Welcome Party

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3rd person POV

The faculty and staff wanted to give Izuku- 'Midoriya Sensei' a proper welcome now that he doesn't have too much on his plate. At the time, Aizawa and Hizashi were the newest teachers, only being hired at the start of that school year so they were made to invite Izuku.

They both agree and call Izuku over the phone but after 20 miss-calls they begin to worry. They tell Nezu and decide to go to Izuku's house. Izuku gave Nezu a spare key card a few months after they have been acquainted.

The three went to Izuku's house and ring the doorbell. There was no answer.

For the first time, Nezu used the key. As they entered they scanned the area for any possibilities of a possible crime.

They quietly started to search the area; they assigned each other to check different areas of the house. Aizawa went to the kitchen, Yamada went to the bathroom and Nezu went to Izuku's bedroom.

They go to their respective areas. Yamada and Aizawa confirmed that he was not in their areas so that only leaves one last place he could be in the house.

Nezu enters Izuku's room only to find him sleeping ever so soundly. Nezu tries to wake him up but to no avail. Aizawa and Hizashi soon enter the room and are suddenly concerned by Izuku not waking up.

The three soon call for an ambulance and Izuku was taken away not too long after.

The day Izuku was 'found' was a Friday and Izuku woke up on Sunday morning.

Izuku's POV

I wake up to a room full of pro heroes. I slowly sit up only to see them all go towards me. What's happening? And where am I?

I scan the room and realized that I was in the hospital. I'm in the hospital but I don't remember getting hurt. My train of thought was suddenly disrupted by Hi- Present Mic's screaming.

"IZUKUUU what happened?! We found you passed out on your bed and you wouldn't wake up!"

Nezu enters the room; I'm guessing he heard Present Mic's 'peaceful' greeting. I look at him and make eye contact. Nezu and I had a silent agreement.

He tells the room to pipe down and that I had something that I wanted to say.

I speedily start my explanation. "Good morning today must be Sunday right?" everyone looked at me confused but I continue. "The reason I wasn't waking up was because I put myself in something similar to a medically induced coma. I made this neon blue drink which I have named F-227. I won't go too much into detail but it makes me sleep for a week while sustaining my body. One glass-full has a little over 11000 calories. Thanks for worrying about me though; I appreciate the thought."

I look at them only to see their faces transition from worry and confusion to relief and a mixture of laughter and shock.

3rd person POV

The group brushes it off as a misunderstanding. Izuku gets discharged immediately and they go out for the impromptu welcome party.

The party itself was mediocre with some small talk here and there. Although they tried to hide it, Hizashi and Aizawa were lovey-dovey together. Nezu and Izuku talked about the chemical concoctions. The party went from 11 to around 2:30 in the afternoon.

The teachers go home to get ready for tomorrow, back to school. 

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