LVI. oblivion by Astor Piazzolla

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In this world, soulmates have a unique item that is paired with one another and everyone has a talent. This talent is amplified or leveled up the closer you are to your soulmate. Brett Yang has a violin created on 1952. Eddy Chen's bow is from 1952. It has a carving that is eerily similar with one another. The violin and its bow are unique because the luthier only made one for sale. They found this out when they went to Olaf. Soulmate au.

dedicated to claudenclair (also check her works out, she's really awesome and kind! who knows, we might even work together on something)

warnings: expletives, a sprinkle of angst but fluff overall

Third Person POV

Brett Yang and Eddy Chen's friendship had always been a string of coincidences dancing with one another. They really didn't think much of it when they grew up. The world must have just wanted them to find one another.

They have been told about stories of soulmates. They knew about how soulmates have a unique pair of items that they only have. They have been told about how their parents found each other and how the universe aligns them with one another on the exact moment. Being musicians, they really didn't focus on finding their so called soulmates of the fact that they have one thing in mind.

That was practice and practice alone.

However, this changed when Eddy's mom told Eddy about how soulmates make you better at your talent when you're near them. He didn't believe it at first, seeing as practice could be the only way to be better at any given skill. While his mom agreed to his statement, his mom told him about how she never really sang good until his father came along.

Eddy wanted to meet his soulmate but he would let the world guide him in the right time and moment. He didn't want to force something that should be natural. He just let it be and practiced.

It also seemed like he didn't need it because he was constantly improving with Brett. It was almost as though Brett was his main inspiration to keep on playing. Who needs to be talented with their soulmates when you have Brett Yang to keep you going.

Brett and Eddy didn't really what what their unique item is. They don't have anything out of the ordinary amongst their possessions. It's not like they had time to be romantically involved with anyone. Well, at least that's the case for Brett.

As for Eddy, he knows that he's in love with Brett Yang. He was damned and he could only contain it within himself. It might be wrong because they both still had designated soulmates. Eddy would be crushed to find that the love of his life had another in his mind. It turns sadder than he had expected but Eddy doesn't mind now. The pain keeps him growing and stable on his ground.

They were on their way to Olaf to grab their respective instruments. Eddy's bow was in need of a rehair and Brett needed to change the bridge of his violin. It was better that they go together because it would be easier and it wouldn't take a lot of time. They enter Olaf's workstation and Olaf welcomes them in.

"Hey guys, congrats on being each other's soulmates. It makes sense why both of you are so talented from a young age." Olaf said, smiling warmly at the two.

"Soulmates? What are you talking about, Olaf?" Eddy was the first to speak up, Brett was still frozen in spot.

"Oh, here's the thing. I looked at the inside of the violin to see who created it and what year. The man who created it none other than Renato Scrollavezza. It was created in 1952 and he was about 25 at the time. That very violin had a pair of bow, which is Eddy's." Olaf said, fascinating the two boys. "Now, why is it so uniquely between the two of you? It's the carving on the bow that is also inside the violin. It is said that when the unique object you share with your soulmate comes together as a pair, the part that makes it unique glows. I witnessed that when I played the violin and bow together. Did you know that you're soulmates?" Olaf asked, eyeing the two boys.

"We didn't, actually." Brett said honestly.

"Hey now, how about you two go home and talk about it? Just come back to me tomorrow for any questions or concerns that you have." Olaf said, trying to comfort the confused men.

"Thank you, Olaf. We'll be leaving. We'll see you tomorrow." Eddy said, slowly walking out the shop. He was still processing everything that he just discovered.

Now, the drive was painfully quiet and awkward. So, when they get to Eddy's apartment they hurry to close the door. It seemed to painful to speak but at the same time, everything makes sense. It's why everything worked. Their first ever crowd funded world tour, their times in University together, the YouTube channel, everything seems to fit together now.

"How do you feel?" Brett was the first to speak up.

"I guess it's confusing but enlightening at the same time? I mean, all those years, all the things we've done together, they always just felt right." Eddy said, no filter with his words, just his pure thoughts and sentiments.

"It does make sense now, with the talent and the violin..."

It gets quiet again, but this time it's reassuring.

"You don't have to love me, you know. Somewhere along the way, you already did. If that's what you were worried about..." Eddy comforted.

"No, it's not that. It's just, I've always known that I love you. Just didn't think that it's that way." Brett said honestly.

"In that case, I love you, too." Eddy said, brave enough to face Brett and come closer to him.

Brett could not say anything, so he only cries. Eddy does the same, years and years of longing and passion finally free to express. Brett was the first to make a move, grabbing Eddy by the waist to be closer to him. He kissed him softly but held him tight as if he'd lose Eddy. Eddy gives into the kiss and in that moment, they just knew.

They knew that they have a lifetime ahead of them with love that blooms and blooms.

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