The New Student : Part 11

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!

The last thing i heard was Zi Hao calling my name very loudly. Then I couldn't see, neither hear.

~Zi Hao's pov~ i was walking with the boys when i heard some loud  noises. I walked to where the noises were coming and saw y/n on the floor. "Y/n!!!" I ran to her and tried to wake her up. Omg she didn't wake up. I didn't want to go to the school nurse so, someone of school called the ambulance. I didn't want to leave her alone so I went with her. The boys were going to come after. And they will also tell Han Yu.

~Han Yu's pov~ i was there sitting all alone when i heard Ming Rui's voice. I looked at the boys and blinked. "Han Yu! Y/n has got beaten up!" Ming Rui said. I widened my eyes "what?! Where?! Who?!" I said shockingly. "Yeah! She's at the hospital with Zi Hao right now!" Xin Long said. "And who did that?!" I asked. "No time for stupid stuff and let's go! We'll know later!" Ze Yu said as they all began to run out of the school. I followed them as well.

~Y/n's pov~ i was there on the bed feeling like a rock. I moved a bit and the pain couldn't stop. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Where am i? I looked to the side and found Zi Hao. "Zi Hao..?" I told him with a cracked voice. He looked at me and smiled. "Y/n! How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "I feel like a disaster. What happened?" I asked. "You got beaten up. And don't worry i told your parents everything." He said. I smiles and thanked him. After a few minutes, 4 boys came in.. Shu Yang, Ze Yu, Xin Long, and Ming Rui. I smiled at them and then someone else came in. Han Yu... I didn't even look at him.

Zi Hao looked at him and glared. Shu Yang came next to me and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded a bit. Han Yu came next to my bed and looked at Zi Hao. "Who did this?" He asked. Zi Hao looked at him. "Oh now you care? It was your beloved girlfriend. I didn't beat her up after because she ran away and found out that bringing y/n to the hospital was much important than running after that little trash." He said.

Ooo slay tho. I looked at Zi Hao and smiled. "Thank you Zi Hao, I really appreciate." I said. He looked at me and smiled. Han Yu sighed and he didn't know what was he going to do. I was going to move my leg but I couldn't. "Hey uhm..why is my leg stuck?" I asked. "Oh. Because that little garbage broke your leg." Zi Hao said as he turned to me. I widened my eyes and looked at my leg. "Omg.. what am i going to do now? I don't know how to walk with those things." I said. "We'll ask for a wheelchair." Zi Hao said. As the hours went by, they got me the wheelchair and sent me home. I couldn't stay alone tho. "Uhm.. how am I going up to my room and to cook and stuff." I said.

Zi Hao stood up. "I'll look after y-" Han Yu cut Zi Hao's words. "I'll do it."  Zi Hao looked at Han Yu like wth. "Why are you going again?" Zi Hao asked. "I was supposed to look after her, and i will look after her." He said. I wasn't happy at all. Zi Hao nodded and looked at me. "If he messes up, tell me." I nodded and smiled.

We went to my house and i was with Han Yu. I didn't dare to open my mouth. I was there and I didn't know what to do. I'm sure i have about 3-4 weeks like this. Ugh its so stupid. Okay it was getting dark now. Han Yu came in front of me. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I looked at him and shook my head. "What did you eat then?" He asked. I shrugged like nothing. "I know you're hungry. Let me cook something for you." He said, then walked to the kitchen. I was in the living room watching some tv.

After 45mins Han Yu called my name. I went to the kitchen and looked at the food. My favorite.. i thought him how to cook this.. "enjoy" he said as he smiles at me. The wheelchair was as high as the chairs so i just can eat like this. It tastes so good. I ate peacefully.

After i ate, i wanted to go to sleep. I went to the stairs and tried to wake up so I could climb up the stairs. But i fell back in the wheelchair. "Wait. You'll hurt yourself. Let me help you." Han Yu said from behind me. "I'm fine." I told him as i tried to wake up but fell back again. I sighed. "You're not. You can't climb up those stairs. And that's why I'm here. To look after you." He said as he came next to me. And the move he made was unexpected. Wow...

~End of Part 11~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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