I Think....20

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Do whatever you feel is right at that moment – laugh, cry, ignore and regret it later

This is not a philosophy but a fact and reality of our lives. 

Most people go with the flow of the situation they are in and seldom do they care about what is going to happen just next moment after their action/reaction/etc. When people start caring about what they are saying or their actions become conscious - it is because they have achieved a certain level in their life, in their environment, at which if they react in an unpleasant way or say something foul, the crowd, the friends they have, will start showing disregard towards them. 

Let's say there is person who just topped an entrance exam, he/she would certainly be very conscious about whatever he/she do next - like giving interviews, making new friends, sharing whatever he/she did to achieve this goal. However, if he/she remains conscious at every moment then, he/she would definitely become stressed after a while. This stress further affects your body language, your reactions and even can make you frustated. 

Keeping it simple, not every moment in your life requires conscious thought, sometimes you should just go with the flow and do what you think is right in that moment and keeping the feelings aside, just laugh, cry, ignore or regret it later after the moment passes. 

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