gravity, the light...