XIX. the last rose of summer, etude no. 6 by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst

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During the summer vacation, Eddy Chen decided to grow roses on his garden. It is numbered exactly the days until Brett Yang returns. The last rose of summer is almost wilting, but Brett came home before it died.

warnings: expletives, fluff and long distance woes.

Third Person POV

Eddy didn't know where he got the idea, but when Brett left Brisbane during the end of spring, he decided to go to an orchidarium (a place to buy flowers and other plant related materials, not a real word) and buy a few bed of roses. He planted them as a countdown until Brett returns home to him.

It wasn't easy to deal with the distance. They both knew this as well as they knew each other. They promised to call each other as much as they can. I mean, Eddy is happy for Brett, he really is. It's just hard to sleep when he couldn't feel the older's arms around him, or without his scent lingering on their bed.

Eddy just can't function properly without Brett.

Brett, on the other hand, was feeling as terrible as the love of his life. He can't help but think about how they managed to be sane while he was in Sydney and the younger was back in Brisbane. Then he remembers that it isn't as far as Taiwan. He was there for a family affair.

He tries his best to be strong for his lovely Eddy. He doesn't cry when they call each other on skype and he tries to ask Eddy about his day or what he did today. He tries so hard to make it seem like they're in the same bed even if they're many miles apart. Even if his arms are empty and he feels the cold.

During one phone call, Eddy was crying. It wasn't an unusual thing, he almost always did. What bothers Brett is the fact that tears ran down his face, as well.

"Brett, I can't do this anymore. I love you so much. The distance is making me insane." Eddy said, softly as he sobbed. Brett hushed him.

"Darling, I know. Just a few more weeks. Hold on for me, okay? How many roses are left in your garden? If there's one left, I'll be there." Brett reassured the younger.

"It has seventeen left. I can't believe I've started with sixty. Baby, come home. I'm getting too lonely. The bed feels so empty and cold."



"I love you."

"I love you too, Brett."

"I'll see you soon. I'll give you the sweetest and best kiss when I see you again."

"I'll hold you to that, lover boy."

With that, Eddy looked out his window and saw the moon glowing. He sighed and tried to sleep. Slowly, he was dreaming of Brett again. He dreams of him more often than he doesn't. The Brisbane heat is keeping him warm physically but it feels cold emotionally.

Brett was now the one crying. If only he could see him sooner. Taiwan feels cold, so does his heart without Eddy Chen. He wiped his tears away and thought of the boy. He closed his eyes and with a smile, fell asleep with the thought of his beloved.

- - - - - - - - - -

Eddy Chen woke up and harvested another rose. He knew that there was only one left. He can't wait for the return of his lover. His lover is a few hours away from coming back to his arms. His home and Eddy couldn't be more excited.

That day, in the morning, Eddy Chen is empty. He woke up with an empty bed and an even emptier heart because his beloved is not beside him. He wakes up, looks outside his window and sulks. He sat on the bed and stared at the last rose of summer. He waits and waits. He can't do anything but sit around, wait for his lover. The lover that will soon be met again.

He sighs, closes his eyes, a playful smile on his lips as he tries to make up the image of his lover's touch. His lover's eyes staring down at him lovingly, his lover's hands carefully caressing his cheeks, his lover's lips tasting the sweetness of the kiss that's simply starved. Eddy and Brett were starved of each other's company. Eddy lies down and imagines that his lover is on top of him, kissing him and protecting him from his world. Keeping him safe with his arms and even safer with the promise of never parting again.

In the afternoon, Eddy's thoughts were lessened, although Brett's promise of coming home was becoming heavier and heavier the longer the day progresses. The rose on his garden is half-limp and half-alive. It still has life, though. He holds on to Brett's promise the same way the rose is still hanging on.

He promised me he would come home. He would wrap my shivering body with his warmth. He will resurrect my cold body with the heat of his embrace. He will bring me back to life, only for us to make love and wake up to create love and build it up even more. I will smile as I feel him next to me. I will laugh at a dumb joke he mutters. I will feel sane again.

Eddy thought as he felt his chest get heavy. Brett's promise felt long gone but Eddy still hoped. He will always believe Brett's promise.

As soon as the sun is about to set, it represents Eddy's hope. As the dying and dimming sunlight is about to be gone, it seems like it's Eddy's heart. He could feel his arms weakening, his head and heart both hurt and feel heavy, his lips are slowly losing feeling. The cold has caused it all. His muse's heat is still not present. He looks at the same rose he looked at his morning and saw how it's life is about to give out.

The same way Brett's promise had died as soon as the night came.

As soon as the night came and the moon was shining bright down on him, he still sat on his bed. Their bed, to be exact. The last rose of summer was wilted and so was Brett's promise. Eddy lied down in his bed, the tears that he suppressed was now freely streaming down his face. He still waits and waits and waits, until he cries of exhaustion and finally falls asleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

Brett, in the wee hours of the morning, slipped in the bed that he shares with his beloved. He feels bad because his flight was delayed. He does his best to not wake the probably really exhausted man. He looks out the window and sees the last rose for the summer. Its dying leaves and petals finally melting in the autumn.

He holds the boy tight and kissed him sweetly yet softly on the lips. He smiles as he was embraced by the scent of his lovely Eddy on their bed. He falls asleep without difficulty. The coldness of the past summer seemed like nothing now that he's enveloped in his lover's arms.

Eddy Chen wakes up with a pounding headache and a surprisingly warm body next to him. They were under the blankets. He knew the familiar arms that's wrapped around him, he knows it all too well. He stirs to confirm if his suspicions were true or not.

It was true, it was his lover. He wishes that this screwed up and messed up dream would be over. It feels like he was being played. He caressed the cheeks of his lover and held his hand. If it was just a dream, Eddy wants to make the most of it. He continued to marvel at the body next to him. He closes his eyes and feels the skin. It feels too real.

"Eddy my love, what are you waiting for? You can bruise my lips with kisses you know. I mean, I appreciate your touches bu-" Brett was cut off by a pair of lips passionately kissing him.

Eddy can't help himself. He went on top of Brett and kissed him deeply. Tears were streaming down his face. Brett tugged on his hair a little and Eddy opened his mouth. Brett uses the other hand to wipe Eddy's tears away. After a while, Brett and Eddy pulled away from each other's lips but held each other close. Eddy was still in top of Brett but both didn't care.

They were in each other's arms again and that's all that matters. Both were home again.

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