I Think...24

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Pray to God to look after for you in future but seriously pray to him by heart to take care of you in present.

Let us see this from an angle which everyone would feel comfortable to relate. We all believe in the God; however, nobody knows who he is, how does he look like, why he made us, what's our purpose. The one truth which we never ignore is that God or a Creator does exist because we don't know how life started. This belief exists because we don't have an explanation for his existence. Moreover, nobody alive today can tell us how it all started. The prime reason why we pray to God is that we believe, if he is the Creator then he might be seeing us in every moment of our lives.

Therefore, we show gratitude to him every once in a while, doing it subconsciously without giving much thought. What if you started doing it with your full attention and devotion?. It may seem to be a stupid idea; however, our existence is enough to justify his existence. We don't know anything about the actual history of humans, how humans came into existence?. That is why we believe we were created as intelligent animals among the animals alive in the world today.

And That is the reason why I think we should pray to God to look after us in the present and the future.

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