New Scar

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~time skip 1 week back~

Izuku's POV

There will be a drug transaction in a week. Some yakuza and foreigners are meeting up somewhere near Tokyo bay. "Hmmm" I look up to the ceiling. Should I tell the Pro heroes? Doesn't seem too bad. Maybe I'll do this myself, Neutrality could handle it.

~back to the current time ( one week later)~

I wear my black suit and tie that I have designed to be bulletproof (in most areas) light-weight and flexible and my custom gloves. I'm barely six so I didn't have much of a choice. I was gonna have to make it custom. I might as well go all out, right? I use a combination of Toga's quirk and my own modifications to make myself age a bit temporarily.

I bite my lip and taste a metallic taste in my mouth. I age myself to look 18 or 19.

I check the time, '8:48 pm' "I can go early". I arrive at the venue and wait patiently for the trade to begin. The foreigners arrive with 3 times the amount of guards the yakuza had.

"Oh Shit"

I try to leave and call the pro heroes instead.

"There is someone over there"

"Ohhh Shit!"

I guess I don't have a choice. I jump down from where I was hiding and try killing as many as I could. 20 minutes later and I was still fighting. One of my knives broke so I had to start using one of the extras I keep at my thigh. I notice the people doing the deal are still here and I quickly took my revolver that I keep in my suit and activated Snipe's quirk, homing. I shot exactly 12 rounds and the bullets followed their targets and all that was left was the guards.

I can let them go. But I can't let them die either. I tried to capture the ones that weren't fighting. They probably realized that and knew I would need to kill them. The task wasn't too difficult.

I lowered my guard. That was my mistake.

"Shit..." I felt a sharp pain on my side then quickly kick away the man in black that stabbed me.

'That's just fucking great' I can feel the blood dripping from the stab wound, the knife that was used is still protruding from his side.

3rd person POV

He captures the rest of the villains with the exception of killing the few that stood in his way.

Izuku staggers away as he hears civilians coming. He starts running back home since he doesn't have enough stamina to heal his wounds. After a kilometer of running, he finds an alleyway and sits down huffing and gasping for air as he turns back to normal.

A man wearing all black with the exception of his scarf...thing approaches Neutrality(Izuku) in normal state. Izuku was drowsy from blood loss but snapped back when he realized that someone was near. He snapped out of the drowsiness but ran away without thinking he might be followed back or of the trail of blood he left behind.

Izuku soon reached the house he made himself and a wave of relief overcame him. He quickly entered and turned on the lights. 

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