I Think...18

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Be quiet about your goals or Tell everyone about your goal?

 – it simple silly, the more you brag about them the more obstacles you will face to achieve them.

We have heard this statement in many ways, don't tell everyone about your goals, work in quiet and let your the success make the noise, tell everyone about your goals for like-minded people will join your journey. 

What I think about this is that it all depends on how you are looking at your goal. Is it a big goal or a small goal. For example, a big goal could be getting selected for an ivy league college and a small goal can be buying a car (not that expensive dream car).

Now think about this, if you brag about getting a new car, only your family would be interested and a few friends, not the whole world. Unless you are a celebrity, you won't even get a 100 likes on Facebook on a picture of you and your new car out of your 500 friends. Though there would be people who would guide you, on the other hand, manipulate you into buying something useless. 

Now think about coming from a humble middle-class family background, you make an aim to go to Ivy League college for your bachelor degree. You tell this to your parents, grandparents but you would be scared to death if you tell about your goal to your friends and other people. If you have wits to make this announcement, most of the people you know won't pay attention and those who would pay will give you plenty of free advice about dropping the idea of getting into them as they are expensive, you won't cut in, this and that. 

Understand this, your goals are your own, if you are determined enough to achieve them, then it's up to you if you want to keep them to yourself or announce them to the world. If you keep aside your fear while running for your goals, you would surely achieve them.

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