The New Student : Part 2

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!


"You're welcome. You're the new student right? Y/N?" The person said. I nodded "Yes, nice to meet you. What is your name?" I asked. The person smiled at me. " Nice to meet you too. My name is Jia Han Yu." I nodded and smiled. "Where are you from? You're not korean right?" He said. "No, I'm from Y/C/N (your country name)" i said. "Wow cool! I'm from China, but i moved to Korea with my friends to audition in JYP Entertainment" he said as he smiled. I widened my eyes "You're going to be a singer? Omg wow!" He laughed a bit and looked at me "Who are you staying with for lunch?" He asked. I shrugged "Alone. I don't know anyone so I'll stay alone." I responded. "Why don't you join me and my friends. I'm sure they like you. And it's much better than staying alone." He told me. "Are you sure they'll like me? I don't want to disturb your lunch time." I said. He shook his head and grabbed my hand and pulled me next to his friends. "Hey guys, she's going to stay with us for lunch time. She is new and she doesn't know anybody so mind if she joins us?" Han Yu told the others. "Not at all." They all said. I smiles and said Thank you. I sat next to one of the boys. He looked at me "Hello, my name is Xin Long. Nice to meet you." I looked at him and smiled "Hello Xin Long, my name is Y/N, nice to meet you too." We both smiles at each other and started eating until they all started introducing themselves. Ming Rui, Ze Yu, Zi Hao and Shu Yang. Omg Shu Yang is so cutee. Lunch time ended and we went back to the lessons. The boring lessons passed and it was time to go home. The thing was that my mom couldn't come for me and i don't actually know the way back to my house. I tried to walk until i heard a voice from behind me. "Y/N! Wait for me" Zi Hao ran to me. "Hey." I said. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked. As i was about to say yes please another voice responded him. "I can take her, you go with the others." I looked to see who it was. Han Yu. Zi Hao just nodded and went back to the others. I looked at him "Thank you. I don't know the way back." He smiled at me and asked for my address. I told him the address and we started walking. ~after 20 mins of walking~ i saw my house and pointed at it. We both went next to my house. "Thank you Han Yu." I thanked him. He smiled and nodded. "See you tomorrow at school right?" He asked me. "Yep! See ya" i said as i waved at him and opened the door. He waved back and walked to his direction. I went in and closed the door and went up to my room. ~After a few minutes~ I received a text message from my mom. 'Sweetie. Tomorrow me and your father have a business trip back to Australia. Do you think you can manage to stay on on your own? Well actually, i know a woman who has a son to look after you. He is your age and you will stay with him for a few weeks.' I blinked. Seriously? Okay he's a boy. Whatever. I wonder who he is.

~End of part 2~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now