Ice Breaker

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Izuku's POV

I start with my ice breaker even though no one seems to take me seriously.

"I am your homeroom teacher but I am also your Math teacher this term" as I speak, the room is filled with questions from the students.

"How old are you?"

"Is this a joke?"

"How did you become a teacher? You're so young!"

I'll be completely honest. I got kinda annoyed so I subconsciously ended-up slamming my class binder on the desk. Well, it did the job. The class shut-up.

I break the silence in the room as I continue with my ice breaker. "I am not sure if you had noticed but I have put exactly 21 sticky notes in the classroom. 11 are yellow, 7 are orange, and only 3 are red. Again, because I'm your math teacher I have been given permission for this game since there are questions in relation to my subject. You can pick your question and you must answer it in front of the class, on the board correctly. You are not allowed to work together. Finally, to bribe you a little more there are prizes to those who can answer. If you answer a yellow question you can pick one thing from my bag. If you answer an orange one you get to pick one thing from my bag and you get an extra 3 points that you can use to help boost any tests. Lastly, if you answer a red question you get everything an orange question gets but 5 points instead of 3, you are excluded from homework for the week, and you can ask me any personal question. I have been given extra time with you today since I'm new and that's about it. Oh, and also, no calculators."

I noticed mixed reactions when I said the last part but the class seemed generally willing to corporate.

We get started rather quickly. Most were hesitant at first but the soon came around. I'm glad that all of the yellow questions were answered but sadly the same couldn't be said for the orange questions where only 3 were successfully answered. Too bad no one knew the answer for any red questions.

The class passes quickly and I think I have gotten everyone's favor. There were still 5 minutes. Perfect. For the students to trust me and bond with me I have planned for this regardless of the results of the ice breaker. I tell the class to pipe down for I have an announcement.

"I will allow you to ask me one question but you have to decide as a class and within 5 minutes."

The class became even rowdier than before but they eventually came up with a question to ask me. I purposely give them a small amount of time so they wouldn't ask extensive questions. Unsurprisingly, they asked my age and I finally smile attempting to show my teeth... or at least what teeth I had and I answered "I am 6 years old as of the moment" while showing my teeth to attempt to prove it.

They were shocked but didn't seem to have a problem with it since they have witnessed first-hand my knowledge in the mathematical field.

I think I'll do this with every new batch of students. It could be my new trademark.

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