XLIII. liebesfreud by Fritz Kreisler

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Eddy Chen is a single dad and Brett Yang wants children. They started dating and nothing could be more perfect for them.

warning: expletives, fluff that's so fluffy you might just die

Third Person POV

When Brett and Eddy started dating, they were deemed "old" enough to marry and have children. Frankly, they don't believe in the stereotype so they just keep on dating. Eddy didn't exactly keep his life a secret from Brett and Brett did the same.

Eddy knows that Brett is a concertmaster for the Queensland Symphony Orchestra and he had kept his job there for at least ten years now. He also knows that Brett isn't one to do online dating because they met through a mutual friend. Jordon He was the man who introduced them. He also knows that Brett's passion was music. He also doesn't listen to pop music.

Brett knows that Eddy is amazing at playing the piano and violin. He also knows that Eddy is a doctor who takes the graveyard shifts in the local hospital in the emergency room. Jordon He knew that they would be a perfect match because of one thing.

Brett Yang knows that Eddy Chen has a beautiful son named Julian Edward Chen. Now, Eddy's child isn't biologically his, despite having the same last name. Julian was Belle's, but she couldn't take care of him properly because she was a travelling musician. She thinks that it's not a good environment for Julian to grow up in. So, she asked Eddy for a favor and Eddy couldn't resist her sister.

He wanted her to live her dream so he took in Julian without hesitations. It was the biggest and the best decision Eddy had ever made. Brett was amazed at Eddy's compassion and kindness. They have been dating for a year and half months now but Brett had never seen Julian besides pictures on Eddy's phone.

One day, Eddy asked Brett if he wanted to see Julian. Eddy's already confident that Brett will be a great significant other. Brett on the other hand, was nervous.

"Eddy, I would like to meet him, I really do. I'm just nervous. What if Julian doesn't like me?" Brett asked, nerves evident in his voice.

"Don't worry too much, Brett. I already told you about him and he already loves you. Besides, it's not hard to impress eight year olds. You could play him classical music on your violin and he'd immediately love you!" Eddy said, chuckling lightly as he pulled Brett closer to him.

Brett feels less nervous as they we're about to enter Eddy's home. When he did, he took off his shoes and left his violin on Eddy's couch.

"Jules, come to the living room, daddy wants you to meet someone." Eddy called out to Julian.

A few moments later, little footsteps were nearing the living room. A boy with black hair and brown eyes came out. He really looks like Eddy's child if you didn't know his story.

"Hi, Julian." Brett said, greeting the young boy.

"Are you Brett? Daddy's been talking about you. He said that you could be my papa. Will you be my new papa?" Julian said happily.

Brett looked back at Eddy, who was blushing bright red.

"That depends on you and your dad, Julian. I'd be happy to be your papa, though. It still depends if your dad wants to." Brett answered, kneeling down to ruffle the young boys hair.

The young boy smiled and pulled Brett in a hug. Eddy couldn't help but marvel at the sight. He never knew that Brett was amazing with kids. Eddy and Brett's eyes met. Eddy was still red and Brett looked at him with a soft smile.

Eddy had never seen that smile. He had seen Brett's genuine smile but he had never seen that type. He returns the smile and Brett signaled him to come to the hug. Once they pulled away from the hug, Brett and Julian got to know each other the entire day.

Bedtime arrived and Brett helped Eddy to prepare Julian for bed. Once they did, they tucked him in bed and Eddy kissed him goodnight.

"Brett?" Julian called.

"Yes, Julian?"

"Can you kiss me goodnight, too?"

Brett blushed and looked at Eddy, asking for permission. Eddy nodded and Brett leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight, Julian." Brett and Eddy said in unison.

"Goodnight, dad and papa." He said, closing his eyes.

They left the room and sat on the couch, holding each other tight.

"He loves you already." Eddy said, kissing Brett's cheek.

"I'm glad he does. I mean, I love you and I love him too. It's hard not to, honestly." Brett said, holding Eddy closer to him.

"Stay the night." Eddy said, the tone was between a request and a command. He straddled Brett and allowed their foreheads touch.

"How could I not?" Brett asked, putting his hands on Eddy's waist and kissed him softly. After the kiss, they pulled away and just held each other.

"I swear, Eddy, I swear. I'll marry you someday. You'll have my last name and we'll have more kids. I want to wake up to you and Julian everyday. I hope you'd allow that." Brett said, pulling Eddy closer, if it was possible.

"I'll hold you to that, Brett. I'll hold you to that." Eddy said, burying his head deeper on the crook of Brett's neck.

This was the start of their love and life together. The three of them couldn't be happier.

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