chapter 8

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Harry and Ginny were very happy together and tried to spend as much time together as possible. However they didn't have much time together.

Ginny had been hanging out with Hermione constantly and Harry had been with Ron.

Ginny and Harry were pretty much the golden couple at Hogwarts, everyone gossiped about them and thought they were just the cutest couple.

Ginny and Harry didn't mind the gossip since the two of them were just happy to be together.

One day after Ginny had finished class, Harry surprised her with her favorite flowers.

Ginny turned to her boyfriend and took the flowers, she then said "They're beautiful Harry".

Ginny then kissed Harry and said "Thank you".

Harry smiled and said "You're welcome".

Ron said "Look I love that you guys are happy, but some of us are still trying to go eat".

Hermione laughed and then said "Don't mind him, y'all are cute".

Ron said "I didn't say they weren't cute together I just said they need to tone it back".

Hermione then shoved him playfully and said "Oh stop it".

Ron cracked a joke and Hermione started laughing.

Harry and Ginny looked at Ron and Hermione and then Ginny whispered "Should we give them a moment alone?".

Harry caught onto her drift and said "Most definitely".

Then the two of them walked away.

Ginny and Harry laughed as they walked away from them and then they went into the Great Hall.

Ginny and Harry sat down to eat lunch and then they saw Ron and Hermione come in and the two of them were still laughing.

Ginny said as Ron and Hermione sat down together "Well you two look cheery".

Hermione said as she looked at Ron briefly before turning back to Ginny "Oh he was just telling jokes that's all".

Ron said "Yeah, they're inside jokes".

Then Ron and Hermione looked at each other before laughing again.

Harry said "What's so funny".

Hermione said between laughs "Oh nothing Harry".

Ginny said "You guys are weird but I love you guys".

Ron said "Aww, don't get all mushy now".

Ginny smiled at him and then pulled Ron and Hermione into a hug.

Harry said "Hey wait for me".

Harry then wrapped his arms around his friends and Ginny.

Ron said "I love you guys".

Ginny and the rest of them said "We love you too Ron".

Later that day after quidditch Ginny and Harry were walking back to the Gryffindor common room after quidditch practice when Harry said three words he had never said before.

"I love you".

Ginny turned around and said "What?".

Harry said as he wrapped his arms around her "I said I love you".

Ginny smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you too Harry".

Ginny then leaned in and kissed him and Harry kissed her back.

The two kissed for a few long moments before breaking apart.

Ginny then hugged him and Harry hugged her back and then kissed her forehead.

Ginny said "I've never been this happy Harry".

Harry said with a smile "You've truly made me the happiest I've ever been in my life".

Ginny pulled back from their long hug and took his hand and said "Then I will continue to make you happy, as long as you'll have me".

Harry then kissed her cheek and said "How did I get so lucky to have an amazing girlfriend like you?".

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