The New Student : Part 3

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This story contains trigger warning, harm, sensitive content and a few bad words! If you are uncomfortable with my content please do not read!

None of this happened in reality and this story is not criticizing or labelling anyone, especially idols and names used. This is just a story I wrote from my imagination!


'i know a woman who has a son to look after you. He is your age and you will stay with him for a few weeks.' I blinked. Seriously? Okay he's a boy. Whatever. I wonder who he is. I put my phone on the bedside table and slept for 2 hours.

When i woke up, i heard that my parents are downstairs. I woke up and went to the kitchen. My mom looked at me as she was cooking. "Mom? How will i know who this boy is?" I asked her. "He will come here tomorrow after you finish school. He will be staying with you here. Make sure he'll be staying in the guest room." She replied. I nodded "okay.." Then the food was ready and we had dinner.

After dinner i went to shower and went to bed still thinking about the boy who will be staying at me. After a few minutes i drifted to sleep.

~The Next morning ~ My mom woke me up for school. I did my morning routine and wore my uniform and my mom drove me to school once again. I went in and saw the 6 boys again. Zi Hao came running to me and hugged me. "Good morning!" He told me. I giggled and hugged back "good morning Zi Hao!" We both let go of each other and the others came next to us. "Do you want to stay with us again at lunch time?" Han Yu asked. "Sure, if it's okay to you." I said as i smiled. He smiled as well.

The bell rang and we went to our lessons. And again i was in the middle of Zi Hao and Han Yu. I can feel Han Yu looking at me during the lessons. The lessons passed and it was now lunch time. I walked with Zi Hao and Han Yu next to the others. We sat down and Zi Hao pulled me next to him. He didn't stop talking and asking questions.

After lunch time it was time for more boring lessons. But they passed as well. When we got out of the school, Han Yu told me that he couldn't take me home because he had something to do. I just said it's fine but Zi Hao told me that he will take me.

"Have you ever dated?" He asked. I looked at him while walking "I'm only 16, and no one ever liked me before. I wasn't that popular before at school." I said as i looked down. "I was getting bullied, because I was shy and quiet." I told him. He looked at me while walking "really? Han Yu was like that before back in China."

We arrived at my house and I looked at him, "really?" I asked. He nodded and smiled a bit. "Ah.. okay.. well I'll see you tomorrow Zi Hao. Thank you." I smiled while waving. "See you Y/N." He replied and started to walk away. I opened the door and went to my room.

My parents have already left so I had to do everything myself. Anddd Since the boy that is going to look after me is coming in a few hours, I decided to clean the house a bit.

~After 3 hours~ i took a shower and I heard the door bell. I ran down to the door and opened it. I widened my eyes when i saw the person.. the boy who is going to look after me.. standing right in front of me.. "it's you..?" I asked him.

~End of Part 3~

The New Student - Jia HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now