Chapter 33

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"Isn't it such a good day at the zoo?" Evie asked with a big smile on her face. Evie was holding Harry's left hand while he is holding Holly in his right hip.

Mal and Ben were both holding Bellamys hands, while he is trying to do jumps. "Yeah. Clear weather, no drama whatsoever and no evil." Mal said while making their way to see the horses. Holly then wanted to get out of Harry's arms and ran her way to see the horses. Evie put her arm around Harry's waist and he put his arm around her shoulder and just stay there in that position while watching their little girl trying to see the horse and making cute funny faces to it.

" for a second I thought that our parents would literally, come and destroy Auradon." Evie said while holding hands with Harry. " One thing I learned from over here is that. No one is judged by there actions or what they look like. All that matters is how you wanna treat them and how they want to treat you." Harry said and Evie suddenly let go of his hand.

" That's it." Evie said looking directly straight at Harry's eyes. " I can talk to my father into it. I can beg him to try a be good. I can tell him that this...this is a place where people won't judge you or about your actions. Just about how good you treat them to treat you the same way. We can talk him out of this. This could probably work. Right Mal?" Evie said with a very hopeful smile. Mal wasn't really sure but she took a quick glance at Harry and turned around to ben and he nodded.

" Yeah. I guess." Mal said. " Good so can you call fairy godmother and get the wand to unfreeze him." Evie said quickly and Ben was about to say something but got cut off by Evie. " Okay. Good. Thanks bye!" Evie said and speed walk to the limo while trying to get a hold of FG.

Ben and Mal looked at each other for a long time with a blank face. Harry was curious and confused why they are making that face.
" Uhh...Harry. We have something to tell you." Ben said. " We. We sent Hans in a cave down below the castle where no one can enter. It will only open unless he chosen good. We never thought that Evie would make up a plan like that. We just thought she would forget about it and move on with her life." Mal said and Harry just turned and faced Holly playing with Bellamy in a little sand area.

" Okay. Umm...nobody knows that he is gone except for?" Harry said. " fairy godmother." Ben said.
" So is that like the only way?" He asked and he nodded. " okay. Wait?! Evie!?" Harry shouted in fear and shook. He ran as fast as he could to get to the castle. About 30 minutes later he was to tired. Even tho he was so close to the castle, he could see Evie far from a distance just sitting in a bench facing the castle.

Harry ran as fast as he could to get to her. But when he got there, It was to late she already knew about the whole plan. Harry sat down next to her and waited for her to say something.

" You didn't have to keep this away from me. I would understand." Evie said looking at Harry for a few seconds then looking at her hands. "It was for the best. We didn't want you to get upset." Harry said still facing her.

"Well look at me now. There can be another way. I just want to talk to him. I haven't talk to my father for my whole entire life and never even knew him." Evie said with tears in her eyes.
"Here. Come on. Carlos gave us a call saying that we are gonna go to have dinner together. Just us." Harry said and offered her his hand. She looked at him and gave her his hand and got up with one hand on her bump. They both smiled and walked there way to their house. About 15 minutes later they got home and when Evie entered the house she made her way to the sofa and just lay down. She was so tired from all that walking.

Mal's limo pulled up in front of the house and there was knock on the door. Harry answered it and he can see Mal carrying holly on her side. "Hey princess. Come here Bebe. You had a good day with ummm...uhhh aunty Maly?" Harry said to holly and Mal gave him a look. Holly just pointed at the limo and made a shock face which was adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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